Arthur x reader wedding

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Hey guys, It's been a hot minute. This is a gift for @VikaMcGarden. The art is by @CCcupcake101. I'm also telling you guys now that I'm going to be gone for about ten days starting this upcoming Sunday. I can't check my notifs because I'm not going to have my computer or my phone because summer camp. But I will start posting once I get back, I promise, so please don't think I'm dead, I'm just going to be gone for a bit. WARNING: Divorce is mentioned in this chapter, so please proceed with caution. Anyways, enjoy!

You smiled as the lady's maid finished the final touches that she and the other three maids helping you get ready had spent hours on. Your wedding was tonight, and you had decided that you wanted it to be a private wedding, which was perfectly ok with your soon to be husband, Arthur Pendragon, the king of Camelot. Your parents had gotten divorced when you were very young, meaning that your mother and father constantly fought over who took custody over you. However, they never really thought of asking you until your mother had married your stepfather, who was a very nice man that treated you as if you were his own daughter. You had been told by him when you were about six that your mother was going to have a baby, which meant that you were going to be a big sister. Your real father was less than pleased, and wanted you to stay with him, telling you that the baby would be the source of their and your problems, but you saw through that. You eventually were handed your younger half brother, who looked a lot like your mother, like you did. The only difference was that instead of (E/C) eyes, he had blue eyes. Once your stepfather asked you to choose which of your parents you would rather stay with, you said him, not liking your father because he usually either ignored you or abused you physically, hitting you and punching you in the stomach. When your parents asked you to choose one of them to stay with, and you told them that you wanted to stay with your mother, your real father was furious.

Your family eventually ended up moving to Camelot. Packing all of your stuff that you owned, which wasn't much. You packed the teapot that your grandmother had told you to keep with you after she died, telling you that you might need it one day. It had the top of it, and was very expensive porcelain as well. It was a floral design that had real gold flakes on it to accentuate the look. It could handle extreme levels of heat and also had a special rock lacquer on it that protected it from breaking. It also gave the teapot a signature shine that you loved very much. You owned the tea shop near the border of Camelot, in the agriculture area of the fields where many different teas were grown by you there and freshly brewed into tea after they were properly mixed. That was how you first met Arthur, when Merlin, his mage, had seen your little cottage and decided to investigate, only to find out that you made herbal teas and pastries that many of the maids talked about before Arthur actually asked one of them for directions and then decided to visit. At the time, you never would have guessed that the ginger male would be the one to marry you in the future. You had invited your stepfather instead of your biological father, wanting him and your mother to meet Arthur instead of your real father.

You and Arthur had agreed on wearing white for your wedding, wanting to look nice for the people that were coming here. A few of your friends were coming as well as, of course, the Seven Deadly Sins, accompanied by Elizabeth, her sisters, and a few Holy Knights from Liones. You gladly sent the invitation to Bartra as well, hoping he would show up with Slader, his guard. In the end, he did, and was given a front row seat to see you and Arthur. He had advised you on the dress you were wearing, telling you that it looked a lot like Caroline Liones' wedding dress when the two of them got married. You internally thanked the old king of Liones for helping you when you only requested that he did. You decided to give him a thoughtful gift later for such good advice. When he walked in to see what you looked like, you decided to speak. "You know, when Meliodas and Elizabeth stop traveling, and you retire, you should become a wedding planner." you said, laughing slightly as you turned to face the male behind you as you put on the necklace one of your closest friends had given you before she passed away from demon attacks. It was a miniature replica of the teapot you owned back at the tea shop. You ran your thumb over the smooth design of the small teapot as you relaxed. "Your parents are here, aren't they?" he asked, causing you to nod your head yes. He then huffed in annoyance. "Bartra, please don't try to get Slader to kill someone tonight, it's the last thing I want to happen." you begged, hoping he would listen. He nodded softly before telling you he would see you walking down the aisle. Meliodas had opted to walk you to the altar, to which you replied with yes. Elizabeth, Margaret, and Veronica were bridesmaids, who gladly helped you with finding a dress with Bartra. You saw the old king sit down next to Gilthunder and Slader, smiling as he waited for you to walk down the aisle. The music started and everyone turned their attention to you, who was walking down the aisle with your stepfather. Arthur smiled nervously at you as you walked down the aisle with Meliodas, his hands shaking slightly as you finally stepped in front of him. He lifted the veil off of your head and then waited for the priest to start. "Do you, Arthur Pendragon, take (Y/N) (L/N) to be your wife?" he asked. "I do," he said. "And do you, (Y/N) (L/N), take Arthur Pendragon to be your husband?" the priest asked. "I do." you answered. You placed the ring on Arthur's finger before holding out your hand for him to put your ring on you. He gently slipped the gold ring onto you, smiling after doing so. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Arthur leaned in and gently placed his lips against yours, smiling after the two of you separated from each other.

It had been about five hours since the two of you had said your vows, and you were now at the Boar Hat celebrating with the guests you had invited. You were leaning against Arthur when your stepfather and your mother came up to you, a smile on his face as he looked at you. "Well guys, I hope you realize that this celebration is about to get even better." you said, getting a chair for your father as your mother got one of her own. "I can't believe that you got Meliodas instead of me to walk you down the aisle." he said, putting a hand against his chest in feigned surprise before engulfing you in a hug. "I'm so happy for the two of you," he said. He then turned his attention to Arthur, who was now very nervous. He then smiled as he spoke. "My name is Randle, nice to meet you." he said, holding his hand out to Arthur for him to shake. He gladly shook it, realizing now what you meant by that he would be treated like family by your parents. "Now then, I do have to ask something if you don't mind." your mother said. Your husband nodded, saying that he could continue. "Should we call you Arthur or Sir Arthur?" he asked, causing the ginger haired male to shake his head before speaking. "Arthur is just fine. You are family after all." he said, causing your stepfather to smile as he looked at you once again. "I see now why my daughter chose to be with you." he said, chuckling before he got up and got something from the refreshments table. Arthur sighed in relief as you spoke to your mother. "So, where is Travis?" you asked, causing someone to tap you on the shoulder to get your attention. When you turned around, you were face to face with your brother. "Travis, you made it!" you exclaimed, introducing your brother to Arthur. The young king smiled as you spoke happily to your brother. Your father returned, carrying a piece of cake for your mother to eat and one for him as well, he then smiled as he saw you talking to Travis.

After a while, the last call was made and the guests started to leave at this point. Meliodas and Elizabeth had told you that they would clean up so that the two of you could get back to the castle and get to sleep. After you thanked your friends for joining you at your wedding, and after walking your parents and brother to their carriage back to their carriage, you both waited until they were gone to go back to the castle. You both changed into your pyjamas after getting your hair down out of the bun that you had it in before. You still had portraits from the artist that had been paid to do one of you and your husband, so the bun wasn't put in your hair for nothing. You sighed as your hair fell out of the bun, the pain of having it in finally dissipating after hours of having it in your hair. You then felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist, and turned around to face your husband before leaning in and gently kissing him on the lips. "Cuddles?" Arthur asked, giving you puppy dog eyes before smiling as you sighed and said yes to his request. The two of you then got into the bed together and faced each other, with Arthur hugging you with his strong arms as he gently peppered your face with kisses. "I love you." he whispered, causing you to smile as you relaxed in his warm embrace. He then rested his head on top of yours as he slowly started to fall asleep. You closed your eyes and gladly fell into the warm embrace of sleep before Arthur fell asleep with you as well, excited for the future ahead of the two of you, and happy he got to have you to go through the future with him.

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