Griamore X Hanahaki! Princess! reader

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Hanahaki is a Japanese belief that whoever is in a onesided relationship will cough up flowers and blood until the disease grows into their lungs, making them die from suffocation

the only way to get rid of the disease is if the other person shows affection to the person with the disease, such as a kiss.

Griamore was one of the few Holy Knights in the kingdom of Liones that you respected. Why? Because he did the same to you. Even though you were a princess, he treated you like an equal. However, you had started to grow feelings for the Holy Knight over the years that the two of you were friends. You knew that you didn't have a chance, but you still hoped that you would be with him. One day, when you got up out of bed, you felt very nauseous, and ran to the bathroom. You vomited and then looked into the toilet to see...

A flower petal.

On the outside, you were usually calm and collected.

That was the exact opposite of you right now.

Tears welled in your (E/C) eyes at the realization of what you had just caught.


You also knew that there was a slim chance of getting rid of the disease that you had.

Just as you were about to start crying again, you heard a knock at the door.

It was Griamore coming to make sure you were up for the day.

When you answered the door, you made sure that there were no signs of you feeling sick so as not to be a bother. When you opened the door after you were dressed, you saw that Griamore was with his friends, Howzer and Gilthunder. You waved to them and then the four of you set off to help Meliodas and the Sins. About ten minutes into walking, Griamore's Father, Dreyfus, walked up to your group and saw you at the back. He made sure to drop to the back after saying hello to the others. When he was beside you, he made sure that you two were out of earshot of the trio of knights. He then asked you if you were feeling alright. Instead of responding with a smile and a yes, you looked at him with tears in your eyes and a scared expression. If you told Dreyfus, he would tell Griamore, and then you would die from this disease for sure. Dreyfus's usually happy expression turned worried in an instant. "Is everything alright Lady (Y/N)?" he asked. You shook your head no and then motioned for him to lean close to you so the conversation would be kept private. "Dreyfus, do you know what Hanahaki is?" you asked. He nodded and then explained it to you. His eyes then widened in realization of why you would ask such a question. He then turned back to you, his eyes wide. "Who is it that gave you this Your Highness?" you silently turned and pointed to Griamore, your arm trying its best not to shake. Dreyfus's eyes softened in realization as he nodded. "Then why not tell him?" he asked. You shook your head. "Because he only sees me as a friend. I don't have a chance." you stated barely above a whisper. Dreyfus then smiled. "You'll never know that for sure unless you tell him Lady (Y/N)." he said, and then left you alone to catch up with the guys. You pondered what you would even say to Griamore if you confessed to him. You suddenly got the urge to vomit and ran the rest of the way to the tavern. Your dress didn't get torn, but your insides sure did. You ran to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. This time, there was blood in the toilet with the petals.

Over the next few weeks, you didn't see many people, especially Griamore. One day, you decided that if you were going to die, it might as well be while going on a nice walk. You set off in your (F/C) dress with your favorite shoes. While you were walking, you got the urge again and ran off into the brush to take care of things. As you were throwing up, someone pulled your hair out of your face and then got a cloth and wiped the blood off your chin. You turned around only to be wrapped in a soft hug. When you separated from the person, you saw that it was Griamore. You backed away slowly and tried to run, but failed as you were grabbed by the wrist. Griamore spun you around and then held you close. "Who made you get Hanahaki (Y/N)?" he then looked into your (E/C) eyes. "We can go to them and you can tell them that you have feelings for them. If they say they aren't interested, then I'll do everything in my power to try to make sure you're comfortable before you-" you held up your hand, effectively silencing him. You motioned for him to lean closer to you. "You would have to go to yourself if you wish for me to get better Griamore, but I know you don't like me as anything other than a friend. To be honest, I hope that whoever you like loves you more than even m-" you were cut off by Griamore's soft lips against yours as he kissed you. You kissed back and then pulled away to look at him. However, you passed out before any words were exchanged.

You woke up in your bedroom and looked around you, your eyes landed on Griamore's sleeping figure in a chair beside your bed, your hand grasped in his. You looked over to your other side and saw Elizabeth had been healing you. When she saw that you were awake, she wrapped you in a hug as tears cascaded down her cheeks. "Why (Y/N), why did you keep this a secret from us? We could have stopped it from getting this bad." you shrugged your shoulders and then tried to go back to sleep. Your efforts were foiled when you saw that Griamore had woken up. He wrapped you in a hug and then leaned close to your ear. "Please forgive me for being so blind all this time to your feelings (Y/N). I'm so sorry." you hugged him back, enjoying this moment with him, even if it was only for a short while.

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