Mael x fairy reader

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Hey guys, this was requested by @KaylaAhlf. I watched the Demon Slayer Mugen Train movie yesterday and let's just say that I sobbed at the end of it. Anyways, enjoy!

You sighed as Gloxinia, your older brother, continued to talk to Drole, his friend. He was allowed to bring you with him to the Light of Grace to officially meet the fourth Archangel, and your boyfriend, Mael. Of course, Gloxinia didn't know that the two of you were together, and nor did Ludociel. To be honest though, Ludociel had a small inkling that you were dating his brother. He could tell by the way he would warmly smile at the mere mention of your name, and how he would always tell others who insulted you while you weren't around to treat you with the dignity and respect you deserved. However, that was going to end today. You were supposed to join Gloxinia and Drole with the Archangels on a mission while your group helped a village get rid of a group of demons near the village. You had beautiful and large (F/C) wings that always drew Mael's attention whenever you would fly around. One day, he asked if he could touch them, albeit shyly because Gloxinia had told him that the wings on a fairy were the most sensitive part of their bodies. You smiled softly once you saw the Light of Grace, the tall white tower stood out against the green of the forest surrounding it. And yet, the colors went together perfectly. You were wearing a dress that was blue with a slightly poofy skirt, with Mael in mind of course. When you saw the Archangels walk over to your group, you bowed respectively as Ludociel walked up to you. "My goodness Gloxinia, your younger sister truly is a sight to behold. Her beauty has to be one of the most divine things I've ever seen." he said, taking his hand into yours as he kissed it before turning to the two waiting kings. Mael was practically fuming at his older brother as the other two nodded in agreement. Gloxinia and Drole both nodded as the seven of you started to fly and run to where the village was.

It had been a long time, but your group had finally taken out the demons. You were heading out to get back to the Light of Grace. Before you could fly away, a little girl grabbed your wrist, startling you before having a flower handed to you by the small child. You took it before putting it in your hair, flying away quickly after your group. Once you got back to the Light of Grace, Gloxinia told you that the two of you and Drole would be staying at the Light of Grace for the week. You nodded before going into the large tower and asking where you would be staying. Nerobasta, the Divine Lance Corporal, told you that you would be staying in the room next to Mael's, causing your face to turn red as you nodded before being guided to your room for the night.

You were setting out your things to wear for the night before you heard a knock on the door. You opened it to see Mael, a bouquet of flowers in his hands before he handed them to you. You smiled, taking the flowers gladly from him before he tilted your chin up and captured your lips in a gentle kiss. However, your little moment was interrupted by the arrival of Gloxinia, who crossed his arms as the two of you made eye contact and he scowled. After Mael separated from you, he noticed the fairy king staring at the two of you, an irk mark on his forehead as he scowled at the two of you. "(Y/N), I swear on anything on this planet that is holy that you're going to be the death of me," he said, walking over as he grabbed a fistfull of Mael's silvery hair and yanked his head down to his eye level. "If you hurt my sister, then I can promise you a slow and painful death. Understand?" he said, glaring at the Sun Grace as he nodded nervously. "Good, glad we've reached an agreement here." he said, floating off to get back to his room. Mael then asked if he could stay in your room for the night. You nodded your head yes before letting him into the room and then closing the door. You then got into the bed and laid down on your side before Mael pulled you close to his chest, burying his face in your hair as he took a deep breath, smiling as your cheeks went red once again. The male then wrapped his large wings around the two of you, as if they were a blanket to keep the two of you warm. You closed your eyes and relaxed, falling asleep soon after in his warm embrace.

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