Hendrickson x goddess reader

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this is a few months after the last chapter in the manga

Potions master Hendrickson was looking for a person that would volunteer for the year to help him teach for the remainder of the year at his school for mages in training. There were a few things he didn't expect from you. One of them was the heaping elephant in the room that you were from the goddess race. On top of that, you were the sister of the Tornado Grace, Sariel. Hendrickson didn't think he was worthy of such assistance. However, when Sariel came up to him a week prior to the day you would be coming with a letter addressed to him, he was confused and kind of scared. Sariel then glared at Hendrickson before setting off to get back to the goddess realm. When he opened the letter, he noticed the elegant handwriting that was on the paper. After he read the paper, he knew what he was to do to prepare for your coming to help him. He then went to his office and proceeded to set up a desk for you to sit at, thanking Merlin for letting him use one of the ones from her office in her lab. Given that you were a goddess, he was going to respect you even more than he would anyone else. He had one chance to make you stay and he didn't want to lose it, so he told his class the next day that you would be coming to help him as an assistant for the remainder of the year and that they were to be on their best behavior. They all nodded in understanding and then sat down in their assigned desks. They had a few minutes of free time before you got there, so they chatted with each other and discussed bets on what race you were and what your gender was. Were you a human, fairy, giant, demon, or goddess? They didn't know. There was only one student who bet that you were a goddess, and that was Prince Lancelot, son of Ban and Elaine. He bet that you were a girl from the goddess race. Everyone else thought he was crazy, but they were all proven wrong as you walked in. you were (Y/H) tall with (H/C), (H/L) hair and (E/C) eyes coupled with four white wings. Everyone turned to Lancelot after looking at you and saw that he was smirking. He held his money bag out and collected the money that the other students bet. He wasn't even supposed to be here, but he was anyways because he had nothing to do that day. After the day was over, Hendrickson was walking back to his quarters when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. However, when he turned around, he saw a box at his feet. He picked it up and saw that there was a bottle inside of it. It was an empty vial with the goddess mark on the cork. He took it back with him and then put it on his desk.

Months passed and Hendrickson was starting to develop feelings for you. He couldn't help it, you were just so pretty and nice to him and he really liked your personality. After a while of consideration, he went to his friend, Dreyfus, for help. After they were done talking, he told all of his students that he wasn't going to give them any tests or homework for the week. They all cheered and then got to working on classwork.

After his shift was over, he waited by the gate for you. He ended his shift at three in the afternoon, so he didn't really have time to do much before dinner. When he saw you walking up to him, he forgot what to say for a minute. He regained his composure just in time to say hello to you. "Hey (Y/N), how are you?" he asked. You told him that you were doing well. After a while of talking, he told you to meet him at the front gates to Liones at six.

When the clock hit six, you were there waiting at the gate when you saw Hendrickson running up to you. He had on casual wear, which was just a sweater, a coat, and some pants given that it was the start of winter. You two set off to the place where Hendrickson was leading you to. When you got there, you saw that there was a candlelit dinner with flowers. "Hendy, what's all this for?" you asked as you took a seat at the small table. Hendrickson pushed in your chair and then took the seat across from you. After the two of you finished eating, Hendrickson took out some small calla lilies and handed them to you. "(Y/N), I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time, but I've really liked you for a long time. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I had to get this off m-" he was silenced by your lips against his own as you kissed him. He returned the kiss and gently wrapped his arms around your waist. He hugged you close as the two of you sat down. He held you to his chest as you slowly fell asleep. He then leaned against one of the soft leaf beds and then contacted Dreyfus through a communication crystal. He told him to tell his students that school was cancelled for tomorrow. Dreyfus said that he would do it and then ended the communication. After a while, he slowly fell asleep against the leaf bed, looking up at the stars.

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