Gloxinia x reader fluffy angst

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This was requested by @Yumemi_smollbean. I hope you like it!

You were never considered what was deemed by society as 'skinny' or 'charismatic' by any standards. You were one of the bigger girls in your friend group, not to mention you were also an introvert. These two things made you have a low esteem and few friends. You were lucky to even have a boyfriend. Gloxinia, the Fairy King no less, was the only person you opened up to other than your close friends. You would always go to him whenever you had a bad day, which seemed to be happening more and more every day, and tell him about your problems. He would always listen and then tell you what the best course of action was to get over the problem. Today was one of those days where you felt truly like you had no one left to live for. You were a fairy with two beautiful (F/C) wings and (H/C) hair as well. When you found Gloxinia, he was talking with one of the other fairies in his court. "Gloxinia, she's always telling you that she has bad days to get to you. Why don't you find a different girl to be with when she's a burden?" she asked, smirking. Gloxinia looked the girl dead in the eyes as he spoke. "She's not a burden, and you should respect (Y/N). She's trying to fit in, and people like you are the reason she feels left out of society. (Y/N) is the only girl I will ever care about, and that's final." he said, scowling at the girl before she backed off. When she left, Gloxinia sensed your presence, and saw you walk towards him. "Hey, (Y/N). How are you-" he saw tears running down your face and ran to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Is everything ok, (Y/N)? Please, talk to me so that I can help." he said. You buried your face in his neck as tears continued to stream down your face. "That girl is right, I am a burden to others. I'm a big whale of a person who isn't pretty at all. There are so many other girls out there that are pretty and funny and nice. Why choose me when you can have something better?" you asked, sobbing. Gloxinia moved to where the two of you were facing each other. He gently cupped your cheek in his hand as he looked at you. He leaned in and kissed you, making you turn bright red. After he separated from you, he pulled you into his lap. "Why would I want something else when I already have the best?" he asked, looking into your (E/C) eyes lovingly. "You're shy around others, sure, and you might not be the skinniest girl out there, but I don't care. In my eyes, I think you're perfect in every way." he said. He pressed his forehead against yours as he continued. "You're so wonderful and you don't even know it, so please," he ran his fingers through your hair. "Please don't say that you're not pretty, or funny, or anything else. I know things can be hard for others, but they will get better with time and care." he said. Gloxinia wrapped his arms around you and held you close, running his fingers through your hair as you started to relax. You laid down against the Fairy King's chest, slowly falling asleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

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