King x reader fluff

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Hey guys, hope you are doing well. This is a reminder to take care of yourselves and also a reminder that your mental health is important. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

You had never really seen many flowers where you lived as a kid, making them a treasure in your eyes. You were walking down the pathways of a forest on the outskirts of Liones with your boyfriend, Harlequin, and saw a magnolia tree with beautiful white magnolia flowers. Your (E/C) eyes widened as you ran up to the tree and started to climb to get a few of the white blossoms when you were picked up by something that lifted you up to a few of the beautiful flowers. You saw that that something was a tree branch, and the person controlling it was your boyfriend. You knew about fairies, and knew of their powers, but you had no idea that Harlequin was a fairy, let alone the fairy king. He revealed his opalescent blue wings to you, making you realize why he smelled so much like a flower garden. According to multiple texts you had read, fairies had their own unique scent, each fairy smelling like a different flower or herb. His long ginger hair blew slightly with the breeze as he let you down from the tree branch. "The reason I wanted to take a walk today so early is because I wanted to show you the Fairy King's Forest. I figured since you loved flowers so much that you might want to see it." he explained, smiling. You took his hand as the two of you walked to the barrier of the Fairy King's Forest. When the barrier opened to let the two of you in, you gasped in awe at the sight of so many flowers, herbs, and trees. The foliage was thick, and wound around many of the large trees' bases. The two of you stepped out into a clearing, only for your eyes to be met with the sight of many fairies flying around and talking to each other. You instinctively latched onto Harlequin's arm, making Gherade notice you behind him. Your boyfriend turned back to you with a soft smile. "You don't need to worry, they already know about you." he said, making you nod before letting go of his arm. Not three seconds later, a few fairies approached you and then turned to your boyfriend. "Fairy King, who is this?" one of them asked. He gestured to you and then spoke. "This is (Y/N), the girl I told you about, remember?" he asked. The fairies' faces lit up as they swarmed around you. "Lady (Y/N), come and see the flowers with us." one of them said, the other fairies around her nodding in agreement. You nodded as they led you to a flower bed and let you sit down. One of the girl fairies spoke to you as you got into a comfortable sitting position. "Lady (Y/N), can I braid your hair?" she asked, making you nod softly as she picked a few of the flowers and got to work, braiding your long (H/C) hair and braiding flowers into it. As she worked with your hair, she asked a few questions. "Are all humans like you, Lady (Y/N)?" she asked, the other fairies watching also listening. You sighed and looked down before you responded. "Unfortunately, the answer is no. Some people have bad intentions, and you never know which humans are nice, and which ones are secretly going against you. However, I'm one of the nice ones, and I assure you that." you said. A few of the fairies near you asked more questions. "What do humans even do in their freetime?" one asked. However, before you could respond, another fairy stepped in. "Puora, I told you to stop being so nosy." she said. Your eyes darted to the fairy that spoke. She had a headpiece that covered one of her eyes, and her hair was done with beads in it. She had a green dress with a yellow-red ombre skirt that was a closed skirt, making her outfit look like a flower bud. You decided to put in your two cents. "It's fine, really, I don't mind." you said, causing the fairy to turn to you. "You say that you're nice, but how do we know you're not lying?" she asked, making a few of the fairies look at her and then at you. "Because, any normal human that was visiting this place would have tried to use the forest to their advantage by now. I'm not like that though. Where I come from, it's a rare occurrence to see even a small patch of wildflowers growing. The humans there used the soil for houses, but I've always loved flowers to be honest." you said. The fairy girl scowled as she spoke to you. "Do you want to know why I'm asking if you're a liar?" she asked. You nodded silently as she continued on with her part of the conversation. "It's because I lost an eye because of a human. Every fairy here knows it, and that's why I will never trust another human again." she said. Your eyes widened in concern as you walked over and hugged the fairy. "I don't care how much you may hate me, but I would never do anything to hurt someone that even looks remotely human, unless their intentions are to hurt someone else." you said. Your boyfriend walked over and cleared his throat, alerting everyone of his presence. "Hey, (Y/N), we have to go," he said. You nodded and bid farewell to the fairies before walking with your boyfriend to the forest edge. "Can you walk home by yourself?" he asked, making you smile and nod. He said goodbye before you started to walk home.

You were about halfway back to Liones and the sun was almost completely under the horizon. You saw a carriage and then saw a few fairies on the back, their wrists chained and their mouths gagged. You got out the necklace that had a hound whistle and called Oslo to help you. When the black hound disappeared from Harlequin's room, he knew you needed help. He went through the portal that Oslo created, not knowing he was followed by Gherade.

When he got to you, he saw you with a knife drawn, ready to strike, until he saw what you were protecting. The unconscious forms of many fairies were on a cart as three people with swords stalked closer to you. Harlequin hid his wings and then used some roots from the surrounding trees to wrap the people up in them. When they saw him, their faces went white with fear as they tried to get out of the thick roots. "They're ironwood roots, the strongest type of wood known. Struggling is pointless against them." he said. He then used the roots to stab the three people until they were dead. Gherade then used plants to lift the limp fairies, much to your surprise and the surprise of your boyfriend. "(Y/N), right?" Gherade asked, making you nod. She looked at you and smiled. "Thank you." she said, causing you to smile as you put the knife back in its sheath. After the fairies were back in the forest, you decided to stay with Harlequin for the night. When the two of you got to his room, he let you get into the bed with him as he laid down and held you close. "Thank you for doing that, (Y/N)." he whispered, making you roll over to face him as you cupped his cheek and kissed him on the lips. "It's nothing. They're your friends, how could I not?" you said, making him smile as he rested his head against your chest and closed his eyes. You heard his breathing slow before closing your eyes and falling asleep as well, tired from a long day.

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