Arthur x blind! reader

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Thought about Arthur today and thought about making a oneshot. Hope you like it!

Since you were young, you were considered an outcast by society. You were told that people with disabilities were considered useless and worthless. Your own mother even hated you enough to sell you to a noble far away from your home when you were only ten. Luckily for you, the noble was kind, and helped you figure out a way to get past the disability in a way. You were blind, so you had a cane with you at all times whenever you went out of the house. The lady that had bought you had told you that she was unable to have children, so she tried to buy children and teach them life skills before they became adults, at which point she would give them some money and a map of Brittania and send them on their way. The lady had told you to call her mother if you wished, and so you did. "Mother?" you asked, grabbing at the air until your hand made contact with her face. You were fifteen now, and had long since forgotten about your past life. She took your hands into hers. "Yes dear? What is it?" she asked. You held up your cane and then asked if you could try to get the items on the shopping list. "Hmm, are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt (Y/N). You are far too precious to me for me to lose you." she said. You nodded your head yes to her as she led you to the door. When you walked outside, you sensed something behind you, and ducked just in time to miss a rock hitting your head. You pointed your cane at the people and turned to them. It was a group of three boys that looked to be your age, probably older. Another rock came at you and you dodged it before taking off and trying to run away. About halfway to the produce market, the boys cornered you in an alleyway. One of them took your cane while the others held you by your arms. The boys holding you still laughed as the third boy started to punch you. He kept throwing punches all over your body before you kicked him between the legs. He doubled over and then scowled at you as you tried to get out of the other boys' grip. You then felt an excruciating pain in your leg and heard the sickening crunch of one of your bones being broken. You screeched in pain and then felt the weight lifted off of your arms as someone picked you up. "It's alright, you're safe now. They ran off when they saw me coming." the voice of Arthur said. You looked in front of you as the boy waved his hand in front of your face. You grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "Wow, you're fast today (Y/N). Here, I'll carry you." he said. The voice of a woman was heard as she spoke to your friend. "Arthur, who is that?" she asked. "Oh, Merlin, this is-" he was interrupted by you. "(Y/N) (L/N). Pleased to meet you." you said, holding out a hand to nothing. Arthur turned around to where you were facing the woman. She took your hand and shook it before she spoke. "Arthur, we have to go, the market's closing soon." the woman, Merlin, said. "But, her leg is broken and she can't see her way home." he said. Merlin hesitated before she spoke. "Fine then, we get the produce and get her home. But after that, it's-" "Back to lessons, I know." he said. You held on tightly to Arthur's neck as he ran with you in his arms. When you got to the produce market, you got out the bag of gold that your mother had given you. You then pointed to a crate that was filled with the produce you needed. The man at the tent waved at you and then saw your state. He told someone at the back to take over and got the produce crate before he waved the money away. You felt the air and put it back in your bag, keeping it safe. "Lucas, good to hear from you again. How was the expedition?" you asked the boy. "It was good. How have things been here?" he asked. You gave him a thumbs up before trying to take the crate from him. However, Lucas kept it firmly grasped in his hands. "Sorry (Y/N), but in the state you're in, you'd be lucky to be able to get yourself home. Besides, I told my dad to handle the tent until I got back." he said. The four of you continued to walk through the aisles of produce tents. After Merlin was done, she turned to the three of you. "Alright, let's get (Y/N) back home before her mother gets worried." she said. The three of you nodded before walking back to your house. The walk was about ten minutes, so you were fine. Arthur rang the doorbell and waited with the three of you as he heard footsteps. "Oh, Arthur, it's good to see you aga-" she stopped when she saw you. "What happened?" she screeched, looking at your leg. Arthur answered for you. "Jack and his friends happened, that's what." he said. Your mother motioned for Lucas to put the crate on the counter in the kitchen as she ran upstairs to get you some cast bandages. She carefully wrapped your leg until you had a cast on. She then nodded to the other three people inside and told them to sit while she helped you get bandaged up. You then were given crutches to use to help you. You were about to protest until you remembered the life you were taken away from. You hugged her tightly as tears cascaded down your face. She then helped you down the stairs and back to your friends. You got them to the door and told your mother to wait inside until you knocked on the door as you spoke to Arthur. Merlin sensed the need to get back to her lab, but walked until she was out of earshot while Lucas ran to get back to the tent. Before Arthur could leave, you grabbed his arm as the urge to tell him how you felt grew stronger. "Arthur, there's something I want to tell you." you said, your gaze locked with his. "Y-yes (Y/N)? What is it?" he asked, slightly concerned. You made sure it was his face that was in front of you and not something else like his cheek. You leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. "I've liked you since the day we met. You were the only one other than my own mother that cared about me in such a way and I wanted you to know that." you said, smiling for the first time in a long time. The red head smiled, leaning in and kissing you on the lips. Your face turned red as he pulled away and told you that he would come visit you tomorrow. You smiled and waved to the male before going to the door. You were about to knock when the door was opened and you fell into your mother's arms. "I saw the entire thing!" she said, making your face go red as you hugged her. "I'm glad that he likes you sweety." she said, hugging you gently. She picked you up and carried you to your room before she put your crutches against the doorframe. "Your crutches are by the door if you need them." she said. You nodded before she closed the door, turning off the light. You were already in your pyjamas, and were also pretty tired. You closed your eyes and fell asleep, happy with the day.

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