Tristan x reader aged up AU

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In this AU, Tristan is about 16 years old and the reader is 15. Hope you enjoy it!

You were walking with your father, Mael, and your uncle, Ludociel, in Liones. Tonight was the peace festival and your father wanted to take you. You walked past countless stalls and shops full of delicacies and games in your (F/C) long sleeve dress coupled with your favorite heels. You weren't really paying attention to the stalls and attractions, you were paying attention to the famous tavern, the Boar Hat. Or, at the moment, the only place where Tristan would be at this time. He was supposed to be working for about another hour before he could leave his shift at the Hat. Your father, Mael, noticed you staring, and nudged you to get your attention. "You ok? You've been looking at that tavern as if it's a prize." he commented. Ludociel's eyes widened as he clued in on what was happening. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, he saw you shooting him a death glare, telling him to keep his mouth shut. Your uncle shut his mouth and nodded, making you smile. "Yeah, it's just that Tristan is going to be working for another hour and I wanted to say hi." you lied. The real reason you wanted to see the prince of Liones is because you wanted to tell him how you felt about him. You knew you didn't have a chance, but you had to at least see if he felt the same. Your father nodded and then handed you a small money purse. "Have fun. You don't have to stick with us, but you can if you want to. Please stay safe though. Your mother will have my head if you get hurt." your father said. You smiled. "Of course. Have fun you two." you said as you set off. When you were gone, the Sun Grace turned to his older brother. "I saw that you wanted to say something to me earlier. What is it?" he asked. "She obviously likes him, now we just have to see if he feels the same." he mumbled. Unfortunately, Mael heard him as his eyes widened. "Who does she like?" he asked. Then it hit him, who did you spend the most time around? Who always asked about you when you couldn't accompany him and the other Archangels to Liones? It was Tristan.

You skipped up to the tavern and opened the door. The place was empty except for Meliodas, Ban, and Tristan, who were busy cleaning up the place. When the three heard the bell, their heads all turned and their eyes all focused on you. Smiles soon twisted onto their faces as they welcomed you. "Hey (Y/N) how've you been?" Tristan asked. "I've been doing well. You?" you questioned. The two of you talked until Tristan was done helping with the cleaning and Meliodas told him that he was free to go. The prince then took your hand and led you to a place that was a little ways away from the festival. He then gestured to a table with some food on it. "The food might be a little cold, but other than that, we can sit if you'd like." he said. He pulled out your chair and then pushed it back in once you sat down. You two talked as you ate and for a while, the two of you were undisturbed. You hadn't realized how much time had passed until you saw that the moon was in the middle of the sky. Your father would be worried if you took much longer. However, unbeknownst to you, your father and your uncle were in the bushes watching. "I have to go Tristan, but it was nice seeing y-" your arm was caught gently but firmly in his grasp as you were spun around by the prince. "Please don't leave yet. I haven't even told you yet." he said. "T-told me what Tristan?" you stuttered. "How about I show you." he said as he tilted your chin up to his and gently pressed his soft lips against yours, making you turn a dark shade of red. When the two of you separated, he took your hand into his. "I know you don't feel the same, but I had to te-" he was cut off as you hugged him. "Of course I feel the same way." you whispered. He smiled. "You're right, we should get back to the festival. Your father might get worried." Tristan said as he intertwined your hands and led you from the table. When the two of you got back to the festival, you played a few games and then got some sweets before your father and uncle found the two of you. Their presence was made known when your father tapped you on the shoulder. "It's time to go (Y/N). It's getting rather late." he said. You nodded and then said goodbye to your now boyfriend. After you were out of earshot, Mael turned on the prince. "If you hurt her, I will ensure that your death is a slow and painful one." he threatened. "Now why would I hurt someone that means more to me than my own life?" Tristan asked, smiling. The Archangel nodded and then walked off and went back to the Goddess realm.

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