Arthur Pendragon x abused reader

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Warning: this contains mentions of abuse. Please don't read if you're not comfortable with this kind of stuff.

Arthur Pendragon was walking around the castle of Camelot when his thoughts wandered to you. He loved your visits and always tried to see you as much as possible. In fact, he had begun to develop feelings for you over the time the two of you had spent together. However, you weren't on the castle grounds today, you were with your boyfriend today. The same man who, unbeknownst to the King of Camelot, abused you on a daily basis and threatened to kill you if you told anyone about it. However, the king had taken notice when you were told to roll up your sleeves for an experiment in Merlin's lab and replied that you were cold even though the weather on that day was very hot. When you came out of her lab the same day with a different shirt, the king was perplexed. However, when he asked Merlin about it, she shook her head and told him that if he wanted answers, he would have to go to you himself. So, Arthur took a horse from the stables late in the afternoon and galloped to visit you. When he got there however, he saw why you always wore long sleeves and never stayed later than absolutely needed. When he looked through the window to your house, he saw your boyfriend with a fire poker pushed to your arm as you screamed in agony. When he stopped stabbing your arms, he then started to yell at you. "You stupid inconsiderate trash! You're nothing but a stain on this world! Can't you see that I'm trying to make you into a better person?!" he screeched. That did it. Arthur went up to the door and banged on it with his fist. When it was answered by your boyfriend, the king's face held a slight hint of malice in his features. "Why if it isn't King Arthur Pendragon. How can I help you, your Majesty?" Arthur looked over your boyfriend's shoulder before he spoke. "I'd like to see (Y/N) please." he responded. Your boyfriend forced a smile before he tried to force the door closed. "I'm sorry, but (Y/N) isn't here today." he lied. However, the king wouldn't have that, and pushed back as he spoke. "Then how come I saw you literally not five minutes ago stabbing her in the arms with a hot fire poker and yelling insults at her. A woman isn't a man's property, it was her decision to date you, not the other way around." he then turned to you. "(Y/N) come on. You're leaving and getting a room in the castle." he said. You whimpered and then walked over to him before you gently took his hand. The king smiled and then led you to the horse that he took before letting you onto the saddle. When he climbed on, he saw your boyfriend try to grab you off. So, Arthur whipped out his sword and pointed it right at your now ex's throat. "I am a king who goes against violence. In fact, I try to avoid unnecessary conflict at all costs. But this," he held up your damaged arm, "this is unacceptable. As king of Camelot, I hereby exile you from my kingdom for abuse of my citizens and furthermore the staff of my castle. You have until sundown to pack your things before the knights kick you out." he said as he rode off with you on his horse. When the two of you got back to the castle, Arthur led you to your new room and helped you unpack the stuff that you took with you. After you two unpacked, Arthur took your hands into his. "(Y/N), there's something I wish to tell you." he said. He looked you in the eyes, a blush evident on his face by the pink covering his cheeks. "I know that you probably think that all men are like that, but they aren't. That being said," he looked down to where his unkempt hair hooded his eyes. "I really like you, and I promise that if you decide to be in a relationship with me, I will never treat you like he did." he looked up and saw that you were crying, tears falling down your cheeks as you hugged him. "Yes, of course I'll date you Arthur. You're the nicest person in the world and I love you." you said. After that, you hugged Arthur and soon fell asleep in his gentle grasp on your new bed.

Sorry it's short as heck, but I hope you enjoyed🥰🥰🥰

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