Hendrickson x reader fluff

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I know, ANOTHER Hendrickson oneshot, but he has literally NO stories or oneshots other than like TWO. Plus, I needed a use for this picture.

You were woken up late one night by a quiet knock at your door. You got up and opened it, only to be met with princess Margaret's beautiful brown eyes. A sigh escaped your lips as you asked her what she was doing at your room this late at night. "Well, my father is asleep, and I can't get past Dreyfus because he's guarding the corridors tonight. Could you maybe..." she started. You held up your hand to stop her. "Let me guess, you want to see Gilthunder." you said. She nodded, a slight pink tint coating her cheeks. "What's in it for me, huh?" you asked, flicking her forehead lightly. "Well, Hendrickson was still awake when I had to go to my room." she said. It was your turn to go red-faced as a blush surfaced on your cheeks. You had been married to the young Holy Knight turned potions teacher for about nine months, and your duties, coupled with his own, usually kept the two of you busy until you were too exhausted to even speak to one another. You sighed again before closing the door and getting dressed in something decent before heading out the door and getting over to the corridor where Gilthunder's room was. When you looked over, you saw that Dreyfus was about to turn the corner, and stopped him. "Hey, Dreyfus, I've got this hall for the night, you go rest." you said, startling him slightly before he nodded and left. You then waited until the former Holy Knight was gone before you knocked on Gilthunder's door. A few minutes later, you heard the door open and out stepped a tired looking Gilthunder, dressed in his sleepwear. "What could you possibly think is important enough to wake me up at almost two in the morning?" he said, yawning. "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that I had to sneak your girlfriend all the way here to see you, idiot." you said. He looked over as you waved the princess over to the two of you. After she was with Gilthunder, you told them that you had to go and then went to the Potions Tower. You knocked quietly on the door before you heard Hendrickson open it. When he saw you, the druid smiled, and invited you in. you sat down in the chair next to his desk and watched as he graded papers. He concentrated so as not to make a mistake before he finished grading the last paper and putting it in the stack of papers. He then turned to you after he cleaned his pen and put it in the cup next to the inkwell, which was now sealed up for the night. He stretched out his arms and beckoned to you to come over to him. You gladly hugged him, resting your head on his shoulder and sighing as he spoke. "Now what on earth are you doing awake at this hour, hm?" he asked. You smiled and kissed him on the forehead. "Margaret wanted to see Gilthunder and told me that you were awake. How could I turn down an offer like that, when I get to see you?" you said. He smiled and hugged you once more. He took your hand into his and then led you back to his room. He was already in his night clothes, so he let you go to your room to get yours before you got back and joined him. He pulled the covers over the two of you and held you close to him, nuzzling your hair and breathing in your soothing scent as he drifted off to sleep. You heard his breathing slow down as you started to nod off before eventually falling asleep in his arms. 

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