Hendrickson x Hanahaki reader

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You looked over at the druid in front of you on his horse. His silvery blue hair flowed in the wind as he rode his stallion. You were seated on a white mare right behind him, the two of you were on an expedition with Dreyfus and Margaret to get Gilthunder back from Vivian. You had been introduced to Dreyfus and Hendrickson by Zaratras. You were from the Goddess race and had been wandering for a while through Istar when you happened to bump into the druid. He was a kind man with a warm smile. You told him that you were homeless, to which he responded that you could travel with him to Liones and he could ask Bartra if you could stay at the castle. You became fast friends with Dreyfus and Hendrickson, and often learned from Hendrickson different techniques of using your magic. You had another magical power, which was necromancy, the ability to raise the dead. You stopped to rest for the night and had to share tents. You opted that you share with Hendrickson, an offer which he accepted before all of you went to sleep for the night, with one of you keeping watch. In the middle of the night, you got nauseous, and went into the bushes to throw up. When you stopped, you saw that there were petals and blood, making you confused before you realized what you had caught.

You had Hanahaki

You knew what caused it, unrequited, or one sided love. You looked fearfully back to the camp before you went back to the tent and went back to sleep. The next day, when you got up to leave and look some more, Dreyfus told Hendrickson that he would drop back to take the rear of the group. He took the rear and saw that you looked very tired from the dark circles under your eyes. You were looking down with tired and fearful eyes before the male put a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, are you ok?" he asked. You shook your head no and then looked up at him with glassy eyes, making him worried. "What's wrong?" he whispered. "Do you know about the disease Hanahaki, Dreyfus?" you asked. He nodded and then looked at you in disbelief. "Who is it that gave it to you, (Y/N)?" he asked. You motioned for him to lean closer before you whispered in his ear. "Hendrickson." you whispered, making the male look at you sympathetically before he spoke. "Then why not tell him how you feel? He's never been in a relationship before, you know." he said. You shook your head softly from side to side. "He doesn't want a relationship right now. This is the worst time for this, and you know why because of Fraudrin." you said. Fraudrin had been in many fights with you in the first Holy War, so Dreyfus had memories of you from back then, when you didn't hide your wings. He also knew that you were Sariel's sister, so Hendrickson finding that out would be pretty surprising for him. The dark haired male nodded and then faced forward.


You had just finished setting up camp for the night when you felt that something was off when Margaret left. You knew the area where your group was, and really well because this was where Ludociel last was before he was sealed. You, Hendrickson, and Dreyfus went to the rocks where Margaret was when you saw a light after the two men got inside. You ran into the shrine and heard Ludociel's deep voice, making you drop to your knees. You knew the Archangel's antics well, so he was going to use whatever advantage he could get his hands on. He turned to you, Hendrickson, and Dreyfus. He hadn't recognized you yet, so he didn't know it was you. After he had stabbed Vivian, countered Zeldris's attack, and turned back to your group, he saw that you were there. "Well now, isn't this a surprise?" he said sarcastically. You scowled at him, eyes dark and tired from sleeplessness. He walked over and tilted your chin up, getting a good look at your face. "Long time no see (Y/N)." he said, making Hendrickson look at you in shock. "You might as well show them what you really are now. After all, they're friends, right?" he asked, a wicked smile twisting onto his new vessel's face. You sighed before letting your wings appear on your back. Your eyes took on the goddess symbol and a sword appeared with armor on your body, complimenting your curves perfectly. You and the group set off to get back to Liones. After Ludociel gave his speech, and after the night party, Hendrickson saw you run off into the rubble that used to be houses. He saw you cough up flowers and thorns, struggling to get back your breath. He was about to go help you when you started to curse yourself. "Why out of all the people I could fall for, why Hendrickson?" you now had tears falling down your face and dark circles under your eyes. A cloth wiped off the blood and two steady arms wrapped around your waist as your head was buried in someone's chest. When you looked up, you saw Hendrickson holding you up in his gentle grasp. He gently pressed his lips against yours before holding you close to him and rocking you in his arms. "How long have you had this?" he asked. You looked up at him and spoke. "Three weeks." you croaked out, massaging your throat before blacking out.

You woke up in one of The Boar Hat's guest rooms. Hendrickson was healing you, the thorns slowly receding and the burning sensation in your throat going away. Elizabeth was helping him by keeping you stable with her magic. After they were done, Elizabeth left the room to give you and Hendrickson some space. "Please wake up." he whispered to you. He hugged you gently so as not to hurt you before you hugged him back. He looked at you and gently pulled you close to him before he fell asleep next to you.

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