Gloxinia x reader modern AU

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Hey guys, this was requested by @HaikyuuSimp2009. Can we all appreciate chibi Gloxinia please? Hope you enjoy!

You got up bright and early to go visit your boyfriend, Gloxinia, who was currently in a lot of trouble with his roommate, Drole, because he snuck out after their agreed curfew. You were the only one who could ever get him to listen, but in all fairness, he snuck out to see you, his girlfriend. Your roommate, (F/N), already knew of the habits your boyfriend had, so she usually just would take a quick look through the door and then let him in. He was one of the worst behaved kids in your highschool, and he didn't much care if he was suspended or put in detention. He didn't smoke or drink though, and you even told him that you would never date him if he did anyways. The teachers sat you behind him in class so that you could tell him to be quiet during the lesson. He would sometimes lean back to where his long crimson hair was on your desk to where you had better access to play with and braid it. No one dared make fun of him for it though, knowing what he could and gladly would do to them if they did.

You got to Gloxinia's apartment and knocked on the door, smiling when Drole opened the door. "Is he awake?" you asked, causing him to nod his head yes. You gave him one of the three drinks you had gotten from the cafe down the street and then made your way over to Gloxinia's room. His room had a nice green wall that he painted flowers and fields on during his free time. He was almost completely done with the walls of his room, and he had a few framed paintings from you on his wall. He was currently on his computer doing the homework, which surprised you to say the least. He almost never did the homework, especially when he wasn't even asked to. "Hey baby." you said, hugging him from behind as he jumped. He then looked up at you and smiled. "Hey, what you got there?" he asked, pointing to the drinks in your hands. You handed him the coffee and then drank your (F/D) and hummed contentedly at the taste. School usually started at 8:30 A.M. and ended at 3:00 P.M. The only time it didn't was on Fridays, when it ended at 2:00 P.M. You looked at the computer he was looking at with a frustrated look on his face. "Hey, mind if I help with the math homework?" you offered, causing him to smile as you sat down in his lap. You looked at the time and saw that it was almost 8:00, so you had over half an hour to help him with what's due in a very short amount of time from now.

Once the two of you got to school, you passed (F/N) in the hall and waved to them, smiling as they wished you luck on the quiz in Mr. Dreyfus' class. He taught history, and it could get boring sometimes, but not when you knew how to make it interesting. Once you sat down behind Gloxinia, you were handed the test and then started immediately, the subject being the Great Depression. You had memorized the outline you studied, so you knew most if not all of the questions. After you finished the test, you gave the test to your teacher and then sat back down as you waited for the bell to ring and for the class to be over.

After the school day ended, you usually just stayed in afterschool to draw in peace, given that (F/N) and her boyfriend were very loud whenever they talked and they also played loud music as well. You were staying in Mr. Ban's classroom. He taught culinary skills, an elective for highschool, and would usually ask you of your opinion on what dishes he should give his classes the next day. You often told him to give them easy dishes to make, like lasagna, but he usually came up with a dish of his own. He had a wife named Elaine and a son named Lancelot, who was in 5th grade this year. The two of them had both met you, so they knew you very well. You felt his gaze on you and looked back to see that he was wondering what you were drawing. "If you're wondering what it is, it's Gloxinia." you said, causing him to nod before he spoke. "I do wonder, why do you date him anyways? He's one of the worst behaved students here, while you behave the best for every teacher here, including my class as well. The only teacher who hates you is Ms. Merlin, but she kinda hates everyone a little." he said, looking at you. "Well, he listens to me whenever I tell him to do something. So maybe I'm there for him to make sure he's set straight, you know?" you said, causing him to nod. He then looked at the clock on his wall. "Alright kid, the school's closing. I'll lock up today anyways, so why don't you get to your place, ok?" he said, causing you to nod. On the way out of the school, you saw Gloxinia arguing with a teacher. The subject? How he acted so well in the classes you were in with him, but not in her class. "Shut it old woman, you're not worth my time anyways!" he yelled, causing her to scowl before reaching into her bag and getting a detention slip. However, before she could start writing, you stepped in. "Excuse me, miss. I apologize for how he acted, but please don't give him detention. Give him another chance, I'm begging you." you asked, causing her to sigh and then turn to your boyfriend. "Thank your little friend here. She saved your permanent record young man." she spat, walking away as you sighed. "Gloxinia, why did you do that? She could have given you a detention." you scolded, causing him to look to the side as he realized that you were upset. "I... I'm sorry (Y/N)." he said, making you scoff. "Then please, stop picking fights with people. It makes no sense." you pleaded, causing him to gently cup your face in his hands as he spoke. "I swear you're adorable when you're angry." he said, causing your cheeks to heat up in a blush as he chuckled and then kissed you on the lips. Your cheeks turned even redder as he separated from you, grabbing your hand as the two of you walked back to his apartment.

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