Meliodas x wife reader

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Hey guys, I once again can't remember who requested this 🥲. Anyways, enjoy!

You sighed as you got ready for the day, slipping on a comfortable (F/C) sweater that your husband, Meliodas, had made for you. It showed a little bit of your chest, but that also happened with a lot of your outfits. He was about a head shorter than you, which worked in your favor because you loved to rest your head on top of his. You were a vampire that was immune to the effects of sunlight, and had been married to Meliodas for over 3,000 years. You walked down the stairs, tired as usual, as a soft smile appeared on your face at the sight of Gilthunder and Howzer with their heads rested on the tabletop. Both of them were asleep, and Gilthunder woke up slightly when you hugged him before you went to where the downstairs bedrooms were so that you could wake Elizabeth and the others up. By this time, Meliodas was awake, and looking for you in the tavern. He saw that Gilthunder was sitting up with a yawn before being shaken slightly by the blonde in front of him, asking where you were. The pink haired knight shrugged his shoulders, telling him that he didn't know where you were. When he found you, you were gently shaking Arthur awake. With a lack of sleep also came dark circles under your beautiful (E/C) eyes that never seemed to go away. You were starting to drift off to sleep while standing, and fell into your husband's waiting arms. You looked up at him, embarrassed, as red dusted your cheeks. You smiled sheepishly before sighing and heading into the bar room. You then sat at one of the tables and fell asleep soon after, glad that at least one had a back to it so that you wouldn't fall over while you were asleep. You drifted off and slept for about an hour, until you were rudely woken up from a dream you were having by Gilthunder shouting his delight about going to Vaziel for the fighting festival. You had practically raised him, Howzer, and Griamore, so when you glared at him, he nodded and looked to the side. You were called mom by most of the others because you babied some of them. "Sorry mom." he mumbled, making you lay your head back down before you fell asleep once more.

A few hours later, Meliodas woke you up and motioned for the door to where you walked and yawned, looking in a small mirror you carried and sighing before putting a hand on your face. You truly didn't deserve your husband, and you knew it too. "Meliodas, do you still think I'm beautiful?" you asked, looking down at him as the two of you walked. He turned back to you and gave you a soft smile before nodding his head yes. For the two of you, all it took was a single glance to know what the other was thinking. He reached up and cupped your face in his hands as he gazed at you lovingly. You were frozen there for a minute before coming back to reality as Hawk called for the two of you to follow. You took Meliodas' hand into yours, looking down to see the two diamond engagement rings that you gave to each other on your wedding day. You then tightened your hold on his hand as the two of you walked to train together.

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