Mael x chubby reader fluffy angst

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Hey guys, this was requested by @Caliana7. Hope you enjoy!

You had once again been getting comments about your body while working at the local cafe where you lived, and once again, you felt like you were to blame, when your body naturally had been chubby since the day you were born. Of course, many women used you as an example for their kids as a way of telling them what not to do with their lives, or they would apparently end up fat and sad, like you. And where did all of these comments lead you? To your bedroom, where you currently sat crying and waiting for your husband, Mael, to get home.

Mael whistled softly and thought of what to make for you for dinner. He remembered when he made some soup for you last night, and how much you loved it as well. He was happy that you enjoyed his cooking, and he was so thankful that you loved him as much as you did. His brother, Ludociel, had told you that he was glad his brother had you for guidance, and that he was more than happy for you to join his family. You were happy that day, and wouldn't stop smiling, as he recalled. He stopped whistling when he heard the sound of your sobs coming from the bedroom, and ran to where you were. He then opened the door and silently cursed whoever did this to you. "Hey, baby, what's wrong? Are you ok?" he asked, concerned, until he saw the all too familiar expression from when you were bullied for your weight. "Another one of those days, huh?" he asked, looking down at you with a slightly melancholy expression. You nodded your head yes and shoved your face further into the pillow. The male gently took the pillow away from you and then picked you up, smiling at you softly before setting you down on his lap. You looked at him with tears still in your eyes and smiled softly as he wiped them away with his thumbs. "You're so pretty, I hate it when you cry, when your eyes get all puffy and red like this. Come here." he beckoned, holding out his arms before smiling when you fell into them. You gladly fell into his embrace, burying your face in his neck. "You smell like pine, have you been around Ludociel today?" you asked, mumbling softly. He smiled and pressed a gentle kiss against your temple. "Yes, actually. I was planning on taking you out tonight to go to the nine day festival not far from here. But, seeing as to the fact that you're obviously not up for it, I say we just stay right here and cuddle. How about that?" he proposed, causing you to laugh slightly. "I'd like that." you said, hugging him tightly. "While we cuddle, I'm going to list all the reasons I love you and everything I love about you." he said, looking down at you. You hummed softly in agreement. "Or, we could just talk, about whatever you want of course, but I find that talking to someone is the best way to get rid of sadness building up inside." he said, gently running his fingers through your hair.

And so you talked. For the rest of the night, you both fell asleep together and spoke softly, comforted by the feeling of being in each others' arms.

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