Gloxinia x hanahaki reader

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Ok ok ok, so I found something similar to Hanahaki and I might write about it in another oneshot but for now I'm going to tell you guys about it. It's a disease called Star Tears, and affects those with unrequited love as well. It makes people's tears form in star shapes, and can only be cured if the person affected tells the one they have feelings for how they feel. If they fail to do this before it's too late, then they will go blind. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the little trivia and enjoy the oneshot!

You were a fairy from the Fairy King's Forest, and had been an advisor to the fairy king, Gloxinia, for over 300 years. He had picked you to be his advisor because he knew that you and Gherade were friends. It had been a while since the two of you met, and you had eventually caught feelings for the male. One morning, you woke up with a sore throat, and went to the bathroom before coughing out flower petals, gloxinia petals to be exact. Your eyes widened in fear, because you knew what you had just caught. Hanahaki, a disease that affected only those with unrequited love. The cure? Telling the person who you had feelings for about your feelings or getting the disease removed surgically. The cost of option two was losing all feelings for that person. You kept coughing before eventually stopping, finally finding the self control to stop coughing. You cleaned up and then walked out the door before heading to the Light of Grace to see the fairy king.

You had been able to keep up the charade for about two weeks, but Gloxinia immediately knew something was off when you were quieter one morning. After a while of pretending not to notice, he put a hand against your shoulder, stopping you. You turned around, confused, when you noticed his concerned expression. "What is it, Gloxinia?" you asked. He sighed. "You've been very quiet today, (Y/N), and I want to know why. Your usually bubbly and talkative personality are gone, and that's not like you to be so quiet." he said. You looked to the side before looking back at him. He waited patiently for you to talk, only to see that you were crying, tears slipping down your cheeks as you started to cough. As a fairy, he was well aware of what diseases had to do with plants. So when he saw the gloxinia petals you were coughing up, his eyes clouded in sympathy. He was jealous to be honest, because someone had already won you over. "Who gave you Hanahaki, (Y/N). I want to know, because i want to congratulate them." you looked up at him in confusion before he spoke. He clenched his fists and looked to the side. "I want to congratulate them for stealing your heart, when I had hoped it would be me who stole it first." he said, looking at you. You were about to lose consciousness from blood loss when you croaked out an answer. "You, I like you." you rasped, making him look at you with red cheeks as he leaned in and kissed you on the lips. You froze up before kissing him back, wrapping your arms around him before the two of you separated from each other. You were about to speak, but passed out before you could.

You woke up in a bedroom and looked around before realizing that it was Gloxinia's bedroom. You looked over and saw Gloxinia holding you close to him as Elizabeth healed you. When she saw you were awake, she shook Gloxinia awake and then engulfed you in a hug with the male. "We were so worried (Y/N). Why didn't you tell us you had this, when we're here for you no matter what happens?" she asked, making you flinch. You were then held against Gloxinia's chest as he told the goddess that you still needed rest. She nodded and sighed before leaving the two of you alone. "Gloxinia I'm-" he held up his hand to silence you. "It's ok, you didn't know how I would react. I'm sorry for not telling you I liked you earlier on, before you caught this. I'm so sorry for making you suffer. Can you ever forgive me for being so blind?" he asked, his honey colored eyes meeting yours as you nodded softly. He smiled before resting his head against your chest and falling asleep. You felt exhausted, and closed your eyes before falling asleep as well.

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