『Chapter 43』

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"Can you still wheel yourself around?" the new therapist said to Felix. "Kinda. If it's just down the hallway I can, but if it's around a corner or through a door then only barely.. It has to be downhill as well. If its uphill I either roll down or fall over." he explained and put his hands on the wheels, giving them a slight push. “Okay. So, how about we practice driving around corners today and target the doors tomorrow?" the doctor said, earning a frown from Felix. "Or what about we switch the two?" same thing again.
"What should we do then? Uh? We have to work on your mobility so you don't have to rely on the others so much!" the older man said and got a bit angry. Seemed like he was already fed up with his new patient. “I wanna practice walking. If I don't practice then I'll never learn it again." Lix explained. "But who wants to walk has to be able to operate a wheelchair. You barely have strength in your arms and legs, you can't start walking immediately. That's not how it works." "But even babies do it! Why can't I then?" "Felix, because you had an accident! When you get better you can try walking, but not ri-" mid sentence, a door swung open, revealing a nurse with a worried face. Lix knew the nurse, she was the one who always prepared him for the treatments. "Felix, we have to tell you something." she said in a shaky but calm voice, entered the room and closed the big door behind her. The boy immediately wheeled away from his startled therapist, straight to where the woman was standing. "Yes? Is something wrong?" he immediately asked and shifted around in the wheelchair. "Lina collapsed earlier today. She isn't too well." He immediately felt large tears rolling down his hot cheeks as his vision started to get blurry. "W-what?! Where is she? Can I see her?" Before the nurse answered, someone grabbed Felix from behind and pressed his thumb almost under his shoulder blade. "You have to finish your therapy session first." the doctor said. "Don't you understand?" the nurse replied instead of him. "It's his fiancé who collapsed! What's more important, your paycheck or that he sees the person who needs him?"

After a short argument, the nurse brought Felix to where Lina was. "Isn't that.. The psych ward?" he asked. "Yes, it is. But don't worry about that and go to her." With that, he went inside. Li was attached to one machine, that measured her heart rate, and one IV. When Lix finally reached her, he grabbed her hand and held it tight. "Hey Li. I'm here now, you don't need to be scared." he said in a deep voice. "I'm so sorry.." Lina whispered. "Why? Because you worried me? No no, don't be sorry." he said and laughed a bit. "But I have to help you..!" "No, it's alright. You're no help if you feel bad yourself. I'm here to help you right now. Come give me a kiss and then you can just relax, Okay?" she shook her head. "I lost.." she whispered and started to cry hysterically. "What did you lose? Don't cry, I'm right here. Tell me what's wrong." "I.. I tried to be there for you. I tried to ignore my depression and my own panic attacks. I tried not to let you know I was skipping meals and stopped studying or doing homework just to be there for you.. But this morning, Hyunjin and Peter confronted me with it. I don't know how they knew, but, they did. It's not like they were rude or demanding, exactly the opposite actually, but.. I don't know, I just felt like something was pushing me to the ground, and the next thing I know is that I wake up here. My thoughts immediately went to you. I didn't want you to worry, or to even know. I finally really understood you. I just wanted to get up and go to you before anyone would notice." Lina explained, while Felix was listening carefully. He didn't want to show her how the story was tearing his heart into little pieces, making it hard to breathe from the immense pressure on his chest. He couldn't move anymore, he was frozen to the spot and suddenly felt cold. No! I'm not going to faint as well! He told himself and looked at his fiance, who looked worried again. "Before you say you should have noticed, no. I was doing everything I could not to show you anything." Lix nodded. That didn't help! He loved her for God's sake! She noticed every single thing about him, whether he was hungry or sleepy or in pain, she knew. But he had failed to see such severe things? How?! "I know.. It's still my fault that you're sick right now. If I wasn't sick you wouldn't have worried about me so much. But, let's just change the topic. Talking about something else always helps me, as you obviously know." "Are you in pain now? Because of me?" Lina said before even answering. "Stop worrying about me!" he kinda yelled at her, because he was definetly getting mad. "It's you who's sick now! I'm here holding your hand and you're worrying about me? Come on! You have to think about yourself! You're in this situation because you always worry about others so much! It's making me miserable that you are miserable! And even more, that you think about me still and think everything is your fault! I'm just gonna go if you keep thinking that way!" be raged at her, his lungs almost starting to burn from it, even if he wasn't too loud. Felix' voice and lungs weren't used to him even slightly raising his voice. “Don't yell.." The girl whispered and started  hiding under her blanket. "I'm just gonna go! Bye!" he said and wheeled out of the room, where he ran into Hyunjin and Peter. Had they heard everything? "Why the fuck would you yell at her?! Don't you know what she's doing for you?!" Sam said, also almost starting to yell. "Of course I do! It's just that because of that, she's miserable now! I love her, but I'm no good for Lina." he wanted to go, but Jisung grabbed a handle on the wheelchair and pulled his friend, whose mind immediately went back to the bullies from only a few weeks ago, back. “Don't think you can leave!" his only one day older friend said. “DON'T TOUCH ME!" Felix yelled back, somehow managed to get out of the other boy's grip and left. He wheeled to an elevator and impatiently waited for it to arrive. Next to him, there was a pregnant woman. She was alone, a hand on her belly and the other on her back, rolling her eyes into her head. “Ma'am are you okay?" he asked, getting a bit worried she might faint. “What? Yeah, just..contractions." “Why aren't you with your husband?" he asked again. “My boyfriend left me when I told him I was pregnant. Hey, young man, don't leave your girlfriend just because she's pregnant, like mine." the stranger advised, making Felix nod. They went into the elevator and continued talking. “What about you?" the woman asked. “I had a car accident in March this year, and now I've been in the hospital without a break for about a month now. And..funny that you told me about your boyfriend, since.. I just had a big fight with my fiance... I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to get over it.." he explained, sounding almost unbothered by it, even if his heart was tearing apart again. “Oh, young man. What did you fight about?" the pregnant woman sighed and asked. “Well, she collapsed because she did some unhealthy stuff, because she tried to take care of me.. I got mad at her, because she kept worrying about me right now, even if I told her to focus on herself and not worry about anyone else. I yelled at her and left. Then outside, I ran into our good friends, who were also mad at me, thinking I don't cherish her enough, even though I do! I'm not sure if they'll forgive me.. At least I wouldn't forgive it.." Lix said, shifting around in his wheelchair, kicking against one of the feet plates again. “You'll overcome it, I'm sure. I'll accompany you. Let's go." she said. The boy pushed the button to go back to the psych ward.

They didn't talk until the door finally opened, bot of them leaving immediately. “Young man, wait a second.." the woman said, leaning against the first wall she saw. “I'm sorry, just..contractions again, haha. Little Felix here is very active right now." Felix? Had she just said his name? "The Baby's name is Felix?" Lix asked when the woman stood straight again. “Yes, little Felix. Let's go, young man." and they did so. Arriving in front of Lina's room, they stopped. “What's your name, ma'am?" he asked. “Oh, I'm Sally." Sally answered. “Well, Sally, I'm a bit scared that my fiance won't forgive me.." the boy said, lowering his head a bit. “Tsch, nonsense! From what I heard, both of your reactions were understandable. And, if she loves you as much as you think, she'll forgive you. Maybe not immediately, but very soon. Don't worry, young man." the pregnant woman said. Both were silent for a moment, until Sally asked something again. “What's your name by the way? I don't just wanna say 'young man'!" she said and laughed. “Oh!"he said, looked up and smiled widely “I'm Felix!" Sally laughed. “So that's why you asked about the name again! You thought I was saying your name." she noticed and laughed again, before tapping Lix on the head. “Now go in and talk to your fiance!" Sally said, making her new 'friend' nod and go inside. Felix started to tramble as soon as he heard multiple male voices coming from the room. When he could finally see around the corner, he saw Hyunjin holding Lina's hand. Holding HER HAND! What was happening? "H-hey.." Lix said and cleared his throat. Sam looked up, scanning his friend from head to toe, almost making him feel uncomfortable. “What do you still want here?" he said in a disgusted tone, narrowing his eyes. “Apologize." Felix strictly replied in a calm voice. “Also.." he continued, wheeling up to the tall Asian boy. “I'm here now. You can stop holding her hand." “Y-yeah Hyunjin, I think it may have been a little too much.." a higher pitched voice, still that of a boy and easily recognizeable to him, said. He looked at Hoshu, who was sitting on the other side of Lina's bed, staring between the two adults in the room. “It's your fault if you leave and somebody else takes her." Hyunjin said and smirked. “No, let go!" Li said this time, only making Lix realise she was awake the whole time. She tried to pull away her hand, which after a short staring contest between the two boys, she did. “I think It'd be better if you go now. I won't yell at her anymore, I promise." Felix said, tensing up a bit when his former friend stood up and walked to his fiance's feet. Before anything happened thouhg, the youngest of the guys jumped up and grabbed his senior's arm. “Go!" he simply said, looking at Hyunjin fearlessly. Lix let out a sigh of relief when the door finally shut close, leaving him and his love alone again.
"I am so, so sorry for everything. I shouldn't have yelled, I shouldn't have left, and I should have listened to your problems, rather than pointing out seeming flaws. I.. I think I have to think a bit like you now." he said and laughed, grabbing his fiancé's hand and kissing it. “Don't be sorry.. Let's just forget about everything that just happened for a moment and bring it up when we've both calmed down again." Lina answered and smiled, loosing up the still tense atmosphere. “I shouldn't have held Hyunjin's hand either, sorry.." "Nah, don't be. If I would've stayed then you would've held mine, it's my fault. And you're holding mine now, that's all that matters, isn't it?" Felix said and smiled at the girl, wiping his hand over her cheek. “How are you princess?" he asked again. “Princess? That's a new one. I'm fine, prince." she swiftly replied, a slight smirk wiping over her face. “ 'Princess', that sounds so cheesy!" "Well. I like cheese, princess. And why is it cheesy? You are my princess, so I'll call you that."

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