『Chapter 42』

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He felt something hard against the back of his head and within a second, everything went black. When he woke up again, someone was shining a flashlight into his right eye, while the left one was still black, like it was closed, but it wasn't. Nothing really hurt, except his head. There even was a kind of humming sound in his ear, what felt like it was drilling through his skull. If Lina was still there with him? He couldn't really see or hear anything, so he wasn't sure. But she probably was, since she never really left him. Finally the other eye seemed to have decided to work again, so Felix' vision widened. But it wasn't a big achievement, since the only thing he saw was a white ceiling his head was facing towards. “Felix can you hear us?" a man asked and the flashlight returned. This time, he closed his eyes and turned away his head, not wanting to be blinded again. “I can.." he simply answered the question. Only a second later, he threw up. It wasn't a lot, but he still made a mess on the floor. “Sorry.." he apologized and placed his head back on the pillow before even attempting to see who was with him. “It's okay. Felix you're going to be put under anesthesia. You broke your knee again, because of the impact of the fall." Fall? When did I fall? Just now? Lix wondered, since he couldn't remember anything about falling lately. “Thanks, I don't want it.." he mumbled while everything became dark again. He'd never really been scared of the dark, but everything was better than just seeing black. "I don't want to leave Li alone..not again.." he quietly said and was surprised that it actually worked. He wasn't passed out after all. He could hear sounds coming from his right, but not the left. He could see silhouettes on his right side, but saw nothing on the left. “We're getting everything ready, Okay Felix?" someone asked and he just grunted as an answer. “What if I stay awake? Or if I don't wake up?" he asked, hoping someone would be there to reply. “Everything will be fine. You've had so many surgeries, nothing will happen during this small one." Lina's voice said, but Lix couldn't locate her anywhere in the room. “I think you're right. Sorry for talking nonsense, honey, haha" he laughed and tried to look around. It made him go dizzy again right away. “Don't spin your head like that, alright?" the girl said and put her hand on his forehead, locking Felix' head in one position. “Holy lord you're pretty." he noted and both laughed. “Can you let go of me? I might throw up soon." Seconds later, Lix could move his head freely again.

Lina POV
It'd been over an hour after Felix had finished the surgery, but the anesthesia seemed to still last. It was horrible to watch. He had feared of not waking up after the surgery..what if that would happen? The doctors also claimed his heart stopped for a really short time during the procedure. But how?! It was a small surgery on his knee, how could the heart be affected? Well, it seemed like everything could go terribly wrong. Lina held her boyfriend's hand the entire time since he, or his body, came back, but it was unlike all the other operations he'd been through. Usually he would start moving, babbling or squeezing her hand about twenty minutes later, but there wasn't even a small sign of anything like that happening. He just laid there, completely still in front of her, like he was a realistic doll she played with as a little child. They were just children. Felix was barely eighteen and Lina  herself only Seventeen. People their ages shouldn't go through stuff like they were. She was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts, because she could swear something moved against her hand. If Felix had woken up? Probably not, since he was still lying on the bed with his eyes closed. He was lying there so perfectly that only another person could've put him in that position. Even though Li hated to admit it, seeing him like that had a slightly calming sense to it. She knew he was sleeping all safe and sound, which meant he was in no pain or discomfort. Nothing was harming or bothering him at the moment. Though she knew that might change immediately after he wakes up. There wasn't a time she could remember her fiance not being in pain. Sure, he didn't always tell her he was in pain, but Lina knew when he was. It had become a gut feeling. Finally, Felix started to move a little and babble. "Li.. What-..." he murmured and huffed a little. “Yeah I'm here, don't worry. Take your time." "I'm sorry.." "Oh no, don't be. You don't know what you're talking about, darling." she said and slightly squeezed her boyfriend's hand slightly. "You're my last hope, Li..." he said causing his girlfriend to laugh. "No, I mean it." he explained once again, trying to make sure Lina got it.
He literally tried breaking through the pain and dizzyness just to say that. It  was hard at the very least, but he felt satisfied once he had made it. “Haha, if you think so." the girl laughed and held her boyfriend's hand a little tighter, seemingly trying to keep him from falling asleep again.

His Last Hope | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now