「Chapter 33」

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Maybe there's someone inside? Felix thought as he wheeled up to a big wooden door. The dance room. There were three voices coming out of it, speaking a foreign language. He knew all of these voices. One was Changbin, one Hyunjin, but he couldn't seem to find the owner of the third one. He figured that it was probably Minho, since it definetly wasn't Jisung. The boy managed to open the door, wheeling through it. Now he saw that Chris was the unknown voice. But what was he doing there? He wasn't a student at this school. "Felix! Wait, I'll help you." Hyunjin happily said and pulled his friend through the door into the room. All of them were really happy to see each other. "Hey man, good to see you." Chris aka Chan said and bro hugged his friend. "So what are you up to?" "Well, we were actually trying to make some choreography for fun, but we kinda drifted off." "Okay, I think I can help you. Can I see what you have so far?" They nodded and Changbin turned on the music. Felix carefully watched these three. If he couldn't be a dancer anymore, maybe he could be a dance tutor! "Okay guys" he said once they were done "it looks pretty good so far, but on that 'knees' part, instead of hitting your knees, you could pull one up, how about it?" he suggested, but all three boys did a different thing. Felix tried to explain it to them multiple times, but they seemed to not get what he wanted from them. He sighed, wheeled over to one of the bars and pulled himself up. “Look, I meant it like this." he explained and did the move he had in mind by raising his left knee and kicking the air. He struggled, almost falling down the moment he let the bar go with his left hand and moved his leg. Even this small movement was exhausting, but he seemed to get so lost in the moves, that he tried to copy the whole choreography. Until he abruptly couldn't keep himself on his feet and just fell down. "Are you okay?" Changbin asked as soon as he hit the ground, but Felix just smiled and nodded. Then he laughed. "What's so funny now?" Chris said, raising one of his eyebrows. "Didn't you see it? I danced! And better than you!" Lix teased and punched the ground with his hand, not being able to stop laughing. After all of them had a good round of laughter, the boy pulled himself up again. “Am I taller than you? Oh, no, Sam's taller. But Changbin is shorter than me! Haha, told you." Felix teased, looking back and forth between Sam and Changbin. He brought up some courage, let go of the bars again and waited for what would happen next. His legs moved almost automatically, making him take two steps towards Chris. “You really walk like a little baby, don't you?" his friend said and stretched out his arms for Lix to grab and hold onto. “Can you carefully lower me to the ground, please?" Felix asked and held Chris' arm a bit harder, slowly letting his legs give in and making him hover down to the ground. "Is that fine?" "Yeah, it's alright. If you could just pull me up by a few millimeters again, so I don't crumble my leg?" He did so and Felix arrived safely on the ground. The young man pulled out his phone, checking for any messages. Since there were none, he switched to the 'dance' folder, which was full of, you guessed it, videos of him dancing. “If you want to see what really good dancing looks like, watch carefully." he teased, the other three boys grouping up behind him and getting absorbed into the video. It was hard and fum watching the videos like that. Hard because he was aware that he won't dance like that ever again, but happy that he could do it once. He realised that him and the guy in the video were the same person. It was him that could dance like crazy, not giving a f*ck if some of the moves looked off sometimes. "I've seen this before." Sam said "Ryan or Lina, I don't remember, showed it to me." Changbin leaned over Felix, turning off the phone and then sitting up straight again. “I wanna learn to dance like that!" the a bit depressed looking boy shouted and threw himself on top of his disabled friend. He felt like his hips buckled out immediately, hurting him like crazy that a full grown person was on his back. But he didn't want to push the korean away. “Felix, that isn't meant to sound weird, but you're really comfortable." all of them started laughing. “Good job with not trying to make it sound weird." Chris teased and also joined this really weird hug, only torturing their youngest more and more. He somehow managed to turn around, letting everyone, now including Sam, lie onto his belly. “Can the one guy who needs the wheelchair please not be the one you're crushing?" he begged, attempting to push off the three men. He felt like all the joints in his lower body were twisted, or at least pointing the other way. “Please get off or I'll break something that's probably my spine." With that all three boys finally released Felix from the weight on top of his body, surprisingly though, the pain didn't fully disappear. “Great!" he sarcastically said “Now I'm in constant pain again all thanks to my 'friends' here." They just laughed, immediately forgetting about it.

His Last Hope | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now