Chapter 36- Fixed

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No! No! This was my last chance!

I stood outside of EJ's door knocking out n it frantically. He opened it with a groan and I rushed inside pulling him back in with me. I slammed the door and locked it just as Masky reached it, he started pounding on it frustrated.

"What did you do?" He asked bluntly as I hid behind him clinging to his arm.

"This guy has got major anger issues!" I tell him frantically as the banging on the door continued.

"What did you do?" He repeated.

"I just tripped!" I tell him "and spilt some...maybe a lot of water on him..."

"How come hes this angry about water?" He turned to look at me, although I could barely recognise due to how dark his room was.

"Because Ben insulted him saying something related to the water and he thinks I was in on it with Ben like we had planned the whole thing to insult him but I had nothing to do with it"

" really had nothing to do with it?" He questioned once more.

"No! But...I admit it was kind of funny" I try to suppress my grin. EJ swiftly placed his hand over my mouth to stop me from my rambling

"I got her Masky" Jack called out making my eyes widen. He suddenly holds me against him, wrapping his other arm around me to keep me secured.

"You traitor!" I yelled as he pulled his hand away.

"I'll deal with her, deal with Ben" He suggested, his voice was still blunt but I could hear the humour laced underneath.

"Thanks Jack" he replied stomping away.

He released his grip on me and as soon as I moved an inch ready to bolt for the door he chased after me and smacks his hand on it so I couldn't open it.
"He's gone isn't he?" EJ looked down at me "you're welcome"

"If you were pretending then why all the fuss of holding me captive?" I complain

"Your reaction needed to be believable" he answered as if it was the most obvious thing.
I let out a sigh of relief knowing my ass wasn't going to be beaten today.

"Why is it so dark in here anyway? It's midday"

"I'm ironically more sensitive to the light than the others"

"Ironically?" I ask confused.

"It's hard to explain"

"You know by now I'm trying to accept you guys as you do for me but I need to know all about you for me to be able to accept it"

"We'll take it one step at a time then..." he sighed.

He went over to turn on his lamp which only emitted a low glow. He took off his mask and turned to face me as he held it firmly in his hand.
I look up at him and I couldn't help but gasp horrified, it isn't what I was expecting at all!
He had no eyes, just empty dark sockets and his teeth! He looks like a demon!

"You...but..." I could barely speak. The world around me went swayed into darkness as I fell limp and began to fall, before I could make an impact a pair of firm arms catch me before I lose my consciousness.


It was as if my eyes were stuck shut, I couldn't open them. I felt a hand gently caress mine as I felt weight next to me on the bed.
With enough strength I slowly open my eyes only to only see darkness again.

"Are you okay?" He asked me bluntly yet I could hear the concern hidden behind it. With his voice being slightly muffled I could tell his mask was back on.

"No!" I sit up in an instant finding his hands as I held them tightly. "It's just wasn't at all why I was expecting!"
'That was so rude and embarrassing! Why the hell did I have to pass out like that?!'

"You don't need to explain Sally I told you, you weren't ready" he seemed understanding, but he was wrong.

"I meant what I said wouldn't lie to you, i didn't pass out because I was scared. Honestly was just shock, it just wasn't what I was expecting but now I've seen you I and I can grasp it"

I get up from the bed and stand up in front of him.

"You don't need to keep rambling Sally. I don't care enough to take offence." His voice was blunt.

"I told you I'm not scared Jack"

He immediately stood up towering over me, he backed me up against the wall caging me in.

"Can you stand there and treat me like a normal person knowing what's underneath the mask?"

"I told you I don't care!" I retaliate "how can I convince you?"

"You can't" I flinch from the unexpected noise of his mask hitting the floor. The darkness of the room stopped me from being able to see his face, but I didn't need to see it again, it was already burned into my mind like a permanent picture.

"EJ you're my friend and I will always treat you as such, there is nothing you can do to push me away other than literally killing me or everyone voting on me to leave"
'how can I convince him'

I did the first thing that came to my mind to show that I wasn't put off by his appearance. I grab his face pulling him down to my level and kiss him on the cheek.
My hands couldn't help but linger for a second before I let go and he stood up straight again.
I could tell he was still looking at me with his blank expression but he was silenced for a moment.

"See? If I can kiss you then I'm not as repulsed as you think I am"

"Why did you do that?" He asked me bluntly

"To prove a point" I tell him

"Don't do that" he warns me "remember I told you we were taking it one step at a time, you don't know everything yet"

"I just want to care about you EJ, I don't know why you're trying to protect me from yourself"

"Im a monster Sally. That's what I was made into and it's the reputation I'll live with"

I stood there for a moment before I decided to give him what I was best in that moment. I wrap my arms around him into a hug in an attempt to comfort him. His arms stayed by his side as he just looked down returning to his blunt self.

"How can you be a monster? You've been so kind to me" I assure him keeping my hold on him tight. His hand lightly rested upon my upper arm "Whatever else I end up finding about you I promise it won't make me think of you as a monster"

He couldn't help but let out a small huff "go on" I could barely see him gesturing to the door "Masky will have moved on now"

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