Chapter 25- Fixed

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I let out a sigh as I walked down my street wanting to see my house and I began pondering to myself about what me and Masky did.

I naturally turn my head to the sound of a car door slamming shut as it took me out of my thoughts, I saw a man standing there holding a few shopping bags.

"Mr.Gibbs?" I ask shocked.
'he lives on the same street as me? And i've only seen him now?!'

"Ah, Sally! it's good to see you I'm glad you're holding up okay" he chuckled as he tried to hold up the bags in his arms

I stood silent looking at him in disbelief

"Now that you're here actually-" I began walking up to him with a frown "-I wanted to talk about your English paper, it wasn't really up to the standards of-"

I cut him off as I bawled up my fist and swung it into his nose.

"ARGH!" He groaned in pain dropping the bags onto the drive. I stood back feeling the pain radiating in my fist 

"What the fuck Sally?!" He instinctively yelled in pain as he held his hand over his nose.

"What the fuck me?! No what the fuck to you!" I argued full of anger. "You ditched me at the bar you asshole! And then you proceed to try and give me shit about my English paper like nothing even happened?!"

"Hey! don't use that tone and language with me! I'm still your teacher!" He tried to approach me but I back up onto the pavement.

"Fuck you! You shouldn't even be a teacher! I have every right to be pissed! I was in danger!"

"What danger?" His tone now began to shroud in concern. "You look okay"

"I passed out in the building! I stumbled my way out of there hours after you left because my drink was spiked! I was lucky enough that my friends came along! Otherwise it would be a completely different story!"

"Sally... I'm so sorry I can-"

"No! Forget it!" I begin to walk away "just drop everything! Leave me alone!"

"But I can try and make it-"

"No! No more! Just don't fucking talk to me!" I yell as i continue to walk away "stupid asshole..." I mumble making sure he can hear.

I decided to head back to the cabin wanting to sleep my troubles away.
'Has all that happened...even really happened? Do those people in that cabin actually exist? Did I really just yell at my teacher for being ditched at a bar? Nothing in my life is making sense!'

After an aching walk I finally got back and immediately headed straight to Liu's room.
I felt a little more relieved now that I could finally lie down in bed and just not move.

I heard a small grunt as if someone cleared their throat, I flinch turning around to see Liu in the doorway.

"Liu?" I ask surprised, I wasn't expecting him to be here. He didn't say anything but he continued to look at me, he held a troubled look through his brows, his worn, lean eyes staring right through mine.

He began to walk towards me not breaking eye contact

Before I could say anything else he wrapped his arms around my shoulders as he pulled me into a hug.

"Jesus...what are you doing back early? You scared the shit out of me" I confess

"I'm sorry for scaring you, I had to come back Jeff was driving me insane... are you okay?" He placed his fingers over the bruise on my neck and It felt sore to his touch.

"I'm fine" I pull away placing my hand over the bruise "It's nothing to worry about I promise I'm okay"

"Are you sure? You can tell me" he assured

"I'm sure. It was just an accident" I look up at him, he glanced down at me and his face had softened as his arms loosened. "But what happened with you and Jeff?"

"A fight that shouldn't have happened" he sighed "we got on to some sensitive topics doesn't matter" he looked forward resting his chin on my head as I leaned back into his chest

"Is everything okay between you guys?" I ask him a little worried

"...I don't know" was all he could mutter "but it's not going to get better anytime soon"

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