Chapter 44- Fixed

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EJ carried Sally's limp body inside and placed her gently on the dining table.
"Go get my shit from upstairs." Jack demanded, there was a hint of desperation.

Masky kept his grip tight on a badly beaten Jane.

"Is skittle going to be okay?" Sally asked worriedly.

"She's losing too much blood!" Liu exclaimed.

Toby returned with everything Jack needed, they lined up the dining chairs next to Jack as they laid the equipment out on them.

"You guys are going to have to leave us alone" Jack mentioned as he did his best to keep her stable

"We're not leaving you asshole" Masky replied defensively

"Hoodie I'll need your help" Ej ignored everyone else as Hoodie stood next to him.

"Jack!" Jeff yelled

"We need to do this now! If you don't leave we could mess up! We need the space, time and privacy! Go!" He lost his temper shouting at them.

Sally clung to Jeff's leg and Liu picked her up wiping her tears

"Wait upstairs." Hoodie affirmed sternly "you have no choice"

Concerned looks were plastered all over their faces

"Masky take Jane into the basement" Hoodie glanced towards his friend behind him holding Jane.

"I promised to protect her!" Masky snapped

"Just do it!" Hoodie demanded "sulking won't help!

Masky shoved Jane into the basement with him despite the pain he felt turning his back on her

They began to take off her upper clothing, leaving her skin exposed to the chilling air.
"We need to focus on this wound at the front" Jack stated "the back is okay Jane was careful where to hit the first's the wound in her front we need to focus on"

"Are you sure you can do this without slender man?" Hoodie questioned with a blank yet stern stare as he took off his cloth mask and pulled down his hood.

"I don't know...that's why I need you" Jack admitted, he took off his mask and proceeded to wrap a bandages around his head, he covered his eyes so if they were to leak the black substance then it would be absorbed instead of possibly dripping onto her.

"Okay...we need to be careful but quick, remember Jack" Hoodie began "she isn't one of us...she's weaker and vulnerable"

"I don't think I can-"

"Hey" hoodie assured sternly "She's family. You've got this."

Jack exhaled as he picked up the sharp tool that he needed.


"You fucking lunatic!" Jane gritted as Masky clicked in the cuffs and then stood back taking in the sight.

"Shut your wining will you?" Masky scolded as he sat at the bottom of the concrete stairs.

"Why didn't you just kill me?" She spat tugging against the chains.

"You don't deserve that luxury" Masky replied as he pulled out a cigarette.

"Like you deserve any better" Jane scoffed

"I never said I did" Masky leant his arms on his knees as he lit his cigarette, he angled his mask just exposing his lips.

"You seemed pretty angry up there" she smirked, her mask was torn from her face and she looked directly at Masky trying to push his buttons.

"Yeah I was" he went along with her wittiness as he inhaled the smoke.

"For someone who hated her seem to care a lot about her now" she continued "who would've thought a 'normie' made you just as weak and pathetic as her"

"I'm not weak!" Masky stood up "...and neither is Sally" He walked towards her.
"You better hope she survives" He knelt down as pushed his lit cigarette into her wounded shoulder making her shriek in pain.  "because you won't get your sweet relief of death otherwise..." he gritted


"Jack..." hoodie spoke trying to get his attention
"Jack!" He spoke louder, but the ringing in Jack's mind was too loud as he felt himself wanting to rip her apart.

"HEY!" Hoodie raised his voice snapping Jack out of his daze. He looked at hoodie catching his breath

"Snap out of it!" he did his best to keep him focused "we're almost done"


"So what made you guys take a liking to her anyway?" Jane muttered as Masky stood in front of her.

"She gave us a chance" Was all he replied with.

"Gross...Do you love her?" She mocked.
Masky grunted as he picked up his crowbar and let it rest on his shoulder.

"Is there a problem if I do?" He gritted as he towered over her.

"Hey I'm just saying" she smirked "some of the others might be feeling the same way, but what about Sally? You creatures only think about yourselves"

"It's different now" Masky countered
"otherwise Jack and hoodie wouldn't be trying to save her life"

"Ask yourself this Tim" she sung knowing she struck a nerve within him calling him by his name "would she even feel attracted to a freak like you or any of the others for that fact?"


"What do we do now?" Hoodie asked as Jack placed a blanket over Sally to keep her warm and covered.

"Her breathing is stable...we've stopped the bleeding...lowered the risk of infection...we just have to let her rest...she'll be sleeping for a while, we'll have to wake her up to feed her and give her water" Jack informed

"Right, you should take her to her bed and I'll tell the others" hoodie suggested. Jack nodded in agreement and as he carefully lifted her body Masky came out of the basement. He and Jack exchanged glances as he took her upstairs

"How'd it go?" Masky asked hoodie as they were now alone

"Good...for now. We just have to keep an eye on her" he replied folding his arms "...Jane?"

"A bitch. As usual" Masky sighed "but she isn't getting out any time soon"

"She got under your skin didn't she?" Hoodie asked noticing his tone.

"A little, but when has she not?" Masky walked past hoodie. He quickly tugged on maskys sleeve turning him to face him

"What did she say?" Hoodie asked him

"Nothing as far as I know, I barely paid attention"
hoodie frowned as he saw through his act.

"She talked about Sally?"

All masky could do was glance away.

"It's okay to actually care about someone for once, we all do" hoodie lightly shook his head.

"Fuck that" Masky denied

"Why don't you just see her when she wakes up?"

"" he tucked his hands into his pockets and headed out the door

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