Chapter 26- Fixed

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The day had passed and it was already the next.
I was at college and I sat on a bench outside.
I could see my breath in the cold air and I heard a small chirp of a bird every now and then. The trees looked beautiful with the suns rays cutting through their branches.
This is exactly what I needed...this is so peaceful.

"262!" I heard somebody call.

'But then he shows up' I frowned.

I lean up looking behind me to see Liam jogging towards me, he effortlessly hopped over the bench and sat next to me without wasting a second.

"256" I greet leaning back trying to relax again

"I hope you've finally come to your senses@

"About what?" I ask

"Helping me get those people or maybe that figure"

"I've told you no already what makes you think I'll change my mind now?" I lean up sitting straight.

"Because yesterday I saw something else!" I take the folder that he offered from his hands and flicked through until I found a sheet of paper that once again made me feel like my insides had collapsed.

"It's a photo" he told me as I pulled it from it's slot. It was a picture of Toby...dragging a body. "No drawing. Nothing made up. Just hardcore evidence! He was stuttering and twitching, talking to himself and covered in blood! It freaked me the fuck out I got out as soon as I could! I've got more sketches at home if you want to come over and see"

It made me sick, reminding me of the kind of men they really are.
Despite their looks, the fact that they murder still manages to slip my mind as i've never seen them do it... except for Masky when he protected me.
"If that doesn't scream guilty I don't know what does. Surely with this you'll think differently!"

"Are you insane?!" I stood up grabbing my bag "this changed nothing! If anything you've just made it perfectly clear why saying no was the right thing"

"Sally- wait!" He got up and hurried in front of me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you off so much"

"Yeah well leave me out of it" I felt my eyes roll in annoyance.

"Okay-" he blocked me once more from leaving "how about you come over but we hang out like normal friends for once?"

I stood thinking about it for a moment.
'It wouldn't hurt to see these other sketches he mentioned. It's worth seeing how much he knows.

"No talking about the creepy men in the woods?" I question folding my arms.

"I cross my heart" he gave a smile.

"Fine I'll come by later" I tell him as he finally let me go.


After college I went home and changed my clothes for when I had to go see Liam.
I headed to the front door, preparing myself to push through it.

"Hey" I heard a voice greet me.

"Hey" I greet hoodie as he began walking beside me.

"Where are you off to?" He questioned as his gloved hands rested in his hoodie pockets.

"To that 'stupid college kid's' house. He's still on this stupid hunt and I just wanted a brief idea on how much he actually knows. What about you?"

"Picking up prescriptions" his voice was just usual stoic self. "Does he know you're tied with us?"

"What? No" I assure him "I've been turning him down every chance I get. He just never stops talking about it, it's why I want to check in the first place, there's something off with him"

"Well keep me updated on what you find" he told me.

"You think it's important now?" I ask him cockily.

"No but it's best I still keep my eye out" he nudged me before we went our separate ways.

After wondering through the streets for a good 20 minutes I finally found the house that matched the address in my phone.
I walk up the pathway and knock on the front door.

I heard shuffling around inside before the door opened to reveal Liam.
"Good to see you! Come in" he gestured as he stepped aside.

"Thanks" I mumble taking a glance around his living room.

"Would you like a drink or something?" He asked me shutting the door.

"No, thank you" I answer

"Okay, then let's go upstairs" he offered heading towards the staircase as he led me with him.

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