Chapter 54- Fixed

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I sat back down on the log and hoodie sat beside me.
"I found masky" he told me with his monotone voice.

"Oh...Do you know why he was mad?"

He inhaled taking a breath and letting it go steadily, I saw his breath going through his mask and travel into the cold air.
"I don't. Usually he'd tell me but this time he was stubborn, it's best we just let him get on with it"

"Xx You're like slendermans right hand man aren't you?" I ask.

"Mhm why?" He turned his head to me

"He offered me to be like you"

"Yeah I kind of already knew that..."

"I told him I'd think about it...but I don't think I'm actually going to do's not who I am"

"He doesn't just ask anyone this... he can see it. Whether it's now or ten years...if your parents dying... your teacher...Liam... or meeting us wasn't your reason to become like us then I'm not looking forward to the trauma that will"

"Yeah" I huff "me neither. I bet £10 it'll be another death that does it"

"Are you really making a joke right now?" He questioned

"If I don't laugh hoodie I'll cry" I shrugged. 

"Alright, I'll take that action" he agreed on the bet and we shook hands
I fold my arms and hug myself hoping to stay warm.

"When I first got here...I hated it...I hated every second of it" I couldn't help but smile  Liu wasn't the person I thought he was...but he pulled me out into his path to save guys only went along with it for him but now you actually choose to save me because you want to..."

"So what's your point?"

"I don't know..."

We both sat in silence for a moment.

"You speak to much" hoodie mumbled as he stood up

"Thank you for listening to me ramble, it was nice... you're very level headed"

"I gotta be" he tells me as the wind started to pick up "come on I'll take you home..."


We both got home and everyone was in the living room, including Liu who had rushed up to me.
"Listen Sally I don't know what you found out but I-"

"He's dead, I don't know how it happened and I couldn't care less" I told him "yes I feel weird about it but nothings actually changed"

I decided to head up stairs and sat on my mattress trying to remember life with my parents before everything that happened.
'I don't care...I don'" I thought as my eyes began to sting with tears


I stir awake to see the night sky out of my window.
I ended up falling asleep, Sally was asleep in her bed across the room. I was still in my others clothes and the cover was lightly crumpled from where I was lying.

I heard the front door slowly open and there was clicking of high heels wondering through the house. I quickly headed downstairs to see it was Jane.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask her as Masky came in behind her

"Oh Sally!" Jane called out excitedly as her delicate hands cupped my face. "It's so good to see you!" Her husky voice sung.

"The boss wants her to be with us for a while to see how she does...she'll be going back soon...hopefully" he grunts clearly not happy about the situation.
"And we don't have any spare room, so it's either the basement where she belongs or on the floor with you"

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