Chapter 49- Fixed

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I'm okay guys, I'm all good and imma try push another chapter out before the night is over

"So..." Ben stared intensely at me as I ate my breakfast. I began to eat slower staring back at him with a squint.
" got Jack home...unharmed...not scarred...he wasn't enraged...and there was only one casualty?!"

"Yes!" I answer annoyed for the fifth time "I literally don't know how many times you want me to tell you!"

"You're hiding something!" He accused as he slammed his hands on the table.

"No I'm serious!" I argue

"I'm getting it out of you! You might as well come clean now!"

"Okay! God! ...Well..."

"Ben stop pestering the girl" Jeff groaned as he entered the kitchen.

"Exactly what I was going to say!" I saved myself gesturing to Jeff

"Jeff! She was going to come clean!"

"About what?"

"Nothing!" I finish quickly as I cleaned my area "I have to go I have a meeting with a guidance counsellor since I'm dropping out"

"Why?" Jeff questioned.

"There's just too much shit going on I don't have the energy to keep going there everyday. Since I'm over 18 I'm allowed but they're still trying to convince me to finish before I go" I sigh as I leave the kitchen.

"Oh!" I bump into a firm figure and I look up to see Jack.

"Are you okay?" He asked bluntly

"I was going to ask you the same thing, you seem better"

I struggled to carry on the conversation and the silence started to become awkward, that was until Sally charged toward me clinging to my leg.
"Skittle don't go!" She whined

"I have to" I stroke her hair bending down to her level "do me a favour and look after your papas for me okay? They need a big strong girl like you to look out for them"

"Okay!" She giggled proudly and ran off to the kitchen. "I'm in charge now! That means I get all the cookies!"

"No Sally! They give you a bad tummy ache remember?!" Jeff complained.

"I'll see you later" I wave him off

I step outside into the chilling air and almost collapsed to my knees as I couldn't help but let out an aggravated sigh.

'I almost told Ben what happened! And then he himself had to appear?!'


After me and EJ had our heart to heart we began walking home, things felt a lot more at ease with each other.
Once we're deeper into the woods EJ had stopped walking.

After realising his absence next to me, I stop and turn to face him
"Is something wrong?" I ask him concerned

"You're right" he spoke walking gently towards me.

"I am?" I ask him unsure of what specifically he was referring to.

"You're not Jenny" it was as if he had a sigh of relief as he cupped my face and connected his lips to mine.

I close my eyes out of instinct and our lips synchronised together. I didn't know why I went along with it, it was as if I was in a trance.
Despite the metallic blood that lingered I couldn't help but grip the back of his hoodie as his arms sneaked around my waist, I couldn't help but lean back into his hold.

Jack in the past or EJ now...hell I found him hot either way.

I was the first to part as I slowly look up at him. His expression was still blunt but I could see the softness mixed in with it.

"We should...we should get you home to rest" I tell him as he gave me a small nod, i was unaware of how he felt about the situation and the fact that I pulled away...but there was something lingering.


"I'm so stupid why did I kiss back?!" I groan as I stop to lightly bang my head on a tree.

"I'll tell you why" A cheeky voice rang out.

"No- No!" I bang my head harder before standing up straight frustrated "not you!"

"You kissed back because you LIKED it"

"I did...but I didn't..." you answer confused "there was something there but not...I don't know, deep?"

"He could be deep if you let him!"

"Jesus Christ!"

"Is there someone else you have a keen eye for?!"

"What? No! No feelings for any of them. I admit! Yes! I guess in a weird way that they EJ and the others are attractive but- I don't know why this is even happening!"

I ignore the voice in my head and went to go get the meeting out of the way.


"So that's it" I take a deep breath as I sat cross legged with Ben on his bed.

He began to slowly inhale feeling shocked.

"Ben" I spoke concerned as he doesn't exhale. "Ben!" I shake him

"Sally!" Ben gasped finally letting out a breath as his hands clasp onto my shoulders.

"Shh! be quiet!"


I nodded

"And him-"

I hide my face in my hands.


"Keep it down! Again- the main point is that I've managed to leave!" I told him urgently

"I knew you were hiding something!" He pointed.

"I don't know what to do" I tell him desperately

"Well do you like him?" He asked curiously

"No- maybe...I mean...I liked it...I just don't know, I mean...maybe...but..." you groan

"But what?" He cocked a brow "there's someone else!" He snapped his fingers.

"No!" I answer quickly

"Sally!" He argued as he sat back up.

"No!" I fight back.

"Okay, so let's just put that tea aside for now and let it cool" he took a deep breath "have you at least talked to Jack?" He raised a brow

"I feel awkward whenever I talk to him but neither of us has mentioned it"

"Okay... well maybe that'll be a good start" he suggested with a hint of sarcasm. "Honestly I never saw Jack as that kind of person"

"Neither did I!"

"So why don't you prepare for it next time and see how you feel then?" He suggested

"Hold on, im not doing it again!" I reject the idea. "Everything is already complicated, nothing is happening with anyone"

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