Chapter 21- Fixed

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It was the next day and there were only two more lessons I had to push through before I could go home and relax...I excused myself from the lesson as I needed to buy a new drink from the shop in the food hall.
Once I got a refreshing bottle of coke I headed towards the staircase to the first floor where my classroom was located.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase I heard my name being called, I turn around and see Gibbs at the other end of the corridor walking towards me.

Ever since what happened with my mother and that nightmare inducing creature back at the cabin I felt myself grow numb to everything and everyone around me. Liu was getting worried but I just needed time to process.

"Do you remember when you took up my offer to treat you to food as an apology?" He asked as he we headed up the stairs together.

"How could I forget?" I smile as i picture just pushing him back down.

"Well I decided maybe we can go tonight? Simple bar down town, it's called The Wolfs Head. They do all kinds of good food and drinks"

"I don't know about tonight" I mumble trying to prolong the awkward offer.

"Might as well get it out of the way, please I won't be able to forgive myself until I at least try and make it up for you" he pleaded

I knew this was a bad idea...a teacher taking a student out for a meal in a bar down town... I may be 19 but it's still strange.
but this situation happened before he became my teacher and I don't want the man to be feeling guilty about something that has a chance of it not being his fault.

"Fine" I sigh

"Great, I'll see you at 7" he smiled as he walked off.


It was almost time for me to leave and I was unsure if i was even dressed appropriately, was this a fancy bar? Or just a regular place? I wore a cosy sweater with jeans and boots, I wasn't going to dress all out for this why should I?

Besides I just want it to be over and done with so he can leave me alone.

"Where are you going?" Liu questioned as he took notice of my outfit.

"Im going to meet a few friends from college" I lie feeling a guilty weight on my heart.

"You have new friends?" He smirked.

"Yes!" I couldn't help but laugh "I am capable of making friends without you"

'I felt terrible for lying but he wouldn't have let me go otherwise, I just need him off my back and I can finish college in peace'

"Okay fine, do you need an escort?"

"No I'll be with friends" I remind him

"Fine but midnight is your limit, you don't know what Jane could be up to"

"Yes yes fine I wasn't planning on being out that long anyway"

"Okay" he gave a small smile " look good"

"Thank you" I return the smile. "Right I'm going to go"

"Be safe" he warned as he grabbed my sleeve gently "I'm really sorry about what's happened"

"'s okay, it's not your fault"

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