Chapter 31- Fixed

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I decided to spend the rest of the day in my room as I felt drained and I was more than happy lay in bed.
It was already 8pm and I was scrolling through my phone trying to find some mindless entertainment.

I couldn't help but feel down as I had college tomorrow and I had to deal with teachers informing the students about Gibbs death and Liam nagging me about the guys.
No one was sure when something would happen to Liam that would cause him to turn to this path but I hoped it wasn't for a long time yet. 

I let out a long sigh but I quickly sit up in my bed shocked as Ben appeared standing by my tv.

"I knocked" he shrugged with a smirk

"I'm sure you did" I tiredly run my hand through my hair to get it out of my face.

"It's crazy Huh?" He asked excitedly "we're all friends now!"

"Yeah I guess we are" I smiled "I'm still not used to it though"

"'ll get used to it" he shrugged as he turned on my computer "soon it'll be like you're just one of us"

"I guess you're right...what game are you playing?" I try to see over bens shoulder from my bed but his position blocked the screen from my view.

"There is this new game that was released a few days ago, I'm buying it on your pc so we can play together"

"What?!" I stand up quickly moving to his side "I don't have any money!"

"But I do" he winked leaning back in the chair as the game started to download.

"You got it for me? How do you even get the money?" I ask him intrigued

"When your the genius that can literally go into any system it's easy to become the breadwinner of the house"

"That makes sense" I couldn't help but smile at his kind gesture.

"Yeah. I mean... that's why I've always seemed so much more mature than those guys"

"Yeah no doubt" we couldn't help but chuckle.

"We haven't seen you much today, are you feeling okay?" He asked concerned

"I'm tired from everything that's happened and I'm worried about college tomorrow"

"Ah~" he twirled around in the chair to face me. "Don't worry, everything will be under control" he smirked

"What do you mean?" I asked now worried from his mischievous expression. "Ben...what are you planning?"


After organising my locker I let out a sigh as I shut the door to reveal Ben standing there with a grin.

"This is not what I had in mind" I look at Ben who had normal clothes on and a beanie to cover his ears.

"Oh come on! I totally look the part" he smiled tugging on his backpack straps.

"But why?" I ask him not knowing whether I should laugh or cry.

"Since Liu dropped out you need someone to lookout for you and since he can't come back, so I enrolled until you finish. Besides I'm looking forward to meeting this Liam fellow" he nudged me playfully.

"Okay" I began "you are not talking to-"

"Hey Sally" Liam spoke up behind me grabbing our attention "who's this?"

"The name's Ben" he smiled holding out his hand. Liam looked at me confused and I gave him a small nod, gesturing to shake his hand.

Liam grabbed Bens hand and shook it.
"It's nice to meet you" Liam smiled

"Likewise" Ben released the grip so he could fold his arms "Sally has told me a lot about you"

I look at Ben wide eyed at his remark
"Ben!" I whispered desperately trying to get him to stop.

"Oh? Like what?" Liam looked back at me smiling.

"Oh tons of stuff" Ben continued as i give up and walk to my first lesson, the two of them trialed behind me.
"especially how you like to draw, i'd love to see" I felt my body stiffen but tried to act natural.

'Really? He's trying to look at the drawings?'

"Uh...I don't like people seeing my artwork I'm sorry...they're precious to me" Liam excused himself as he separated from us and went to his class.

"Ben what the hell was that?" I turn to him with  a frown.

"What? Im curious if he's good"

"Ben this is serious! What if he founds out you're one of them?"

"Well then he's going to have one hell of a surprise" he smirked

"Ben please!" I plead with him "being here is already torture enough, I want to graduate with as little amount of trouble as possible"

"Alright alright" he agreed "I'll tone it down"


After the day was over and students were shedding tears about our teachers death, me and Ben decided to head home.

"So you're going to college with me everyday?" I ask him


"Monday to Friday?"


"Are you sure you're okay with that?" I raise a brow after noticing his mood was a little off

"Well..." Ben stopped as he fell to his knees grabbing mine- maskys shirt.

"Sally I don't want to go!" He cried "it sucks! I hate it! Convince Liu so I don't have to go back!" He begged me and I pried his hands off the shirt as I pull him up.

"I'll happily try as long as I don't have both you and Liam pestering me" no matter what Ben could always make me laugh without trying.

We entered the house and before Liu could greet us Ben immediately sunk into the tv, disappearing without saying a word.

"What's wrong with him?" Liu asked confused

"College sucks" I fold my arms with a smile "I think it's best that he doesn't come along anymore"

Liu couldn't help but look back at the tv and then back at me. "I should've known he would've hated it"

I made my way up to my room and as I pass masky's closed door, I couldn't help but think about him.
Since he saved me I've had this increasing urge to be with him. Maybe I just feel attached because he helped me but I somewhat felt this way with all of the guys...I couldn't help but find them all growing more attractive by the day... from their voices to their bodies...

'I've officially lost it'

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