Chapter 37- Fixed

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I'm sorry about the cringe spelling errors typing on my phone is a bitch and a half.

I was sitting comfortably on the sofa in the living room watching tv. All of the guys went out for their fun time and I thought I'd just enjoy the house to myself for a while.

I sigh to myself as I quickly slip into boredom. I thought back to Liam.
'I really haven't seen him around anymore...'

He was avoiding me at college, we were starting to take our finals and I wouldn't see him in the exam halls. I was really worried but I couldn't interfere, I needed him to talk to me when he is ready.

I cuddle up further into the sofa watching the tv, my eyes were growing heavier as I couldn't help but yawn, unfortunately I was snapped awake when the door violently swung open.

"Liu?" I stood up immediately looking up at him. He didn't say anything as his dull eyes sharply pierced though mine.

...That's not Liu...

He quickly jolted towards me but Jeff and Jack grab ahold of him tightly, holding him back in time.

"What happened?! What's going on?!" I ask terrified.

"Sally! It's so nice to meet you!" Was all Liu said with a big sinister smile on his face.

"What?" I ask as I felt my heart stop.

"You're drop dead gorgeous, could I add a little red to your outfit?!"

"Shut the fuck up Sully!" Jeff gritted

"What the hell is going on?!" I glance at the others confused.

"We'll explain later" Jack grunted as he tried to hold him still. I sit back on the sofa watching horrified as they wrestled to get Liu into the basement. Hoodie sat beside me on guard incase he broke loose.

"It's a little complicated right now, don't take it personal" he told me.

Masky PoV

"That's it...shes asleep" Masky looked at the others sitting on the U sofa with him as Sally had fell asleep resting her head on his lap.
Jeff had left his zip up jacket he was wearing to cover her figure as a blanket keeping her warm and contained in her own little bubble.

"Fucking Sully man" Ben sighed "I thought Liu had gotten better, only letting him out when it's his time to kill"

"Him and Jeff have been arguing a lot more lately, it could be he's losing control" hoodie suggested

"Has Jeff still not come back up?" Toby asked somewhat concerned entering the living room.

Jeff PoV

Jeff sat on the cold basement floor crossed legged in front of Liu who was kneeled before him chained up the same way Masky was.

But it wasn't actually Liu who Jeff was talking to.

"Give me Liu back Sully" Jeff demanded with a low tone.

"I can't believe I've finally seen her for the first time, she's a looker for that's sure" he smirked

"Knock it off" Jeff warned "You always go back eventually, hopefully one day you never return."

"You really are so heartless" his intrigued and humorous tone had fell blunt.

Masky PoV

Everyone held their own conversations as they still sat on the sofa. Masky moved aside replacing his lap with a cushion for Sally so he could stand up and stretch his legs.

"It's been a while since Liu couldn't keep Sully in check" Toby mentioned.

"He's the strongest I've seen in a was difficult to lock him up I thought he'd overpower us" EJ agreed "I guess Sully was desperate"

"Oh shit..." Masky came to a realisation "I never finished fixing the chains!"

Jeff PoV

Sully sat disturbingly still as he didn't bother fighting back, Jeff watched him guilt ridden. It made him finally realise what he was feeling...he was feeling regret, full of hatred towards himself, he ruined his brothers life when all he tried to do was look out for him.

"Liu...Im sorry for everything..." Jeff spoke up "I wish things could be different, I wish I could take back the things I did to you"

Despite Jeff trying to reach Liu, it was Sully who let out a dark chuckle in response.
He suddenly broke out of the chains and Jeff immediately stood on guard until Sully charged him and tackled him to the ground.

He wrestled against his strength that was piled onto him, it was hard, Jeff was already exhausted from fighting him before.

"Stop it!" Jeff growled

"How could you say that after all of this time?" Sully yelled "You're pathetic Jeff! And so is your brother" Sully sighed. "Liu is weak! He is nothing without me!"

"Liu doesn't even need you in the first place!"

"But he's stuck with me! All. Thanks. To you!" He let out

Fists were banging against the basement door, the guys were trying to get in, but Jeff already locked it from the inside.

Sully reached for Jeff's knife from his pocket and quickly held it to his neck.

"Go ahead you asshole !" Jeff countered "It's what I deserve! Fucking do it!"

Jeff stopped urging him as a few drops of tears fell onto his face.

It wasn't Sully who pulled the knife on was Liu and it was his tears that were falling , he felt nothing but vulnerability and betrayal and it broke Jeff to see him that way.

Liu threw the knife across the room in a fit of rage and got off of him.

"It hurts!" Liu gritted as he held his chest in pain "you were my little brother! Why did you turn against us?! Why did you break up our family?! Why did you have to tear everything apart?!"

Masky PoV

""I can hear them" Jack muttered as he listened through the door

"So are they okay?"

"They're yelling and being loud, I think I even heard them fought"

"So we're not trying to stop them because?" Toby questioned

"Because it's Liu and Jeff fighting, not Sully and Jeff. Liu's pulled back through but it sounds like they need this time to resolve some things" he moved away from the door

"Guys?" Sally spoke as she sat up on the sofa "what's happening?"

"Absolutely nothing" Ben instantly smiled towards her as he placed his hands on his lap.

EJ and Toby sat beside Sally, hoodie and Masky sat by EJ whilst Ben sat near the tv on the floor.

"Is Liu okay?" She asked worriedly "or whoever that was..."

"Yeah he's fine... Jeff is taking care of him" Toby assured "keep resting"

She didn't bother fighting to keep her eyes open as she leaned her head on Toby's shoulder.

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