Chapter 24- Fixed

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Some time had passed since me and Masky last talked. I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall next to the stair case whilst masky sat on the opposite side next to the chains.

"I'm sorry" he spoke up breaking the silence "I'm not due to kill yet and my chest is fucking kill me" he let out an exhausted sigh.

"It's okay, Ben already explained it" I tell him calmly glancing away.
I wasn't even sure how long we had been down here, has it been an hour? a few hours? Even a day? Neither of us had our phones.
I just wanted someone to come let me out.
Why did Ben have to trap us down here? What's to stop him from just killing me right now?

I grew tired as I sat against the wall despite how uncomfortable I felt, I shuffle and groaned in a tired state, hoping I could sleep to pass the time. I wasn't sure of what Masky was doing, his head leaned back on the wall, his legs propped up near his chest as his arms rested on his knees, because of his mask I didn't know if he was asleep or even just staring.

I gradually felt myself slowly starting to fall asleep as I drifted further and further into unconsciousness. The sound of boots scuffling against the concrete echoed through the basement as they got closer to me. I slowly started leaning to my side despite having no support, fortunately no hard impact was made, instead I felt a hand catch me, I heard shuffling and then I felt my head slowly being lowered onto something firm yet comfortable.
'It smells so nice...'

Before I process any more half asleep thoughts I instantly succumbed to the urge to sleep.


I mumble as I begin to slowly awake with a nagging ache in my back as the cold floor was beneath me. I realised I was completely lying down and I saw...trousers?

"Masky?" I ask rubbing my eyes as I sit completely upright, I clicked in realising I was resting on his lap

"Im so sorry!" I ramble

"Shut up" he leaned his head back on the wall "I'm trying to rest"


"But fucking nothing. I moved here for a reason just relax" he sighed in annoyance.

"How long have we been down here for?" I ask as I stayed sitting next to him, my back now against the wall like his.

"1 day 7 hours, 26 minutes, 3 seconds and counting" he answered bluntly

"How do you know that?" I ask astounded

"I don't you dumbass, I'm joking." he huffed "I don't know how long it's been but it hasn't even been that long so i know those guys won't be back yet"

I decided to haul myself up and picked up the bag that ben threw down. I sat back down next to him and offered it to him.

He took it off me and pulled out two water bottles, handing one to me.

"Thanks" I give a small smile taking it from him.

"Why did you let me sleep on you?"

"You we're uncomfortable"

" did something nice for me?" I try to joke with him

"Don't push it" he told me, he didn't raise his voice, he just... simply told me. It was weird how he wasn't getting angry even just a little. Was contact like that enough to help him? Or is it purely just lust?

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