Chapter 28- Fixed

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"You know you didn't have to walk me to my own house" I mentioned as Hoodie walked beside me down the street. 

"I've got nothing else to do...why not" he shrugged.

He wasn't wearing his signature mask I usually saw. Since he's walking through public streets with me he didn't want to draw unnecessary attention from wearing a strange mask, so he wore a black surgical mask similar to when masky did, he had his hood up, his brown hair hung out of his hood and fell slightly above his eyes.

"You actually look good with that style" I confess breaking the silence, I saw his eyes squint at me as his brows furrowed, it wasn't an angry look, it was more like concerned.

"That's bold of you to say considering I put a gun to your head an hour ago..." he muttered coldly keeping his pace matched to my slower one.

"Yeah I remember you fucking psycho" I scoff.

"Psycho? I thought you found me good looking..."

"Oh shut up" I roll my eyes.

"Can you get home from here?" hoodie spoke up after a couple of minutes coming to a stop "I have some things to look into"

"Yeah I'm fine" I assured as he took a couple glances around us.

"All right" was all he said before walking away. That man was always a mystery to me but I wasn't complaining, he would leave me alone when it suits us both best.

I quickly got home and tried the door but it was locked. I used my key and went in to confirm that my grandparents weren't here.
I pull out my phone deciding to call them

"Hey" I chimed down the phone as my Nan picked up. "Where are you?"

"Oh we're helping set up a charity event at the church! I didn't know you were stopping by! We'll be done soon!"

"Might as well order food while I wait" I convince myself.


An hour had passed and my grandparents were due home soon. I hung out in my room playing a game on my old computer. I couldn't even play with Ben since he and all of the guys were out except for hoodie.

I gasp immediately sitting up straight in my chair as I heard a crash from downstairs.
I instinctively call out for my grandparents walking to my door.
My phone dinged and my heart dropped as I read the text on my phone screen. 

"Hi sweetie! Im sorry me and your grandpa will be another hour until we're home! Were making a lot of progress here it's great! Love you!"

I grip my phone crouching down by my door as I heard creaking up the stairs. I quickly opened my contacts and texted the first number that appeared in my list. Masky's.
I got it the other day before we were locked in the basement with him thanks to Ben giving away their numbers incase I ever needed them.

My door didn't have a lock so I pushed my body right against it hoping the intruder wouldn't enter.
The door suddenly jiggled as the figure tried to enter.

After a few moments I scream as my door thrashed open knocking me down to the floor "Mr.Gibbs?!" I scream angrily "what the hell are you doing in my house get the fuck out!"

"Sally- you're here!"

"Yes I'm fucking here! It's my house! what are you doing here?!

"Well after our previous encounter I thought I'd come to apologise"

"So you just enter my home permission?!"

"Your front door was unlocked. Aren't your grandparents home?" He asked

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