Chapter 29- Fixed

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Jeff PoV

Jeff sat on the edge of the bed where Sally was peacefully sleeping. Masky's jacket still clung to her frame as she kept her hold on it tight.

He thought back to the first night she had arrived, thinking about the conversation they had in the kitchen word for word.
He was still feeling conflicted, he wanted nothing more than to be left alone but he actually found himself enjoying her company.

"What a sick bastard! He did that?!" Ben yelled angrily.

"He's dead" Masky spoke bluntly standing in front of Ben stopping him from moving to the door "I killed him"

"Gibbs was my job" Jeff grunted as he reached the group "but at least he's dealt with" he placed his hands in his pockets.

"I shouldn't have left her so soon" hoodie sighed leaning against the wall conflicted.

"It's not your fault" EJ assured.

"Liu is going to be pissed when he gets back" Ben sighed

"I think we can all agree that maybe we should stop being so harsh on her now" Toby spoke up "It's- It's obvious that if she was in any trouble we'd willingly help her yes?"

"Are you serious?" Hoodie stood up straight

"I already did" Ben rolled his eyes.

"TIM!" A voice boomed through the house as the door violently swung open. Liu stormed in grabbing Masky by the collar of his shirt.

"Masky I swear!" Liu yelled "if you hurt her again I told you-"

"Stop!" Hoodie warned grabbing his wrist tearing it from maskys shirt "he's done nothing wrong"

"Yeah for once" Jeff commented. Liu grew angrier for his friends safety but her very voice spoke up causing him to stop all movement as all eyes landed on her.

Reader PoV

"Please stop it" I tell Liu as I hold onto maskys jacket, despite me wearing a new fresh set of clothes. Liu immediately walked over to me carefully wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"I'm glad you're okay" he let out a sigh of relief

"you have Masky to thank for that" I inform him with a small smile.

"You really helped her?" He asked in slight disbelief

"Mhm" he nodded

"Shit...I'm sorry" he let out a genuine apology.

"It's understandable, I wasn't the biggest fan of her for a while" he shrugged "I'm still not, that much, but shes still worth protecting"

"And you'll be okay with that?" Liu questioned "you'll get used to it?"

"I don't have a choice" he folded his arms "but even if I did I still would"

"Oh shit the body! The damage! My grandparents would be home now!"

"It's alright I sorted it" hoodie assured.

"God it's like one scare after another" I mutter exhausted. "It doesn't help with Liam either"

"What?" Liu asked as all the guys looked at me. 

"Liam" I slowly exhaled.
The others seemed confused as me and hoodie exchanged a glance.

"This kid is seriously getting on my nerves" hoodie sighed in annoyance.

"Why? What kid?" Liu questioned confused.

"Someone who's spotted hoodie in the woods and then has proceeded to catch Toby on picture as well as sighting your boss but since nothings happening he could become like you guys"

I took a quick breath as I realised how much I rambled on. "And he wants me to help him"

"He has a picture?!" Toby glared.

"You should see his room! Just drawings and sketches of you three on the walls!" I reciprocate his feelings.

"Wow" Jeff muttered sarcastically "Slenders big three at their best"

"Please don't start" Liu frowned.

"So can we just kill him?" Maksy offered.

"No you're not killing him!" I retaliated

"We have to see if he becomes like us, it's Slenders plan" hoodie informed. "We shouldn't interfere for now"

"Since when did you all get so boring?" Masky sighed walking off.

"If you like-" Liu turned to me "Since you've been staying for a while already...and I have a feeling you'll be here for longer, you can use the spare room that Sally uses when she visits"

"Sally, Masky's told me about her before"

"How much did he say?"

"Enough to know that my faith in humanity is gone"

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