Chapter 58- Fixed

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I run inside the house with hoodie chasing after Masky as he approached EJ in the living room throwing a full swing of his fist into his face, knocking his mask off and forcing EJ to the ground.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" He yelled with nothing but pure anger.
This drew the attention of the others as Hoodie and Toby pulled Masky away.

EJ didn't say anything as he propped himself up on his elbows spitting out blood onto the wooden floor.

"What's going on?" Ben asked confused as he entered the room in a hurry.

"You son of a bitch! You had sex with her?!" Masky yelled as he was still being held back. "You said we ain't like that!"

"No we're not" EJ spoke bluntly with a straight face as he felt the throbbing pain in his face  "But it's what she wanted"

"It made her injury worse! She could die!" He practically screamed at this point. I couldn't help but stand there feeling panicked as the news was being thrown out into the open in the matter of a second.

"What?!" Liu asked as the front door to the house opened.

"Damn it!" I muttered to myself, why did everyone have to be here?

I turn around to see him standing in the door way appearing just as shocked as the others.

"The reason she hasn't been getting urges like us is because she didn't inject herself right, the blood will leave her body at some point but it's very likely she might be dead by then"

"No fucking way!" Ben exclaimed.

"Sally" Liu approached me quickly full of worry "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I was afraid of this" I tell him as things escalated.  I turn to him panicked not knowing what to do "I need to get out of here" I muttered as the commotion just freaked me out more.

"Okay" he placed his hands on my shoulders carefully "okay let's go"


I sit down on a public bench in the park as Liu offered to go and get some drinks. I was left to think by myself, to think how everything came crashing down... a chain of events, one after another and it's all ruined.

"Sally?" I heard a voice hesitatingly call my name. I turn to see it was Amanda as she sat down next to me. "Hey how are things?"

"Oh- things are good... thank you" I respond confused at her kindness.

"I'm glad... although, my apologises but you're looking a little rough"

"Yeah I'm sick" was all I said hoping she'd let it go.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry I hope you get better soon- my god!" She exclaimed as Liu walked up to us handing me a drink.

"Amanda" Liu greeted confused at her sudden appearance.

"You guys are still friends even after he left?" She grinned "that's awesome!"

"Yeah" I agreed.

"Well" she cleared her throat standing up "I should get going I have someone waiting for me, here give me your phone" she told me holding out her hand. I glance at Liu for a brief moment, we both held the same unsure look in our eyes but I handed her my phone and she typed in her number. "Let's meet up soon! I hope you feel better okay?"

"Alright" I answer her with an odd smile unsure if I should be worried or not.

She waved us off as she walked away with a spring in her step.

"What the hell was that?" Liu asked with a worried face "I'm actually scared"

"Don't ask me, I thought I started hallucinating"

"So... are you really dying?" He asked with a somber stare in his eyes.

"I don't know...but hoodie said it doesn't look good..."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked feeling worried.

"Because masky punched EJ in the face that's why" I mumble standing up "I don't want things to be tense..."

"I think that ship has already sailed, but we're all still going to be here for you and we'll do what it takes to keep you with us okay?" He quickly pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you for protecting me" I express my gratitude as his hand soothingly rubbed my back.

"I didn't protect you... your sick" he mumbled defeated.

"I'm not on about now" I smile leaning into his chest comfortably thinking back to what slender had told me about what he did.

"Oh..." his hand stopped "I don't know what you're talking about but you're welcome? Come on let's get you back" he suggested.


Once we got home I noticed nobody was around, they must be out or in their rooms as the house was quiet.
I made my way upstairs and as I walked through the hallway I noticed maskys door was slightly ajar, I debated with myself for a second but decided to go to him. I knock on the door making it creak open a little.

"Did you just knock? That's the first" Masky huffed, he stood facing me as I shut the door.

"Yeah, look I just want to apologise...about what happened between us" I tell him "It wasn't my intent to make you upset or cause an argument between you and EJ"

"Well it's done" he answered bluntly "now leave"

"What?" I felt my heart break.

"I told you to leave" he repeated in the same blunt tone, slightly more demanding as he walked towards his bedside table where his crowbar was resting against. "I'm not in the mood to deal with you and your feelings today"

"Wait- is this because I kissed you?"
He didn't answer as he turned around to face me.

"I want you to get out before I make you leave myself" he demanded growing irritated.

"Are you that pissed off that I kissed you?!" I ask him feeling frustrated

"No! I'm pissed off that you waited until you distanced yourself from me after getting so close and that you're possibly fucking dying to kiss me!  Me and Jack aren't going to be the same with eachother again! He knows that the only reason I've stuck around this far was for you!"

"I'm not asking you to stay around! You can leave whenever you want! You don't have to do anything for me!"

"You can leave us anytime you'd like but we know that's not going to happen now is it?!" Masky raised his voice

He was right. I couldn't leave. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to leave...
I saw this place as my home... the people inside is what made it my home.

"Go to hell" I mutter as I left his room feeling a heavy weight on my chest.
The last thing I wanted was to turn my back to him, but he told me to do it.
I want him to hold me, I wanted to be with him...but it's not going to happen, not anymore, it's ruined.

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