Chapter 61- Fixed

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I was at my grandparents house with Amanda as she wanted to meet up. They all saw my poor condition, Nathan even FaceTimed me a few times. I told them I was fine and it was going to get better as I was receiving treatment and I was thankfully convincing.

The guys detested the idea of me going out at this time but I assured them it would be good for me to see my family again and get fresh air.

"I can't believe you're sick! You should've told me sooner!" My grandmother scolded me as I stood in the living room with Amanda

"I'm sorry!" I couldn't help but smile, she always made me smile no matter what. "But I promise I'm okay!"

"Good! My princess is as strong as her beautiful grandmother!" My grandpa spoke up as he gave her a living kiss on the cheek.

"Aw" Amanda couldn't help but admire.

"I'm just going to head up to my room for a second" I tell Amanda before I made my way up. I entered my room and look around to see it was neat, it was as if it had never been touched.

I just had to come see it, I hadn't even realised how long I've been away until I actually stepped inside.

I jolt in surprise as I heard a sudden loud bang from downstairs.

I instantly rush to leave my room but I froze in the door way as Amanda pointed a gun directly at me. My breathing hitched as I instantly went into panic mode.

"You're coming with me" she demanded in a cold tone.


"She's not answering her phone!" Liu panicked.

"It's been nearly 24 hours without one damn text I'm going to her house. There's no way she won't just not respond for that long" Masky announced as the others got their weapons ready to follow him.

The clouds covered the moon leaving the sky dull as the men made their way to Sally's house.

They reached the property and noticed the lights were off. Liu told the rest to search the area around as he went inside but Masky and Hoodie stopped him from proceeding, they assured Liu they'd check the house out as he helped the others to scout the area. He wasn't happy with it but obliged knowing their strength is unmatched together.

The were shocked at the sight as they had made their way inside. The place was a mess. Scattered furniture and tattered glass frames.

"My dear beloved" they heard an old trembling voice speak up weakly. Both Hoodie and Masky look to the floor to see an old man kneeling as he looked down shocked at the floor with a thousand yard stare.

They saw the lifeless body of an old woman with a gun wound in her chest.
Hoodie immediately went to her side placing his fingers on the woman's neck.

"Unbelievable. She still has a pulse. I can see where Sally gets her strength from" hoodie stated as he immediately got to work trying to help her.

"My darling" her grandfather mumbled weakly. "She killed my darling"

"Who?" Masky asked.

"My beautiful wife..." he mumbled.

Masky and Hoodie shared a brief glance and realised he was in shock. He was frozen, paralysed.

"Sir" Masky cleared his throat speaking calmly as he crouched next to the fragile man holding his shaking hand. "My friend is going to help your wife"

"I don't know who you are" he muttered scared.

"We're here to help, we just want to find your granddaughter" Masky informed gently.

"Sally? My sweetheart isn't in her room?" He asked confused and dazed.

"Sir- did she come with anybody else? Did you see someone come in here before they left?" he asked with slight desperation.

"A friend..." he replied weakly "Amanda...Arkensaw...she told me her name was...she threatened us...I tried to protect her...but..." Masky took note of the name and his eyes widened underneath his mask.

"Arkensaw?" He repeated in disbelief catching hoodies attention. "Stay here and help her" Masky told hoodie to which he agreed. He went outside to find Liu.

"How is it? Is she there?" Liu asked him

"No. But her grandparents are. Her grandmother was shot, hoodie is working on her but her grandfather has gone into some sort of shocked state."

"Should I go in?" EJ offered

"Hoodie has it handled, we'll need you incase anything happens to Sally. But her grandfather, he mentioned about Sally being with someone named Amanda"

"Her old college mate, she's been trying to get on good terms with Sally for all of the hard times she's given her back when she was in college" Liu stated

"Yeah except I don't think that's the case, her grandad said her last name is Arkensaw" Masky stated in a stern tone and Lius heart dropped.

"Arkensaw? As in?" He stuttered

"Jane Arkensaw" Masky gritted. The others made their way back to them and heard the conversation.

"Jane?!" Ben gasped "she isn't dead?!"

"No, we should've known Sally wouldnt have been able to kill her even if she was strong at the time" Liu panicked.

"Jane had a cousin named Amanda" Jeff informed gritting through his teeth "We used to talk all the time before everything between us went to shit"

"So now we just have to go find her" toby suggested "that's impossible they could be anywhere"

"I'm sure Amanda has her phone on her" Ben stated "I'll found out the location" he shifted into his phone disappearing as it dropped to the floor.

"Liu. I'm going to need you to stay and help hoodie" Masky ordered

"What?" He asked in disbelief "you've got to be fucking kidding me there is NO way!"

"We're going to get Sally back safe but she'll be broken if both of her grandparents die. You have to do this for them and also for her! Please it's bad enough when I have to be the voice of reason! Pull through dammit!" Masky reminded him harshly.

Liu let out a scream of frustration. Of all people it had to be Jane. She just had to come back one last time and get her own family involved.

Ben emerges from his phone stating in a hurry that he knows where they are.


Reader POV

"I swear to god if I found out you hurt either one of my grandparents!" I yell as I felt Amanda cuff me to a wall.

"Oh quit whining youre always such a pain" she sighed.

I was robbed of my sight due to a blindfold but I could just about see the floor underneath. It was concrete, cold and dingy. It seemed like this place hadn't been visited by people in years.

I blindly look around following the sound of Amanda's shoes as she paced back and forth in front of me.

A satisfied feminine laugh filled the air causing me freeze.
' can't be...'

Heels echoed through the space as they got closer. The laugh was too familiar.

"How nice it is to see you again!" the familiar voice chuckled as I just about managed to see her black heels on the floor in front of me.

Jane!" I snapped trying to yank myself out off the cuffs, but I was too weak, I couldn't do anything as i struggled to breath.

"Oh. you poor thing..."

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