Chapter 63 Final- Fixed

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Third POV

One Month Later

"Oh come on" Masky complained as Sally's grandpa Joe disagreed with yet another word he chose for scrabble. "That definitely counts!"

"It definitely does not!" He chuckled.

EJ walked in through the front door with Nathan as he had a gash on his arm.

"Nathan? What happened?!" Grandpa Joe
gasped at the sight

"I got attacked by a man when I caught him trying to meet up with a minor" he sighed "but he's caught. Creep"

"It's nothing I can't fix" EJ gave a firm pat on his back as he gestured for Nathan to sit on the sofa.

"I wish there was something we could've done to help..." Nathan began as he recalled his sisters funeral that took place a few weeks ago. He then looked down as he saw Ben appear in his phone "but I can see why she kept you guys from us" he sighed.

"Hey, it's thanks to me you found that creep to begin with" Ben tutted on his screen in hopes to take his mind off it.

"And I'm grateful for that" he replied with a similar tone.

"Where's that nice hoodied man that saved me?" Sylvia asked looking around as Liu helped her walk into the living room.

"Not all of us could make it today" Liu told her as he helped her sit down.

"I see" she hummed "she was lucky to have you all" she told them this every time they visited.

"Im sorry I let you all down" EJ muttered as he continued working on Nathan's arm, he couldn't bring himself to look up.

Joe made his way out of his chair and held onto EJ's arm.
"You're a good man" he assured. "All of you are!"

Liu thought it'd be best not to let them know they're murderers, no one had their masks on, they were accepted by her grandparents no matter their looks. They were grateful for them.

He then turned to masky "And I'm glad my princess had you beside her" it made him feel empty at the statement as did the others.

"There" EJ broke the suffering silence as he finished with Nathan's arm. "Good as new"

"For someone with no eyes you really know what you're doing" he admired astounded.

"And I would roll them at that statement if I had any" he joked along with him as he stood up facing Liu "we should go, it's late"

"Right" he agreed

"Don't wait too long to visit again! Don't be afraid to bring the others" Sylvia mentioned "you're all very beautiful and handsome men!"

"Careful now!" Ben winked as he held himself halfway up out of Nathan's phone.


Later that night EJ, Ben and Masky walked through the empty dark streets with Liu as the suns rays cut through the houses as it lowered down beneath the horizon. They headed towards the cemetery and eventually came to a stop in front of Sally's grave.
They fell silent as they saw Jeff, Toby and Hoodie already looking down at the patched earth.

"I should've done more" EJ muttered as they stood all paid their respects. "I left. It's like I wasn't even in control of myself."

"I should've went along with you" Liu added

"There's nothing neither if you could've done"Jeff countered placing his hands firmly on Liu and Jack's shoulder. He never forgot the night on how Liu broke down just like Masky, something inside of them all broke that day, they weren't the same, but they were also better because of it.

"Things have definitely changed because of her" Hoodie mentioned

"Let's go home" Ben suggested "I'm jealous she's getting more rest than me right now"

"Too soon..." Toby whispered

"She's my friend she'd laugh if she could hear me"

EJ couldn't help but sink further into depression...he had to lose the love of his life to his friend and now he's lost her for good.  Nobody knew the pain he felt. After all...Who could he tell?

Finished. We're finished! Thank you so much for taking your time to read this book! I appreciate all of the support!🫶

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