Chapter 60- Fixed

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More months had passed. Time was going quicker than usual and thanks to hoodie ive been keeping somewhat stable.
But we were running out of options but everyone tried keeping their hopes high.

At least the sun was out shining and flowers are blooming, it's pretty.

"This is killing me" I sigh as I lowered myself onto the sofa in between Jeff and Toby.

"I'm off to get my fill" Masky announced as he held his crowbar, letting it dangle from his hold.

"Already?" I was losing track of things much more easily, this wasn't a good sign to hoodie.

"I won't be long" he assured me as he bent down and pressed his masked forehead to mine "I'll be as quick as I can"

"OooOoooOoo" Ben mocked "lovey dovey Masky! It's so sweet Why can't you love me like that?!"

"Because you're more annoying than her" Masky stated with a stern stare, as he began to head out the door EJ reached the bottom of the

Things were still tense between Jack and Masky as they were struggling to get along.

"Sally" hoodie called my name as he entered the room making everyone look at him. "We need to talk"

I was taken aback by how serious his tone was. Jeff and Toby allowed me to lean on them as i pushed myself up and weakly followed hoodie into the kitchen.

"What is it?" I ask him worriedly.

"So it turns out things are actually getting worse, not better"

"What?" My face creased with anxiety.

"I spoke to slender months ago...he had nothing except for the solution that I use to help give you energy and keep you strong. But your body is adjusting so it's working less and less and it's just prolonging your suffering I can't actually..."

"You can't actually help me?"

"We still haven't managed to figure it out..."


"Jesus! Do you want to add anything else to the list whilst your at it?!" Jeff complained

"Damnit Jack! Why couldn't you just keep it in your pants?!" Ben turned to him

"You're acting like I did it on purpose" he mumbled.

"Besides it's not his fault I was the one that hurt myself by accident" I stood up for him "look everything will be fine, EJ and hoodie can help me and I'll make it through just fine!"

"Try to sound more confident maybe then we'll believe you" Jeff argued

"We'll do the best we can I'm not letting anything happen to you" Liu assured me.

"I'm going to tell Masky" hoodie announced as he headed to the door "he needs to know" I heard the door click shut and I rubbed my eyes feeling tired.

"What if hoodie is wrong?" Ben wondered

"Hoodie is never wrong" Liu countered "I wish for all our sake he is but he can do things we can't. If he says it's getting dangerous. It is and we need to be careful"


The night arrived quickly and I relaxed in Masky's bed as exhaustion overwhelmed me.

The door creaked open as a pair of boots makes their way through the room. After a few minutes of shuffling around I felt the mattress weigh down next to me as hus arm gently held me close to him.

"Hoodie told me." Masky stated.

"I'm sorry...are you okay?" I ask worried.

"Of course I'm not. I'm angry at the fact I could lose you and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
I can only be here for you..."

"Weirdly I don't feel scared" I confess

"You're more insane than me" he moved closer leaning into the back of my neck. "How come?"

"I don't know... maybe Slender's done something again"

He didn't" He planted a few gentle kisses against the back of my neck.
He propped himself up on his elbow and he gently pulled me on my back to look up at him.

"it's insane from how far we've come" I decide to tease "from choking me against the wall to choking me in bed"

"Okay" he sounded taken aback. "Let's maybe keep that development to ourselves" he suggested as he gently pulled the covers over me more. I closed my eyes as he laid back down next to me.

"I'm glad you're here" he confessed after a moment of silence.

"You have hoodie to thank for that" I reply with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" He glanced down at me confused.

"I saw you in those chains" I turn on my other side to face him and lean comfortably against his chest as he held me close.

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