Chapter 20- Fixed

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I stood there, in middle of the empty room, no furniture, no light, no nothing. The tall faceless figure stood still in the corner of the room. I felt my regret sink in realising I was now alone with this creature.

"You're a brave and intriguing soul"

His voice rang through my head, only a little pain was felt compared to what I went though last time.
"I don't know what you are" I stuttered as I approached it slowly"but when I was mum saw you before"

"Any human who lays their mortal eyes upon me will die"

"Yeah...she did" I couldn't help but glare as I continued to think about it "she drew you before she died. She was driven into insanity...and I'm just standing here talking to you"

"You're lucky only standing here and talking to me"

His voice boomed louder in my mind making me to grab my head. It was clear he wasn't going to talk anymore about my mother.

"Why do you want to keep me here? I get that if it was under any other circumstance then I'd be dead by now. Why do you think I can help in this feud that you're in."

"Jane doesn't harm innocents She it's a good chance she won't harm you as we can use it to her advantage"

"Hold on!" I retaliate "i was told i was only staying here to be protected not to put my life on the line for some creature that drove my own mother insane!"


"Fuck!" I hunch over in pain as my ears rang violently.

"Count yourself lucky that I let you live. You will help or you will be killed!" He warned lowly.

Nothing was said as I looked up at it...the pain begging to reside.
I wasn't scared...I was mother who was the kindest person in the whole world is dead...because she looked at the thing I'm glaring at now. Now it just expects me to do as it wants?!

I took a deep inhale through my nose collecting myself.

"Fine" I turn to leave and head straight to Liu's room where he was already waiting for me.

"How'd it go?" He asked concerned.

"Shit! Really shit!" I run my hand through my hair to get it out of my face. "Do I have to live with this thing knowing it called my mother?!"

"No" he shook his head "he'll be gone tomorrow"

I sit on his bed feeling overwhelmed. "How am I supposed to help the very thing that ruined my life?"

"I feel like I have to tell you this about slender man. Once I have I'll leave you alone for a while so you can finally have a break and think for a bit"

"Just...tell me" I sit on my bed looking at floor to avoid Liu's gaze.

"When people see the slender man...something will snap inside of them if they've been a bad person... such as a killer...rapist... anything bad that would consider the soul tainted you name it. They will go insane...and find a way to eventually die...if they've been good...he'll eat them to feed off of the energy...
There have been rumours...and sightings of him before. It's why he never stays for too long. One of those rumours would be that he eats children"

"Does he?"

"No...he lures them into the woods and kills their parents- abusive parents"

"That's nice of him I guess that makes up for killing my mother. If people die either way how are you guys still alive?" I ask him still looking at the floor

"Our souls were right in between. We wanted to fight. So that's what he let us do. He's slowed our ageing, made us stronger so we can never let ourselves get hurt again"

"Right but you become his killing machine"

"It's just a part of the deal, it's a win-win for both parties. But your mother, she only saw him by pure chance, he didn't even know he was spotted that day"

"What does that matter? It still happened! She still saw him and wait...hold on... a bad person would find a way to die? Are you saying my mother is a bad person?!" I stood up looking at him shocked.

"I'm not saying anything for certain but if that was her fate after seeing slender man then her soul was tainted and she wasn't a good person. Whatever she was, she hid it from her family well"

"How could you even say that about my mother you don't even know her!"

"Neither do you! You were young when it happened!"

"Fuck you!" I spat as I go to leave.

"Where are you going?!"

"To study at college! It's the only place I can get away from you people!" I grunt shutting his door harshly behind me.


"262" I heard someone say as they say opposite me across the table in the college library.
"is everything okay?" It was Liam and he noticed the sour look I had on my face.

"I'm...fine" i rest my elbows on the table as I rub my face tiredly closing my textbook.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I sigh in annoyance "what do you want?"

"I was sneaking around and I saw a different person in the same area, just as bloody as the other. He's hideous!...this is no joke...they're dangerous and they're related to that creepy tall figure I saw last time! They have to be." He leaned forward whispering to me, I also leaned forward so I could hear him easier "maybe you can help me?"

"Help you?" I repeat hesitantly.

"Yeah, you're the only person I can talk to about this" he confessed.

''As much as I like the thought of bringing that creature down for my mothers sake, I can't. It'd be stupid to think you can even get the upper hand on that thing I'd die in less than a second. Besides...Liu and the others, I'm still under their protection and it's not my place to do anything. I'll just have to try deter Liam away without looking like I'm on their side'

"I don't think so" I shake my head stacking my books together "I have to go"

"Really? But you're the only person who listens about this stuff"

"Well- just keep me updated" I tell him briefly wanting to just leave. I sling my bag over my shoulder and head out.

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