Chapter 23- Fixed

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"Ben what are you doing?" I question as he was leading me downstairs.

"Luckily for Masky came back last night not long after you went bed, Jeff has left so why not take this time to thank him"

"Masky? We're starting off big aren't we..."
Ben let out a chuckle in response.

"Come on, I'll be with you so nothing bad will happen" we enter the living room and Ben glanced around.

"Now to find out where he is... MASKY?!" He screamed

"Jesus Ben!" I flinch at his volume

"What?!" We heard a distant response from Masky

"Ah, he's in the basement" Ben ran into the kitchen and grabbed a few drinks and snacks putting them in a bag, he went to the door of the basement and threw the bag down the stairs. He then proceeded to look at me "well in you go"

"Ben wait!" I panicked as he started pushing me "what if he doesn't even want to be bothered? And what's with the snack bag?!"

"You'll be fine!" He pushed me inside as the door slammed shut behind me.

"Ben!" I whispered loudly trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Sally?" I heard a low, annoyed voice call out from the bottom of the stairs.
I turn around and see Masky standing next to the bag on the floor where some items had fell out. "What's going on?"

"Trust me im asking myself the same thing" I turn back to the door "BEN!" I bang on it with desperation.

"Sorry guys I need to go join the others!" He spoke through the door "won't be back for a day or two, I'll make sure EJ is the first one back so he can be next Sally!" After that I hear his footsteps grow distant as maskys grew closer to me, he rushed to the door making me move back down a few steps.

"Ben you asshole!" He pounded on the door "he's fucking gone!" he gritted

"So what we're trapped now?"

"Yeah." he went back down the stairs making me follow behind him.

"Aren't you going to try break it down or anything?" I ask him

"No. That door is the strongest one in the house, and for good reasons" he gestured to the chains on the wall that he was once restrained with

"Oh...Incase they break" I mutter

"Stops us from escaping...we need to be fully restricted as much as possible with little movement for the effect to go off quicker...but we've had incidents of the door being broken in our early days...even if I used a gun it still wouldn't make a dent"

Masky sat down on the bottom step as I sat on one a bit further up the stairs keeping my distance.

"So why did that moron shove you down here?" He spoke up

"Because I wanted to thank you"

"Thank me?" He repeated

"For saving me"

"No. It's EJ and Toby you should be thanking, I didn't do anything"

"You took me back when they went after those assholes" I remind him "you could've ran with them and left me there"

"It was coincidence we were even there" he admitted "going out with that dick has got to be one of the most stupid things you've done"

"I already explained this to Ben I just wanted him off of back! I just wanted him to leave me alone! Do you just hate me or something?"

Masky pulled out a little box that contained his cigarettes, he took one out tossing the box on the step next to him as he flicked out his lighter
"Do you have any idea what he could've done to you? For all you know he could've been the one to drug your drink" he lit the cigarette "Listen, the reason we're so stingy with this shit is because there is a lot of us living in different parts of the country and even across the world" he shoved his lighter back in his pocket "there's this one little girl we're close with...lives in a different part of this country with a few others"

"A...little girl?" I raise my brow.

"Her name is Sally too" his tone for the first time sounded genuine with sadness and slight anger that he felt towards himself.
"She was raped...but not killed...she was scarred for life...when she saw slender man he took her in and gave her a home"

"Oh my god..." I felt nothing but guilt, unable to imagine what she went through.

"I have to admit I'm proud of how far she's come...if this world can turn a little girl into something like us, you gotta question how fucked up it really is... you can't just trust people so easily"

"Do you trust me? Or do you still hate me?" I question breaking the silence.

he inhaled and puffed out the smoke.
"Hate you"

"But why?" I ask him feeling hurt "haven't we gotten past this? I've done nothing wrong to you"

"But that's the thing, you do everything wrong!" He raised his voice  "your tone, your body language, your actions, even just your fucking face! It makes me feel sick and I fucking hate it!" He stood up immediately coming up the stairs towards me, I lean back as he crawled over me, placing his hands above my shoulders on the cold stone, he held himself above me trapping me beneath him. "Everything about you pisses me off"

"But I thought-"

"What? You thought what?" He urged me on

"I thought maybe at least we were beginning to be on good terms"

"Good terms?" He stood up allowing me to stop back up "You? And me?!" He laughed "I am FORCED to protect you Sally! Don't get attached to people like us because you'll be let down real quick!"

"What the hell has gotten into you?" I question shocked.

He ignored me and made his way down the stairs.

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