Chapter 48- Fixed

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It's 5am and I've woken up with the left side of my neck strained where I can't turn my head and it is way too discomforting to try to sleep again so let's get going <3 I'm sorry for any errors pain is everywhere T^T


"And then he just...snapped" I finished in disbelief as I sat with Ben in the kitchen.

"Sweetie...I would tell you why but if he hasn't told you himself then it isn't my place" Ben took a sip of his coffee averting his gaze.

"Okay, since when have you started calling me sweetie?" I ask confused.

"Since now. It's my new thing" Ben gave a proud smirk.

"Listen just let it go" masky shrugged it off as he leant his elbows on the kitchen counter opposite me, Hoodie stood next to him leaning his palms flat against the same surface.

"Let it go?! I thought we were friends and he tried to kill me!"

"I'm sure it wasn't his intent otherwise why did he save your life?" Hoodie mentioned

"He's got a point there sweetie" Ben smirked pointing a finger at me whilst holding his cup.

"Please shut up" I glance at Ben I couldn't help but use my phone to see the bruises that had formed on my neck. "Besides that's not the point. I thought we cleared things up with each other why is he still hiding?"

"Guys" Toby announced as he hurried into the kitchen with Liu and Jeff. "We have a problem! It's- It's jack he-h-he-"

"Well spit it out before you choke on it!" Masky urged him on impatiently.

"Jacks gone" Jeff finished "he's been low on his... you know what- and if he's attacked Sally then he could attack anyone else he comes across"

"He's not stable we need to find him and restrain him quick" Liu concluded "Sally go lock yourself in your room incase he comes back"

"What?" I fold my arms "I'm not doing that I'm coming with you"

"And have him attack you like before?" He argued

"Hang on." Hoodie intruded "she should come with us"

"What?" Liu asked in disbelief

"Well, he'll feel somewhat bad for attacking Sally, if anyone finds him it'll be her that could help him out of this funk"

"I tried to attack Sally when I got angry because of Sully" Liu argued "what makes you think Jack won't just kill her then and there?"

"Jack wants to be more human than he lets on and I feel bad for exposing it, but he's out there punishing himself for being the way he is. It's just a gut feeling... but It's the best shot as resolving things quickly before too much damage is done"

"I'll go" I offered

"Salkyvhe could kill you" Liu objected

"Liu I can make my decisions on my own I'm a big girl" I frown.

"We really need to find him!" Toby urged as they all got ready to leave.


"Where would we find him?" Masky asked as we all walked through a large empty street.

"If someone decides to look outside their window they're going to have the time of their life" Ben mentioned with a smile looking at the dark sleeping houses that aligned together.

"He won't be far, he won't be able to hold back for long" hoodie informed "just split up and look for signs"

"Sally if you find him, pin me your location and we'll be close by incase things go south" Liu ordered

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