Chapter 52- Fixed

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"Argh!" I grunt as I was thrown against the dirt again.

I hit my head hard and my eyes widened at the harsh contact. It's like something snapped inside of me.

È̴͓̮͉̞͓͌̀͘͠v̶͍̫̦́͒͜e̶͓̟̮̬̿͝r̸̢͉̪̋͊͑͋͋ͅy̶͔̼̖͊̃͛͛ṱ̷̳̹̩̑̆h̵̡̦̘͆̎̈́̏̒i̶̛̙̿͆̾n̷̢̝͈̔̅g̴̻̱̪̲̯͗̃̓ ̶̨͆̀͋͌̾i̴̻͙͗̂͒̈́͜͜s̶͓̗̯͍̈́̎ ̷̡̥̫͉́Ņ̷̼͎̲̮̆̂̀͆Ó̸̫̙̝̭̮T̶̗̣̼̥̅ ̵̘̬̅̏̔ḟ̶͓͂̑͗͒i̶͓̯͍̥̯͗n̷̢̞̫̙͆́̽̋̓e̶̝̲͇̮͌̌̌̂͜


I heard liams voice. 

"You lied to me!"

His evil stare, full of hatred haunted me.

"T-Thank you..."

'I killed him...all I've been saying was I'm fine when I'm fact i slowly started feel myself becoming much less fine with it...'

"That one hurt" I grumbled to Toby trying to act calm.

"It's supposed to hurt" Toby laughed as he offered his hand "otherwise, how can you learn?" He pulled me up to my feet and I dusted myself off.

"Getting your ass kicked again I see?" Masky mentioned, his arms folded watching the scene

"She's improved a lot" Toby informed "she can stay off the ground a lot longer now, I reckon she could take you on one day"

"Me?" Masky scoffed "no amount of training from this waffle will help you beat me"

"Don't underestimate her strength and definitely do not underestimate my teaching" Toby challenged.

"I'll await the day" he remarked smugly as he walked inside

"Why don't you take a break? We've been practicing for a while" Toby suggested

"Okay" I give a small smile playing off my pain.

"Have a drink and rest up, we'll start again soon"

"Thank you" I sigh tiredly as I head inside.

I went into the living room and sat next to Masky, I rest my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as all I could think about was the bloody knife in my hand with Liam, how he fell limp on top of me it was-

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked annoyed

"I'm tired and all I can think about is how I murdered Liam..." I muttered "I actually killed someone"

"The blood isn't on your hands. It was self defence" he told me "it was his life or yours"

"But it doesn't change the fact that he's died by my hands..."

"You protected yourself, you did what you had to"

"I'm a hypocrite" I tell him feeling more panicked. "Jesus Jane was actually right"

"No" he disagreed "I don't care what she's said it's wrong"

I lean up straight and look up at him weakly. 
"Why am I suddenly feeling like this now when I've been so fine with it before?"

"Because..." he let out a sigh "Liu asked slender to help ease your emotions, it was supposed to gradually wear off so it was easy on you"

"That's why? Im mad that they did it without me even knowing but at least it was actually something useful..."

"Are you okay?" He asked after a brief pause.

"I need to go" I tell him heading outside.

"Are you okay?" Toby asked as I walked away not acknowledging him

"I can't" I muttered as he followed me.

"Why what's happening?"

"It's sinking in...I was fine!"
'The effect was gradual... I'm still supposed to be calm!'

"I mean it's actually real! what I did!" I come to a stop as my breathing begins to uneven and I start to freakout
'I've already adjusted! Why am I panicking?'


"Then everything with Jane and- and my hallucinations made me forget but-"

"You're having hallucinations? Look, let me just-"

"No!" I cry pulling away before he could place his hand on me. "I'm going insane! I'm hearing a voice in my head and its extremely annoying! God knows half of my mistakes have majorly fucked things up for me! I've been using this whole Jane situation as a distraction when In reality my life has been In serious danger! I love you guys but that doesn't I mean I can't be mad about the shit I've been through!"

I snapped, I had these feelings repressed and this was how they were let out. I never meant to get angry, I was just afraid.

"Hey" He spoke assuringly as he held my shoulders. "I hear you, I understand and I'm here for you"

"Thank you Toby..." His words allowed me to release a small sigh of relief.

"I'm proud of you, there's no way anyone else could've been this strong. You've stared a bunch of killers in the eyes and literally sasses them" his thumb stroked my cheek before he pulled away.

"Let's go for a walk" he suggested "help cool yourself off"


Once we got back I stopped outside of the house and I turned to Toby
"Thanks for helping me clear my head, I needed it"

"Always" he assured with a smile "we'll call training quits today, I'll make a snack?"

"Sure" I smiled as I followed him into the house


The smell of cooking waffles faintly emitted from downstairs as I knocked on maskys door. I entered to see him sitting on his bed, one ankle crossed over the other, leaning against his propped up pillows as he inspected his crowbar

"Hey..." I greet him quietly

"Hey" he greeted back in his usual tone.

"I'm sorry about leaving so suddenly earlier. Turns out I had a lot of pent up frustration"

"Been there" he muttered as he didn't look up from his weapon.

I don't know why I've been coming to him when I've been feeling low.
Masky has grown used to this type of behaviour from me and just accepts it like it's apart of his daily routine.

I crawled onto his bed and as a natural reaction he casually held out his arm as I laid on his chest, his outstretched arm now resting around me.

"Feel better now?" He asked as he looked back at the crowbar in his other hand that was resting on his lap.

"Yeah thanks to Toby"

"Toby huh?" He asked as he placed his weapon on the floor leaning against the side of his bed.

"Mhm" I mumbled tiredly. Both of his arms protectively wrap around me as I curl up against his warmth.

"Food will be done soon..." I mentioned drowsily "you coming eat?"

"Nah" he brushed it off "I'm going take a nap... looks like you need one to"


Toby POV

Toby had finished making his waffles but Sally hadn't come back down. He went up looking for her and saw maskys door was slightly ajar. He peered in to see a sight that he'd never thought he'd see.
She was asleep in maskys bed, she slept on the left as Masky slept on the right. Both of them were facing each other

He disappeared and came back with a plate of waffles and placed them on the bed stand on Sally's side of the bed.

He removed his mouth guard and placed a kiss on her forehead.
Whilst he was still lowered his eyes pierced through his brows at the figure in front of him.

"If you hurt her...I'll fucking hurt you"  He threatened before straightening his posture and leaving the room.

His eyes relaxed themselves open as he snaked his arm around her sleeping figure and pulled her closer.

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