Chapter 42- Fixed

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I was sitting on the sofa with the guys glancing out the window watching the snow fall but slender man suddenly towered before us.

"What brings you back?" Masky asked folding his arms

"How long are you staying?" Toby asked.

"I won't be here for long...but I have come to return someone"

"Who?" I question but then I pause when a little girl in a pink dress with long brown hair instantly ran out from behind slender mans leg.
"Papa Jeff!" She squealed excitedly as she dived onto the sofa and clung to his arm.

"I told you, don't call me that!" He groaned as the girl squeezed him tightly

I look back up at the slender man
"Sally...this is Sally..." Hoodie spoke up seeing my  confusion. "she's coming back home for a while starting from today"

"We have the same name?!" She squealed excitedly "that's so cool!"

I instantly felt an ache in my chest as I remembered when masky mentioned her.

"...if this world can turn a little girl into something like us, you gotta question how fucked up it really is..."

I couldn't help but fill up with guilt as I saw the blood dripping from her forehead down her innocent smiling face.

"What's wrong?" Masky asked tilting his head in a blunt manner

"Nothing" I mumbled.

She was just like everyone else in this room, and it even made me view the guys more different. They've all had shit happen.

"This Sally is staying for a while" Liu gestured to me informing the little girl

"I see...does she kill too?!" She asked enthusiastically

"No-" I go to say until Ben interrupted

"Yeah! She was awesome! You should've seen the mess we had to clean up!"

"Ben!" Liu yelled stopping him from his excited rant. I look down blankly.


A pair a small hands delicately placed themselves on top of mine pulling me out of my mind.

"Don't be sad" she smiled as she handed me her teddy bear "whenever I'm sad I always hug my bear, it helps me to feel better"

"Thank you" I tell her gratefully as I lightly held her teddy

"When you smile you look as sweet as my sweeties! I'm calling you skittle!" She giggled

"Skittle?" I asked confused "those colourful sweets?"


"Then I guess I'll call you bubbi because you're adorable" I hand her back her teddy.

"That's not fair. I'm never aloud to touch her teddy" hoodie stated bluntly

"Me neither" Jack shook his head "and she's only known her for two minutes"

"That's because she's a girl! And girls stick together!" Sally stuck her tongue out as she took her teddy from me. "Can we play outside in the snow skittle? Slendy said I couldn't play until we got home" she pouted looking back at the menacing figure with a glare in her eye.

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