Chapter 34- Fixed

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"Is there a day I won't ever get attacked?" I moan rubbing my cheek feeling bummed out.
I decided to spend some of the evening with Toby in his room for a while.

"Im sorry he got that hit on you" he apologised as he sat next to me on his bed. He felt genuinely guilty that I got hurt.

"It's okay, i just hope the swelling goes down quick" I mumble.

"If it helps i thought it was insanely attractive seeing you tough it out like that"

"Shit really?" I ask shocked at his sudden confession "actually it kind of does help" i shrug and we couldn't help but chuckle with each other.

"We've never really had much one on one time before" I confess feeling a little awkward. "Oh! Let's watch a film!" I suggest.

"Sure" he chuckled "horror?"

"Well im kind of already surrounded by that a lot" I tell him.

"Okay, romance?" He suggested another genre.

"Absolutely not" I crease my face unsatisfied.
'I love romance! But the fact that im starting to find these guys even 1% attractive means I need to take a break from that stuff, it's the last thing I want to think about'




"I got slapped in the face im not in the mood for laughing" I tell him folding my arms and his eyes creased feeling amused.

"Okay, so what kind of film do you want to watch?" He asked me

"I don't know" I shrug "now I don't even feel like watching a film"

"Oh my god" he fell back on his bed "maybe we should just sleep the evening away!"

"Oh! A nap that's a very good idea!" I agree

"I was being sarcastic" he tugged on the back of my shirt so I fell back on the bed, we were both lying next to each other.

"Okay so what can we do?" I moan frustrated. "I need to do something the pain meds still haven't kicked in"

"Well ive got nothing" he sighed with a smile.

"Okay" i sit up again "since we haven't really spent much time together why don't you just tell me more about yourself?"

"I'm sorry?" He cocked a brow confused.

"Well Liu has told me previously that you guys have had a rough past...and you were one of the first to look out for me, it'd be nice to know more about you"

"I don't know" he sighed as he sat up next to me.

"Come on" I plead "we can do me after?" I offer

He let out a small exhale feeling defeated. "No...I mean I don't know...I don't remember much...I don't do well with memory and I've forced it all back, I've never faced it again... to me it never life started when the slender man found me"

"Oh" was all I could mutter "I'm sorry I shouldn't be prying so much"

"Don't apologise" he assured me "I mean have you focused on your cheek at all yet?"

"Hey" I nudge him with a smile "I haven't!"

"Good" he gave me a small warm smile, luckily his eyes creased under his goggles letting me know. "Well since it's working let's keep going, you want to know more about me?"

I give him a small nod.

"I was born with many different mental disorders like BPD, Tourette's syndrome and CIPA"

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