Chapter 22- Fixed

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"Hey Liam" I greet him with a tired sigh as I sat next to him in psychology.

"Hey, I was worried about you, you weren't answering any of my texts or calls last night"

"Huh?" I think to myself confused, I check my phone and I see I have 23 texts from Liam.
"Sorry...I'd give you an explanation if I remembered what actually happened last night"

"Did you go out anywhere?" He asked curiously

"I think I did..."

"With anyone in particular?"

"I went out with-" I cut myself off as I begin to remember specs of the event last night, Gibbs left and my drink got spiked, there were three men but Jack...

"No one" I finished "I was by myself"

"Then what happened?" He asked in a whisper leaning closer to me.

"Look nothing happened" I tell him as the teacher entered the room "just leave it"


During lunch time we sat on a bench outside, due to the colder weather not as many students would be roaming about.

"So I think maybe after lessons are over we can go exploring in the woods and try to capture this thing on camera" Liam looks at me "evidence is most important"

"No...I don't think so" I tell him feeling conflicted.

"Why?" He asked in desperation

"Spotting it coincidentally is one thing...but purposely going out to look for it is suicide, it's like your asking for it to notice you"

"Please I really need someone with me on this!"

"Liam!" I stood up feeling impatient. "I don't know if you really saw something out there or not! Okay? But you've got to shut up! It's all you ever talk about! Who would willingly go after a creature as terrifying as you've described it huh? It's stupid and it's reckless! I'm not getting involved!"

"What's gotten into you? I thought we were friends!"

"We are" I reassure him "but I'm not putting myself on the line for that shit"


I finally got back into Liu's room and found he wasn't there, I drop my bag on the floor and collapsed onto the bed.
'This guy is stressing me out'

"What're you thinking about?" I heard a voice speak up from Liu's computer monitor.

I sit up as I see Ben occupying the monitor.

"Jesus you scared me" I admit letting my shoulders relax.

"I wasn't there but i was told about what happened last night, I just wanted to come see if you're okay"

"Yeah I'm fine" I admit "luckily the guys were there because I had no idea what was going on"

Bens arms reached out of the screen and his palms planted themselves on Liu's desk as he pulled himself out of the computer.

"I'd really not like to see that again" I mentioned as he sat next to me on the bed.

"What happened Sally?" He asked as his face seemed more serious.

"Some asshole teacher tried making a mistake up to me by taking me out for drinks. Something happened because I felt unwell and confused but he left in a hurry.
I was alone and being followed and then my three knights in shining armour showed up"

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