Chapter 30- Fixed

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After resting in bed for a while in my newly shared room I was increasingly becoming restless.

I internally debated with myself and decided to thank Masky for his help.
I step out into the dark hallway and head to his room, I lightly knock on the door but it creaked open.
The lamp on the bedside table emitted a warm glow, revealing Masky sitting on his bed in more loose clothes.

"Can I come in?" I ask him feeling a little awkward. He just gave a simple nod, it was strange how he still had his mask on.

I was hesitant to enter at first but I took a step inside and shut the door behind me.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"No" he grumbled as he I went to sit on the edge of his bed next to him.

"Thank you, for earlier"

"Its nothing. I was surprised when I saw an unknown number text me" he shrugged, he sounded really tired. "Anyone who makes that many spelling errors, it was clear to me who it was... I never hated you Sally...well at first I did but when those men broke in and threatened you, once I killed them it was the first time I realised..."

"Realised what?"

"That-" he paused for a moment "I somewhat give a shit about you"

"That's a weird way to put it" i smile.

"Ever since you came here I have done things that I would never have expected myself to do"

"Yeah speaking about that, we never really addressed what happened in the basement last time" I mutter.

"Because there's nothing to talk about, it was a mistake." He paused for a moment before changing the subject "How come you decided to thank me at one in the morning anyway?"

"I couldn't sleep, I'm still a little shaken" I tell him truthfully

"It's understandable... I know you are living with a bunch of killers at the moment but is there anything that can be done to help your nerves?"

"I mean, living with you guys already feels much safer... but all around what helps me most is hugs, it's always been hugs" I confess

I begin to feel awkward as masky didn't bother responding.
'I knew I shouldn't have said it...I need to stop being weird around these guys... hugs?! Have I met them?!'

"Well?" I heard Masky speak up breaking me away from my thoughts. I look at him to see him slightly holding his arms out to me.

"Uh..." I look at him confused to which he let out a sigh in annoyance.

"You said hugs help right? I don't really do hugs but whether it's an order or not I'm here to protect you and if this helps you to feel safe then fine"


"I know you may not want me to be the person to hug right now but I'm already awake so-" before he could continue I quickly rush onto the bed and wrap my arms tightly around him, I rest my head on his chest already feeling more relaxed despite our previous conflicts.

His whole body was radiating warmth, his scent comforted me as his chest would slowly rise and lower along with his breathing.

"Don't get used to this it's a one time thing" he commented as he awkwardly patted my back

"Don't back out now!" I laugh squeezing him tighter causing him to let out a grunt from the pressure

"Why so eager?" He muttered

"I've had a really shitty time" I murmur

"Get some rest Sally, before I change my mind and kick you out" Masky sighed, he released his hold on me as I felt him reach over to turn off the lamp beside him, the room was now pitch black. I heard him place his mask on the bedside table and he lowered himself down to a lying position.

"Goodnight" I mumble tiredly as I allowed myself to fall asleep on him.

He didn't respond but he held me close to him with one arm again as he let the other one rest at his side.


I sit up in bed rubbing my eyes trying to get rid of the tiredness. I took in the sight of the dark room, it was slightly lighter but the black curtains blocked out the suns morning rays.

'He actually looks quite peaceful in his sleep'

I enjoyed my time actually being able to take in his features whilst I had the chance. I've seen snippets of his face before, even fully exposed but the sight doesn't last more than a few seconds.

'... he's even good looking...Goddamn it of course he is.'

Hell, everyone in this house was good looking one way or another, even with their differences.
'I think I need professional help.'

I smile to myself as I slowly stood up, and pick up his mask, putting it on. It didn't fit me properly of course but I still went with it, besides what's a better way to wake up my new friend?

"Wow it kind of suits me don't you think?!" I chuckle, I made sure to talk loud enough for him to hear as I look at myself in the mirror.

"Very clever" he sighed as he tiredly sat up in his bed, he wasn't happy to be disturbed from his sleep.

"Morning!" I greet him "Geez..." I try to squint through the mask to see myself in the mirror "how do you even see in this thing?" Unlucky for me it didn't allow me to take in my surrounds very well. "...or breathe?"

I jump as a pair of firm hands grip my shoulders.

"Don't push your luck just because we agreed to get along" he took the mask off my face and adjusted it on his own, he then proceeded to look through his wardrobe.

"Alright I'm sorry" I smile "I'm going to head back to my room now anyway, thank you for last night" I express my gratitude but all I got as a reply was a simple white shirt thrown at my face.

"Huh?" I asked confused as I held it.

"Think of it as compensation for Gibbs ruining yours"

"Oh- Thank you" I felt a little surprised at his gesture.

"Alright go" he ushered me out and I headed back to my own room with a smile still on my face. As soon as I shut my door I sat on the bed as i still lightly clutched masky's shirt.

I couldn't help but bring it up to my face as I lightly took in his scent.
'Somehow comforting...'

On my first day here I wouldn't have expected this at all.

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