Chapter 32- Fixed

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'You can count on us Sally. We'll protect you Sally! We'll never leave you alone Sally! Yeah right'
I thought to myself with a frown as I walked through the woods.

The guys had refused to take me to the store as they had somewhere to be. They told me to wait until they got back but couldn't wait, it was that time of the month and those doughnuts wouldn't understand, except for EJ anyway, still I wish at least one of them could have accompanied me.

Luckily the store was near the edge of the woods on a lonely road for people coming in and out of town.

I entered the small store and I look around trying to see what was the best fit for me.
I had an eerie feeling that I struggled to shrug off so I pushed the feeling back as much as possible.
'I'm just paranoid because I'm by myself'

I found where the products where and looked through what they had.

'Maybe these...' I thought to myself as I pickup a pack, I also decided to buy my favourite snack and drink whilst i was at it and then headed to the register.

As they scanned the items I reached into my bag and pulled out the wallet that Ben gave me.

Inside is the money I've stolen from others that I've saved over time, as well as Ben giving me a top up. I flicked through the cash until I found a £10 note, I handed it to the worker and I packed the items in my bag, took the change and thanked them as I head out.

"Excuse me!" A voice called out from behind me before I could head towards the tree line by the car park.

"Yeah?" I look back feeling a little odd, thanks to Gibbs random attack when we first met I've never trusted people randomly approaching me.

"I don't know my way around town I was hoping you could help me?"

"It depends...where is it you're heading?" I ask him as he walked up to me.

He kept a bright smile on his face until there was no one in sight. His face suddenly dropped as he grabbed my wrist roughly making me gasp.

"Don't scream." He gritted as he shoved me into the woods "give me your bag!" He demanded

"No!" I tell him holding onto the straps tightly.

"My wife is going to leave me unless I earn more money! I saw the amount of cash you had in your purse! Hand it over!" He grew more impatient.

"Im sorry about that but it sounds like a problem you and your wife should talk about"
I suggest as he got closer. He went to grab my bag and managed to slide it off my shoulders, k manage to get the upper hand by snatching my bag back and I didn't hesitate to swing it into his face as hard as I could.

He fell to the floor yelling obscenities as I quickly turn tail and run deeper into the woods.
I heard his shoes crushing the leaves beneath him as he chased closely behind me.
'He's going to outrun me!'

I quickly felt my worries flood away as I saw a familiar figure not far away.
It was hoodie, he looked my way confused from the sudden sound of running until he realised what was happening.

"Get back here!" The man yelled, his hand inches away from yanking me back to him. He was too focused on trying to grab me that he didn't realise what was about to happen

Hoodie subtly raised his gun.

I quickly run to him falling to the ground so I was out of his line of sight and he swung his firearm hard into the thugs head, roughly knocking him back down.

I couldn't help but pant and try to catch my breath as I sat up straight on the dirt looking at the sight.

" wife..." he grumbled as blood trickled from his forehead. "My...daughter...they just"

A brown boot suddenly appeared, pressing onto his throat making him struggle. I look up to see Toby holding his hatchet, the twitch in his eyes made it clear that he was ready to swing.
Hoodie gave a nod to Toby as he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

Toby's goggles shimmered with a glint against the suns rays as he raised his hatchet ready to strike.

"Wait!" I yell pulling out of hoodies grasp and quickly went up to Toby making him halt "...just wait..."


"I can't believe you made us let him go" hoodie shook his head as the three of us made our way back to the house

"The blood pouring down his head has made-made his trip home much more tricker at least" Toby mentioned as he replayed the image in his mind finding it satisfying.

"He has a family... he has a wife and daughter" I told them feeling guilty

"So?" Hoodie looked at me "what's the difference?"

"Look I'm all for having someone beat senseless if they deserve it but he's just trying to feed his family, he doesn't deserve to be killed for that"

"If only he would've willingly let you go as easily as you did for him" hoodie countered "I thought you would've beat him yourself"

"Well I wanted to until I heard about his daughter needing food" I sigh

"You're too empathetic Sally, you don't know what else that man c-could've done" Toby told me "I mean, what if he was just like Gibbs-" Toby cut himself off realising he shouldn't bring it up

"It's okay" I give him a smile reassuring him "you have a point we don't know if he's telling the truth. Thanks for the help anyway, usually I've had no problem defending myself against these kinds of people before, I guess I've become a little too reliant on you guys for protection"

"Well we can help with that" hoodie offered "you're already capable of fending for yourself but it wouldn't hurt to get a few pointers and be taught a few new techniques"

"Yeah actually that'd be great" I agreed.

"You're like a magnetic attraction to bad people and situations"

"I know" I sigh "who would be willing to teach me?" I ask him curiously

"Well you're talking to the top guy already" Toby smirked under his mouth guard.

"He's not wrong" hoodie agreed, he surpassed me and Masky's strength within his first week here, even if it was just by a little.

"Wow" I admire.

"I'd be happy to help if you're up for it Sally" Toby offered.

"Sure! I appreciate it thank you" I tell him gratefully.

Hoodie or Toby?! Who would you like to teach Y/n self defence, comment who you'd like and I'll write the next chapter straight away!

(The choice had already been made so this chapter was rewritten to match it)

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