Chapter 47- Fixed

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Jack felt his arm get nudged by his friend who sat beside him. He looked around confused seeing he was sat at desk in a classroom.
"The teacher is calling on you" he warned quietly

Jack looked to the teacher who was now approaching his desk. A girl who had caught Jacks eye for a while looked back at him with her honey brown eyes, along with the rest of the class.

"What's the answer to question 5?" The teacher asked him. Jack knew the answer, but he didn't want to talk aloud in front of the whole class. Why should he have to? don't teachers get that?

"Maybe start paying attention and when you know the formula only then can you start daydreaming in my class" he walked back to the front.

"He's right you know Jack..." his friend spoke beside him as he made eye contact with the beautiful girl


"Jack?" I ask him as he slowly takes off his sleeping mask. He calmly sat up and moved his legs over sitting on the edge of his bed as he ran his hand through his soft brown hair.
"Jeff told me to wake you" I tell him "it seemed like you were having a bad dream, are you okay?"

"Fine" he responds, he went to reach for his mask on his bedside table until I lightly grab his wrist stopping him.

"You just woke up, you don't need it on yet" I tell him softly "just take a breather before you suffocate yourself in that thing"

"You're not scared anymore?" He asked confused

"Dude I never was I already told was just shock. Although I don't really get how..." I gesture to my eyes "that works"

"It's complicated" he muttered standing up. He wore a black long sleeved sweatshirt and joggers.
He looked down at me
"thanks for the help

"What help?" I ask feeling confused.
He didn't say anything, he walked past me and to his bedside table looking through it. After closing the draw he turned to me holding a feminine product.

"Why would?" I muttered confused until I look down seeing blood seeping through my trousers "oh shit!" I grit "that's embarrassing, I should've seen this coming from the cramps..."

"I don't care" he stated with his blunt expression.

"Just kill me now"

"Here" he handed me his black jacket "wrap it around you until you get to your room"

"Can't I use your bathroom?" I ask him not wanting to risk it. He looks back at his closed door and shook his head

"I'm sorry, you can't" his tone was completely blunt indicating that I shouldn't pry.
I nodded understanding and I wrap his jacket around my waist.

"Thank you" was all I could awkwardly mutter as I make my way out.

"Watch your stitches" Jack warns before I shut the door.
He approached his bathroom opening the door. Jars of organs were placed nearly on the sink and on shelves in the bathroom. He grabbed a jar from the side of the sink as he twisted off the lid and pulled out the rotting kidney that was kept inside.

He felt himself growing more ravenous the more he eyed it. He couldn't help himself as he angled his mask and takes a chunk out of it and felt himself fill with satisfaction as he cured his craving. Blood trickled down his chin from his lips and he looked at himself in the mirror as the black tar began leak from his eyes under the mask.


After I got myself refreshed I went to Jack's room to return his jacket.

"Oh wow...what's that smell?!"

Just a disclaimer.
Whenever this 'voice' of you appears it's just a hallucination/imagination type situation. It's the readers way of coping with the trauma of killing. The guys cannot hear it, it's just a 'you' thing.
However this is one of the few last time she appears since I've decided to scrap it.

"I was really hoping I hadn't gone crazy yet"

The voice let out a cheeky chuckle.

"I'm not going to look down and see my hands covered in blood am I? " I sigh to myself

"That's up to you. The reason I come along when i do is because you start to find these guys attractive. You always feel so guilty every time these feelings arise so you want to blame it on me..." She sighed

"Being friends with them is one thing but actually liking them like that?" I ask confused

"Do you smell that?! That's Jack's scent!"

"What about it?" I sigh.

"Oh my god it's so hot!" I flinched as the voice got loud.

"It's so alluring! You just want to put your face in it and inhale! Oh! Use it like a pillow case!"

"Oh my god what?!" I instantly shut myself up realising I got too loud "That's really...weird? I mean- why would I do that?"

"Because he's HOT!  one minute you were talking to him with his ruffled hair and tired deep voice and next all you want him to do is pick you up and take you like you weigh NOTHING!"

"You need to calm down I don't think of him like that at all. Neither with the others!" I exclaim angrily.

"Then you'll have no problem talking to him again!" I pause as I was already outside of his room, I glanced down at the jacket before I sighed knocking on the door.

There was no answer so I decided to just go inside and place his jacket on his bed. Once I folded it neatly I turn to leave until I saw Jack standing by his bathroom door.

"Oh hey, sorry for the intrusion. I just came to return your jacket"

I grew anxious as he didn't respond. He didn't have his mask on and he seemed different. He was still... eerily still... He was intimidating. His face was blank as he bad blood staining his chin down his neck and on his shirt.

I quickly cover my face with my arms as he charged quickly towards me.

"JEFF!" I yell until he quickly clasped his hand over my mouth shoving me harshly against the wall.

He placed his hand around my throat as he found his grip tightening.

"Fresh" he gritted as he felt my pulse against his finger tips. "It's all rotten" he squeezed "it's not enough..."

"You bastard!" I cry out as he dug his fingers into my skin tightly.

The pressure was instantly released and I collapsed to the floor as a fist came into hard impact with Jack's face making him fall down. Jack looked up to see Jeff standing above him

"Shit..." Jeff muttered taking in the scene. Jack looks back at me and attempts to reach for me but Jeff gives him one hard kick in his stomach making him roll over in pain.

"Alright" Jeff grunted as he knelt down next to me. He helped me up as he took me away from the situation "can't stay out of trouble can you..."

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