Chapter 50- Fixed

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"No..." I mumble feeling disturbed.

My eyes dart around quickly as I was surrounded by trees deep in the woods. EJ stalked closer and closer to me, his sharp teeth showing and blood drooling down his chin.

"Kiss me again" he demanded with a low tone. "what's the problem? I'm not a monster right?" He smiled as his tongue split into three.

"WAIT-" I gasp instantly sitting up on the mattress that was on the floor. I try to gain control of my breathing as I take in the surroundings of the dark room. Sally was sleeping in her bed on the other side of the room.

I decided to make my way downstairs and get a drink to hopefully help settle me back down to sleep.
I entered the kitchen flicking on the light as I made my way to the cupboard.
I reached up opening it, going onto my tiptoes to try reach a glass. That was when I felt the warmth of another body behind me. It reached a glass with ease and placed it on the counter in front of me.

I turn around to see Jeff standing over me.
"Thank you, what are you doing up? It's late"

"I tend to stay up late" he took a few steps back as he applied his eye drops, he then placed the small tube on the counter beside him.

"'s everything with you and Liu?" I hesitated to ask.

"Different" was all he replied with. "We talked things through but it's still tense"

"What happened between you guys? Is it really that bad? I know the only reason you would help me out before was to help Liu, but what is it you're trying to make up for?"

"Killing our parents"

"Okay" I shrug "what is it really?"

The look in his eyes didn't change as he stared down at me.

"Shit- really?"

"I was a burn victim because of some stupid, fucked up bullies. I was just trying to protect Liu and it got personal. When I saw myself in the mirror for the first time without my bandages I thought I was horrible...but then something snapped inside of me telling me I was beautiful. I thought I'd never smile I changed that. My parents, it was as if they were...afraid of me.
They looked at me like I was an abomination. They betrayed me...My mother ...I heard her tell my dad to... 'get the gun...' I saw red, I don't even remember doing it. I just remember the look of it when I was done. I took my remaining anger out on Liu and thought I killed him too"


"I failed, I left him with scars and he went through serious therapy whilst I was on the run, now fucking Sully exists and he's a dick!"
He couldn't help but grow frustrated with himself.
"He hated me...and at the time my anger still lingered and I hated him too, I just saw him exactly the same as our parents, that he saw me the same way they did"

"Jeff..." I mutter. "As Liu's friend...I want to beat the shit out of you for the pain you've caused him. But as your friend, it's obvious all you wanted to do was protect him from the start, I don't know why you won't just tell him what you've told me"

"Because it's not as easy as you think. No matter what I say or I do it won't make up for the damage caused"

"No it won't, but that doesn't mean you should back off from him. Show him what you're actually willing to do for him"

He couldn't help but sigh as he put the bottle away.
"You've put me out of the mood to drink" he grumbled.

"...we'll I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon" I change the subject pulling away "do you want to watch some tv?" I offer him.

"Sure..." he gave in and we went into the living room. We sat on the sofa as I put on a show that I've been excited to watch for a while.


We were three episodes in and the drama was good, me and Jeff were already in a deep debating session about it.

"Okay it's obvious Dana is going to end up with George" I tell him as I point at the characters as they appear on and off the screen.

"George?" He scoffed "No. George is into Sarah"

"You really think?" I question him with a smile.

"Definitely. Fucking christ why am I even talking about this?!"

"Come on" I let out a small laugh "it's a good drama!" I tell him sinking further back into the sofa enjoying the show.

"Oh my god" He sighed in annoyance but I could hear the humour he had behind it. "You are just like Jane with this stuff-"

It was silent for a few moments as I registered what he had said.

"Shit" he muttered annoyed crossing his arms.

"Did you two used to hang out before what happened?" I ask curiously.

"We were neighbours" was all he replied with as he kept his glare on the tv.

"Oh my god!" I turn on the sofa and cross my legs facing him "she mentioned something about a crush!"

"No!" He snapped turning his to me

"Oh my god yes!" I clasped my hands together.

"Jesus since when did you turn into Ben?!"

"Did you like her back?"

He sat for a moment in his thoughts before his eyes began to sting more red than usual.

"You did?!"

"I need my eye drops" he sighed as he got up and entered the kitchen.

"Come on you can tell me" I persist as I follow him.

"Why do you even care so much?" He turned to me as he grabbed the small tube of the counter.

"My best friend has had a brother this whole time! I wanna know more about you and stories from before, even Liu and Jane because it sounded like they were friends too with the way Jane talked about him"

"Well as you can already guess nothing went further between us since she's cuffed in the basement at the moment" he began to apply the drops. "So there's nothing even more to it"

"You're boring" I fold my arms annoyed.

"Cry about it" was all he said as he walked past me. He grabbed my arm pulling me along, he pushed me onto the sofa and then sat next to me"

I go to ask him another question until he slings his arm around me and cups his hand over my mouth.
"Just watch" he spoke calmly as I frowned at him.


Liu sat on the stair case out of sight as he looked through the banister seeing the two get along together.

EJ stood behind him confused but then silently crouched next to him.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"Jesus!" Liu whispered quietly as he flinched at the sudden appearance next to him. EJ glances through the banister curiously.

"Oh look at that" he whispered calmly.

"Yeah it's nice to see..."

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