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Finn's pov

I felt like shit watching Y/n do something so stupid, and I can't do nothing about it. After awhile everyone went inside and was slowly passing out. Jack threw up multiple times then fell asleep on his couch. The only person im concerned about is Y/n. Sadie has been trying to get my attention by drinking with Millie. She tries so hard to piss me off just so I could get mad. I'm not even mad at her, im mad about Jack. Even as a drunk fuck he was trying to make me mad by rubbing himself all over her like I can't have her. Little does he know I sleep with her more than they do.

Everyone was passing out little by little, then people started leaving. Sophia and Y/n we're hanging out for a while till Sophia left with some friends. I was about to leave but as I walked to the door I saw Y/n crying on the couch. Her makeup was rolling down her cheeks with her tears. Her hair was messed up, but I couldn't resist walking over to her. I sat down a good distance away from her. She smelled strongly like alcohol,
"What's wrong Y/n?" I ask.
"Everyth-hing's wrong." She cries.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
She faced me and got closer,
"My boyfriend doesn't love me." She cried as tears fell down her cheek.
"Your boyfriend is an asshole who doesn't deserve you." I say.
She started to cry more,
"Why don't you love me?" She cries.
She can't stay talking about one subject, her mind is everywhere.
"Y/n, I do love you." I sigh.
She started to hiccup and she almost fell onto me but she rested her head on my shoulder then got closer to me.
I looked around and saw everyone passed out or minding there own business. So I wrapped my arm around her and rested my head on her,
"Then-n why aren't you w-with me?" She snuffles.
"I shouldn't have let you slip away when I could have had you." I say softly.
"Why do you-u want me?" She coughs.
"Because you make me happy, your the best person I know, and the only person who cares about me." I say holding her tighter.

I dont know if she'll remember this tomorrow but its worth her hearing what I feel. In a way I'm happy I can tell her this without her remembering. Not that it makes it better she got drunk.
She grabbed my other hand and squeezed it,
"Your the girl of my dreams." I whispered.
"Do we still have time?" She asks.
I can tell in the tone of her voice she was falling asleep on me.
"Time for what?" I ask.
"Us?" She asks falling deeper into sleep.
"We have all the time in the world." I whispered.
I felt her hand stop squeezing mine,
She fell asleep.
I kissed her head and just held her while she slept in my arms.
There's no way I'm leaving her here to wake up to hungover jackass.
After I made sure no one was looking I carried Y/n to my car, then I got Theo from Jack's room. Theo pooped on Jack's carpet, shit I should have been taking him outside during the party. But I was so distracted with Y/n, oh well. That's Jack's problem.

I grabbed Theo's bag too then went back to my car. When I put Theo on her lap he fell asleep quickly too. I tied her seat belt and made sure her head was comfortable so she won't wake up with neck pain. I drove to my house and carried them both inside. Her heels must be uncomfortable, I took them off for her. I put her legs on my thighs and put a pair of my socks on her feet. Then I put one of my hoodies on her so she wouldn't be cold. It fit her like the dress. I tucked her into bed with Theo next to her. I dont know shit about makeup, but I got a wet cloth and took her makeup off. Tomorrow she is going to have a huge headache. But I enjoyed taking care of her, the last thing I did was give her a kiss on her cheek.

I slept on the couch thinking about the conversation we had. She feels the same. Or is it the stupidity of her being drunk. Either way I won't know for sure, and I'll probably never know.

Y/n pov

It was all a blur, the last thing I remember was Noah helping me stand. Then I was resting on Finn falling asleep. I opened my eyes and immediately felt my head pounding. Theo was licking my cheek. I popped up and felt the room spinning.
"Fuck." I groaned.
I glanced around the room,
Holy shit im in Finn's bed.
We had sex last night?
He seemed mad at me for drinking, how did I end up here?
Under the sheets,
I'm wearing Finn's hoodie and socks.
My dress is still on though.
I tried to stand up but I felt dizzy and nauseous.
But I took a deep breathe to try to relax.
Theo was jumping around, he's always energetic in the morning.
After feeling better I walked out the room and downstairs to see Finn in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Your awake, goodmorning cutie. How do you feel?" He asks rushing to me.
"Goodmorning, ugh I feel like fucken shit." I wine.
"There's a pain pill and water on the counter for your headache." He says grabbing my arm gently so I could sit down.
"Oh, thank you." I smiled and took the pill.
"Do you remember what happened?" He ask.
"Uh- we had sex?" I ask unsure.
"What? No no, Y/n I would not take advantage of you while you were drunk." He says.
"Oh, it's just I woke up in your bed." I say.
"I slept on the couch." He says.
I look over at the cough in the living room, it had a pillow and blanket on it.
"But im wearing your hoodie and socks?" I say confused.
"I thought you'd be cold so I got you comfortable, plus I put the hoodie over your dress." He says.
"Okay we didn't have sex, but how did I end up here?" I ask.
"Everyone passed out, and I didn't want to leave you there alone. So I carried you to my car with Theo, I took off your makeup, put warm clothes on you, and tucked you in bed." He says.
"Oh my god- Finn. You did all that for me?" I ask.
"Yeah, it was no biggie." He shrugs.
I sat there shocked thinking about everything he did, then he placed a plate of food in front of me.

Waffles, eggs, and bacon.
"Tea, for your throat." He says placing it next to the plate.
"Why are you doing all this?" I ask.
"You'd do the same for me, come on eat. I know you feel nauseous, food will make you get those vitamins." He says sitting next to me.
"Thank you Finn." I smile.
"Y/n, eat." He giggles.
"No really, thank you." I hugged him tightly.
I felt his hands hug me back around my waist.
"Your welcome." He says on my neck.

How was your 2020?
Mine was complete ass, one good thing  was writing stories. Doing this makes me happy :)

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