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Daily reminder: you matter.

Y/n pov

"You look like you have a lot of questions." Isabella says.
"I have tons." I sigh.
"I got time." She shrugs.
"Well I don't, so that's why I just need you to answer my main questions." I say.
"Alright, what?" Isabella asks.
"Why is she the way she is?" I ask.
"Wow- that's a hard one, well I suppose it's because she's simply a selfish person, does drugs to ignore the fact that she can't find happiness, it helps her escape earth even if it's just for a bit. But I also think she's desperate, trying to find real love- figure out what her purpose is. I personally just think it's sad she didn't find happiness or purpose in life- in you." She says.
You only find happiness when you truly want it, Lucia doesn't want to be happy. She could have had it with my dad but she lost her chance when she packed her bag and left. I just wish I knew why she doesn't want to be happy.
"Has she used you for money?" I ask.
"More times than I can count, definitely less than ten thousand though. I fell for her shit so many times, it's all just bullshit." Isabella scoffs.

"Why didn't you ever reach out to me? You obviously knew who I was-" I ask.
"Your father didn't want me around you, and neither did my sister because the last time I saw her- I called her a meth head. Which she took offensive." She says.
"Why would my dad want me to not know my family?" I ask.
"If you grew up with a connection with me, you'd eventually ask about your mother. Your father wanted nothing to do with her- and me. Since we both know your dad hates that we look like her-" Isabella says.
Instantly I knew exactly what she was talking about,
"He hates looking at the face of his one true love, that's why he left me everyday to work." I sigh.
"I hated that, I just wanted to let you live a happy life, which from what I can see- you have it all at such a young age. You deserve that." She smiles.
I have it all? Everything except a mom-
"Thank you for meeting with me." I say.
"Anytime, if I'm being honest- I'd like to see you again, maybe next time talk about aunt and niece things." She giggles.
"I'd really like that." I smile.
Isabella and I stood up from the table and hugged, she told me one last thing-
"Leo and Steph can't wait to meet you. We can plan that out whenever your ready. Also happy birthday."

When I got to my car I felt all the stress from before gone, but new pressures came up instead. Lucia, she stole from me. My dad, he lied to me too. It's funny- when your younger you think everything is so simple and easy. Until you grow up and are learning life changing things, like your mother is an addict, you have an aunt, half siblings, and the person who raised you has been punishing you from his life long pain. So I sucked it up and drove to Sophia's house quickly, today isn't the day to deal with this shit. I'm surprised how well I hid it from Sophia, but Finn is going to be the hardest one to lie to. I mean of course I don't want to ruin our birthday and breakdown, plus this stress and being overwhelmed all the time isn't good for the babies. I need to seriously get my shit together and focus on my babies.
"So have things gotten better with Noah?" I ask Sophia while I'm curling her hair.
"Sort of- he still has these weird moments." Sophia sighs.
"I'm sure everything is okay." I smile.
"I'll take your word for it, I think he said he was going to your guy's place to help Finn decorate." Sophia says.
"Aw that's nice, I was hoping Finn wouldn't have to do it all alone. Since I can't go on the ladder to help." I giggle.
"Don't worry the guys all help each other when they need it." She chuckles.
"True." I laugh.

Then we got dressed, I've been wearing more comfortable things now since my stomach is getting larger. So today I'm wearing a tight fit stretchy black dress with sandals, while Sophia wore a cute dress. That's when I drove Sophia and I back to my house, there was already a lot of people there. Of course they already started to drink, but I walked around thanking people for coming. I got a lot of personal congratulations on the babies, everyone can't wait for them to be born. But I finally got to sit down and take a breath-
"How does it feel to be nineteen?" Gaten asks.
"It feels, like I'm still the baby in the group." I giggle.
"True you are the youngest, even though Noah's only two months older than you." Caleb teases Noah.
"I'm still older!" Noah says defensive.
"Kinda." Finn says as well all laugh.
That's when I felt the babies kicking-
"They want out." I giggle feeling my stomach.
"Oh my god let me feel!" They all squeal and run over to me to touch my stomach.
The babies continued to kicked and they were all so excited to feel them.
"They're going to be just like they're father." Sophia chuckles.
"What are you trying to say?" Finn asks.
"That your feisty." She smiles.
"I think they'll get that from Y/n more than Finn." Noah laughs.
"True." I smile.

We continued to spend the day socializing, a lot of old friends were there. So it was nice to catch up with past co workers and friends. Everyone was having a blast, it's like the parties we used to have back then when Finn and I were not together. But definitely better now that we can be together freely without a worry. The time came for everyone to sing happy birthday and open presents, so first we gathered around to open presents. Finn gave me a kiss on my cheek and everyone said aww. Then they started singing happy birthday, halfway through the song Finn wrapped her arms around me-
"Happy birthday dear Finn and Y/n! Happy birthday to you!" They cheer.
Finn and I smiled and I immediately picked up my present from the table,
"Open mines first." I smile.
"She beat you to it." Gaten jokes.
We laughed and Finn grabbed the present-
He opened it and he gasped,
"It's a keychain with our initials on it, and a watch." He smiles holding it up.
"How cute." Sophia smiles.
"I had it custom made, it's real gold." I smile.
Finn gave me a hug, and he kissed me.
"Get a room!" Noah yells.
Everyone laughed and Finn gave me a tiny box,
"Now you open mine." He says.
I smiled and opened the box,
A necklace with his name on it-
"I love it." I smile.
Finn put the necklace on me and I gave him a little peck-
"Okay now can we eat cake?" Caleb asks laughing.
"They still have more presents dummy." Gaten says.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!! Feliz dia de los madres!!

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