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Finn's pov

When your waiting to here news about someone you love, it feel like an eternity of trying to be patient. Y/n's parents were really worried,
"Lucia-" Her dad says.
I faced them,
"Yeah?" She asks.
"Where were you?" He asks.
"When?" She asks.
"Dont fucken play dumb with me, you were supposed to be home with her today." He says seriously.
"I needed to run errands." Lucia says.
"Fuck your errands, my daughter is in the hospital because she was alone." He says madly.
"She's my daughter too, you always want to get rid of me. Why?" She asks getting annoyed.
"I dont trust you, nobody changes that much." He says glaring at her,
"Hm well have you thought maybe she would be here if you weren't always at fucken work. Away on business trips for days, then barely seeing our daughter." She says defending herself.
"My daughter." He rolls his eyes.
"Whatever, why do you even have a job? Y/n makes one hundred times more your salary a year." She sighs.
"How do you know that?" He asks.
Then the doctor came and interpreted there argument, thank God it was getting really tense.

"Are you the family of Y/n L/n?" He asks.
"Yes-" We say standing up,
"Your daughter had a very hard blow to the head, she is extremely lucky there was no brain bleeding." The doctor says.
"Wait- what exactly happened?" Y/n's dad asks.
"The paramedics and police department informed us that she was thrown at the glass sliding door causing her to hit her head." The doctor sighs.
"Oh my-" Her dad sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Is she okay?" Lucia asks.
"Yes, we did many scans checking for any trauma. Nothing, she is doing great. She is still unconscious unfortunately. But they're will be a large bruising on her head, she will experience migraines, trouble balancing, ringing in the ears, odd behavior, and random blury vision." He answers.
"So nothing severe?" I ask.
"No, she should be good to go home by tomorrow. We want to keep her overnight because of all the blood she lost, just to be safe." The doctor smiles.
"Oh thank you so much." Lucia says.
"She's going to be okay." Her dad sighs in relief,
"Can we see her?" I ask.
"Yes, but I must warn you- Her bruising is already happening and she doesn't look too good." The doctor says.
"Okay, thanks for letting us know." Lucia says.
"Of course, my nurse here will guide you to her room." He says.

We thanked him more and followed the nurse to her room, I saw through the window Y/n in bed. She looked normal, just sleeping. But then as I got closer I saw the other side of her head was swollen, the bruising was already a dark color. And there was a head bandaged wrapped around her head. To cover the wound she had. I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek,
"Im here my love, I won't leave your side " I whisper in here ear.
Lucia and Y/n's dad held her hand and talked to her too. But it was either too hard for them to see her this way, or they needed to finish there argument from earlier. They left outside the hospital to do I don't know what. One of the two I bet. Somethings going on with both of them, trust problems. I remember Y/n wanted nothing to do with her mom, but now I see she cares about her. Whatever happens I hope she knows I'll always be there for her.

Later the police came in and tried to interview Y/n, but they saw she was asleep and tried to talk to me.
"I'd like to stay with her if that's okay." I say, there's no way out my questioning of what happened.
"That's fine, let's get started." He sighs and sits down across the room.
I told him everything that happened from the moment I heared Theo barking to when the paramedics took Y/n. It's not like I had a choice,
"Thank you, that's all we need to know." He says standing up.
"Wait, what's going to happen to Jack?" I ask.
"Assault on a female is a Class A1 misdemeanor punishable by a maximum sentence of 150 days in jail, but if im quite honest with you I've seen many cases like this. Most of the time there is never enough evidence to prove the guy guilty." He sighs.
"How is there not enough evidence? The glass door is cracked there was blood everywhere." I say.
"Like I said it's most of the time, not all the time. I'll be back later to interview her when she awakes." He says.

He walked out and I sighed and looked where Y/n's cut is on her head. This is unfair. Time went by again, still no sign of her parents.

Y/n pov

I heared peoples voices in and out, like patches. Most of the things were confusing to me, how am I hearing strangers voice? Its blury, I can't make out what they say. But I clearly remember Finn's soft tone in his voice, not what he says but the feelings it gave me made me want to fight so I could at least hear what he was saying. I'm asleep, but why can't I wake up?  Eventually I could feel people touching my hands, and I heared snuffles. It got louder and louder like if I was coming back from being zoned out. Then I opened my eyes slowly. God my head is pounding, it feels like a thousand needles stabbing my skull. My ears started ringing. The first thing I did was look around confused, im at the hospital?

Then I see Finn with his head down, he's crying. About me? I look at his hand squeezing mine. With my other hand I put my hand on his curl, and played with them like I always do when we cuddle. He immediately raised his head, his eyes were pink and puffy. I knew he was here the whole time, I could feel him.
"Y/n, your awake!" He yells excitedly.
His excitement was too much for me, my ears were yelling at me in there own way.
He then hugged me tightly.
"What's going on?" I ask as he hugged me.
"You got hurt, but your going to be okay." he says letting go of me and holding my hand again,
"My head is throbbing." I say trying to touch my head,
But before I could Finn grabbed my hand,
"You shouldn't touch ur head, I don't want you to be in more pain." He sighs.
"Did you call the cops?" I ask.
He nodded his head,
"You were unconscious for a long time I needed to." Finn says.
"Thank you, I dont know what I'd do without you." I smile.
"I just feel guilty, I wasnt there for you." Finn sighs.
"Finn there was nothing you could do-" I sigh.
He still looked sad,
"What matters is im okay." I smile.
"Yeah, im really happy your okay." He softly smiles.
"We'll be okay." I say.
Finn kissed my cheek.

Hehe do you guys have school off today too?

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