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Finn's pov

I don't know what force pulled me towards the direction of this place but I feel lost, confused. About what my next move is, somehow I found myself here in the porch of Jack's house. Before I knocked I stood there just thinking about what I'm doing, but I can't think of a reason. So I knocked on the door and almost immediately it opened,
"Finn!?" Jack asks shocked to see me.
"Why did you open the door so fast?" I ask.
"I literally just got home like two minutes ago, what are you doing here?" He asks.
"I-I don't know-" I sigh.
Jack stared at me really confused,
"Because of you I lost everything good in my life-" I say not madly but clearly.
Jack sighed and looked like he wanted to slam the door in my face, that's when I realized too that I took Y/n from him, like he did to me.
"But you we're my best friend, and I feel like I have nobody else to go to-" I say.
Jack looked surprised,
"Um give me a sec I'll come back." He says closing the door.

So I sighed and went to my car,
Then leaned on my car door. About five minutes later Jack came out and walked over to me with this guilt walk. He saw me leaning on my car so he did too next to me.
"So you came to talk?" He asks.
"I guess- Y/n confronted me about me lying to her about you cheating on her, she doesn't even want to speak to me." I say.
"Honestly I thought she wouldn't believe me-" Jack sighs.
"Well I couldn't lie to her about it anymore, I love her." I sigh.
"-Ugh, you know I loved her too. I know I did horrible shit but I did. You took her from me as much as I did to you." He scoffs.
"You knew I liked her when I introduced you to her, and you asked her out anyways. Then you told her I lied so I could lose her forever." I say.
"I just wanted her back." He says.
"Like she'd go back to you after what you did to her-" I roll my eyes.
"I was a bad boyfriend, but she still cared about me and you know it." Jack says defending himself.

"Your crazy if you think now that she loves you, there's literally no reason why she'd ever speak to you again-" I say madly.
"-not true." He mumbles.
"What?" I ask.
"I mean- nothing." Jack sighed deeply.
He was thinking for a second,
"Listen to me, I'm no good for her. She is an amazing woman, and she deserves better than me. You are a good guy, and you will treat her right-" Jack sighs.
"And?" I ask.
"And- you'll protect her and the- the dogs." He hesitated.
"What's the point? She doesn't want to see me thanks to you. You too advantage of the lie and used it to break us up for good, do you see how cruel that is when we were so happy together?" I ask.
"-that's the thing. I didn't want her happy unless it was with me. But things changed, I understand now." He says.

"That still doesn't change the fact that Y/n hates me." I sigh.
"Do you love her?" Jack asks.
"What?" I scoff, what a dumb question.
"Do you love her?" He asks again.
"Yes, with all my heart." I say.
"Then go to her, tell her that, fix it." He says.
I looked at him, he's right. What the hell am I doing letting her slip away every minute I'm not there? So I nodded my head at Jack and without saying anything he walked back to his house. Then I went in my car and started driving to Y/n's house.

Y/n pov

Sophia and I got back from eating ice cream then went back to my house, we were sitting on the couches.
"Do I tell Finn now or later?-" I say confused.
"When ever your ready." Sophia says.
"He should know, now. But I don't know how to face him anymore." I sigh.
Then the doorbell rang,
"Hold on, I'll get it." She says getting up and running to the door quickly, suddenly I felt a tickle in my stomach. The baby kicked! I smiled and gasped. Immediately I wanted to tell Sophia but she wasn't there. So I tried to listen to who was there but all I heard was Sophia arguing, so I got up and walked to the door,
"No I said not to bother her!" Sophia whispers as I come closer,
"Please just let me see her-" He says.
I get to the door and see Sophia trying to close the door but Finn was pushing.
Finally Sophia slammed the door,
"Is that Finn?" I ask.
"Sophia!" Finn yells.

"Sophia let him in." I say walking to open the door,
"Are you sure your ready?" She asks stopping me,
"Well he's here, so why not?" I ask opening the door,
"H-Hey Y/n, how have you been?" Finn says when he lays eyes on me.
I opened the door wider,
"Come in-" I say.
I turned around to Sophia who was looking at my stomach, but I'm wearing a big hoodie so Finn can't see even if he stared.
"Sorry I didn't know if Y/n wanted to see you-"Sophia sighs.
"I understand." Finn says.
"Well I'll let you both talk, I'll see you later Y/n." Sophia says giving me a hug.
"Bye, thank you." I smile to her.

Sophia walked out and Finn was standing there awkwardly,
"Let's talk in the kitchen." I say walking away with Finn following me.
Finn sat down at the stool chair and I stood in front of him,
"So there's something I need to tell you-" I sigh.
"No let me go first-" Finn says cutting me off.
"Please let me explain-" He says cutting me off again,
"Fine." I say.
"I love you Y/n, I always have since the moment I met you. My biggest fear is losing you because you mean so much to me. So I lied, that's so excuse for what I did. But I promise, to protect you, take care of you, and love you with all I have." Finn says grabbing my hand.

I kinda smiled,
"That's so sweet. I was already going to forgive you, I love you." I smile.
"Really?" He smiles.
"Of course, plus we got bigger things to deal with- I'll get to that later though." I say.
"Uhm- okay silly." He kinda chuckles.
"See I've come to realize that when the person you love makes mistakes, there is nothing to forgive because if you love someone there's no rules and apologizes just understanding." I say.
Finn smiled bigger and hugged me,
"Thank you." He says in my ear.
"I love you." I say giving him a kiss on the lips.
"I love you." He repeats letting me go.
"Now- um I'm kinda nervous to tell you this now." I say.
"You know you can tell me anything." Finn says.
"Right so trust me right now okay?" I ask.
He nodded his head,
The baby is kicking again, perfect timing,
Then I grabbed his hand and put in under my stomach so he could feel the baby kick.
When he felt it he looked up at me shocked.

Hey guys!! So I'm currently not in my regular town and I'm going to Mexico!! Sorry if I don't post as much parts this week, I will still try my best though of course. Love you all stay safe :)

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