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Y/n pov

Finn and I continued to have the most romantic nights together. Sometimes they ended up sexual, other times they ended up being affectionate. Either way the week at the cabin was the best, I saw how much he loves me. The rest of the week we went to ice skate again, we ate so much food, and we just enjoyed every second together. But our time at the cabin ended, but the trip isn't over! After packing all of our stuff out the cabin and into the car we rented, we were on our way to Finn's parents house. I met parents before but I felt really nervous about meeting Finn's parents.

"Your nervous." Finn says grabbing my hand,
"What makes you say that?" I ask.
He continued to focus on the road but still held my hand,
"You shake ur knee when ur nervous, like the day we flew back from Georgia. On the plane you were nervous." He says.
Fuck I remember that plane ride, that's when it all started. Our story together. We were coming back to LA from our filming of Stranger Things.
"You know me well." I giggle.
"Don't worry love, my parents are going to love you." Finn smiles.
"Do they know about the- um what's going on?" I ask.
"Yeah, they try to stay on to loop with me but I called awhile ago and told them the truth." He says.
"Oh, that's smart. I think my dad is mad at me. He hasn't called me since we left, same thing with Lucia." I sigh.
"Honestly I'm on your side about Lucia, something is not right. I believe you." He says using his thumb to rub my hand.

"I'll figure it out when we go back." I say.
"I'll be here for you, but I think it's time we say something to the media." Finn sighs.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"It's been weeks since the world found out about us cheating on our relationships with each other, and I just think they need to hear our side of the story. There's so many false accusations and rumors that are not true, I know I said no drama on this trip. But I don't want us to go back to shitty reality after we had an amazing time in Vancouver. I rather us go back still happy." Finn says.
I thought about what he said,
"Your right, we should." I sigh.
The new puppy started to nibble my finger slightly. Theo was also by my feet in my car.

"I think the dogs need a potty break, when I find a gas station we should write our sides of the story then post it." Finn says.
"Okay, I have a lot to say." I sigh.
"I know I do too, I just hope people will understand us. I don't expect the whole world to forgive us but I want them to walk away knowing how we felt." Finn says.
I nodded my head then started to play with my new puppy. His name is still unknown I want it to be unique, or maybe simple. But Finn found a gas station and we let the dogs do there business, then Finn and I took out our phones then we went on Twitter to type our story. It was kinda cold standing outside but Finn stood close to me and he was so warm. So I started writing,

There are many rumors and false accusations going around regarding Jack Dylan Grazer, Finn Wolfhard, Sadie Sink, and I. Before I can begin to describe the situation and what I have been going though, I want to say that this is my side of what happened. It is true, Finn Wolfhard and I started a sexual relationship with each other while we we're in relationships. I cannot speak for Finn's side but on my part I did feel very guilty. I was ashamed of myself, reminder at this time I had no clue Jack was cheating on me. But I still continued to have this relationship with Finn, because I hoped I would get a real relationship with him. Jack was always busy, he never gave me attention anymore. Now I know what he was really doing, but that does not give me an excuse to cheat.

Finn and I ended up falling in love with each other, the way I feel for Finn is indescribable. He is amazing to me, he treats me how I've never been treated by any guy before, and he is my soulmate. For years we felt something for each other but never started anything. I don't regret what I did because of what I got out of it, I got Finn. But when I found out about Jack, Finn was there for me. I never wanted to see Jack again but for weeks he bothered me till eventually he caught me alone, then he hurt me physically. It was on the news how I was in the hospital. Jack picked me up from my shirt, then threw me at a glass sliding door. He was furious with me, and that's why he did what he did. Again not an excuse though. I take full responsibility for what I did on my part, but I don't want to keep defending myself for my feelings towards Finn. I'm currently on a trip with Finn, we both really needed a break from LA. Thank you for reading, I hope you can now understand my side of my story.

Once I finish I sighed and gave my phone to Finn so he could read it before I post it, and he handed his phone to me too. And I started to read what he wrote,

The past week I have been out of LA in my hometown trying to escape everything, which I'm sure you all are aware of what that is. On my part all I want to say is out off all of it, I found the love of my life. She's been there all along but I let her slip away, now that I have her I couldn't have asked for it to have happened any differently. Thinking back there are some things I wish happened differently, I regret letting Jack hurt Y/n. But I do not regret cheating, as horrible as that sounds Sadie was being obsessive. She acted like I was hers only, like I was property. I don't want to expose too much information but I will say this, Sadie was never in love with me. As I was never in love with her, she only dated me to get back at Y/n. Which she has been jealous of since before she even met her. It was all to get at Y/n.

Nobody is perfect, not even me or Y/n. We make mistakes just like everyone else, I think people forget that we are humans too. Because I am human, I do dumb things for love. In this case I cheated, because for years I was in love with a girl I met, she swept me off my feet. We make each other happy, that all the matters to me. I would give up everything for her, she means the world and more to me. When I'm with her I feel the most happiness I felt in all my life. Nothing will change how I feel. I also feel I shouldn't have to defend myself about my emotions towards Y/n and how I shouldn't be explaining myself about this situation. But this is how my life is, I accept everyone's responses about how they feel towards me after this. Have a nice day.

I finished reading what he wrote and kinda smiled, the way he described his love for me made me blush. He was smiling too,
"I'm proud of you." He stays grabbing my hand,
"Really? I was going to say I'm proud of you." I giggle.
"Your so strong, one thing I admire about you." He says giving me a huge hug,
"I don't deserve someone so amazing." I whispered in his ear.
We kissed then I felt the dogs paws on my leg, I pulled away and the puppy was on Finn while Theo was on my leg.
"I think they're cold." I giggle.
"Well let's post it really quick then we'll go." Finn chuckles.
We both pushed post at the same time, then we smiled at each other. I picked up the dogs and carried them back into the car.

Then we were back on the freeway,
The puppy fell asleep on my lap and Theo was resting on my feet. Finn held my hand as we drove, and eventually we pulled up to the driveway of Finn's parents house. That's when the nerves came shooting back at me.

How are y'all doing? ;)

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